
Sunday, January 6, 2008

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars:
see that ye be not troubled: for all of these things must come
to pass; but the end is not yet.
Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom
against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences,
and earthquakes, in divers places.

My Word says that there shall be wars and rumors of wars.
Do not allow your heart to be troubled my children.
Many of my children are troubled and walking in fear.
When you are troubled, you are not trusting in Me.

I can keep you in the palm of My hand.
Do you not know that you belong to Me.
Your life is in My hands.
Do not be troubled and do not fear but put your trust in Me

There are many voices in this hour and many words being
spoken and many are valid.
Many are not.
This can lead to confusion if your eyes are not upon me
Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith.
Put your trust in Me.

I am the Lord and there is no other place where you should
put you trust.
Trust in Me.
Have no other gods before Me.

I will use prophets to speak my words but you must learn
to take the prophetic word and test it with scripture.
Pray for wisdom.
Try all things.
Learn to hear from Me.

Many of my children do not know My voice and this
is where the confusion is coming in.
You need to know My voice.
Know my voice.
Learn to know My voice by sitting at my feet.
Take time to be still.
Open your Word and sit before Me and soak in My
Be still before Me and you will know that I am God.

I desire to talk with you.
Come aside and talk with Me.
Come before Me with a holy heart and I will talk to you.

My sheep need to know My voice.
Hear My voice.
You will not follow another when you know Me.
My sheep know My voice.

I am the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Hear Me.
Try all things.
Test the spirit to know whether it is of God.
The spirit and the Word will always agree.

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Does a word draw you closer to Me.
Fear not.
Fear not.
Fear not.
Children do not fear anyone but fear the Lord.
Perfect love casts out all fear because fear has
The enemy loves to torment.
I lead and guide by My Holy Spirit and I am peace.
I will lead and guide you into all truth.
You need truth in this hour.

I will lead you and as you wait on Me, I shall answer
You shall know what to do and the decisions you
must make.

Spend time with Me.
I am calling all of my children into the prayer closet.
Open the door and enter my beloved,
for I would spend time with you.
I would calm your heart and touch your ruffled
soul and bring you peace in the time of storm.
I would take you into my arms and love you and
wrap my everlasting arms around you and you shall
know that I am your Father and the comfort of my
spirit will be with you. As you spend time with Me
my Holy Spirit will begin to arise within you and you
shall know that your dwelling place is in Me.
All other ground is going to sink and come to nothing
but you are being held in the arms of God.
Let me take you and hold you in My arms.
I am the Lord.
Put your trust in Me.
I am your God.
Love Me.
Get all things right with me.
Know that I desire your best and you will have my
best for your life.
I bring joy not confusion.
I am not, I repeat, not the author of confusion.
Seek peace and pursue it.
Love it and you shall have peace.
In this world you shall have tribulation but be
of good cheer, I have over come the world.
I overcame and you too will overcome.
Your will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb
and the Word of your Testimony.
Love not your lives unto death, but love Me.
I Jesus will see you through.
Trust Me.

Come aside with Me my beloved.
Allow the storm to pass.
I am here and want to put my arms of compassion
around you and love you.
You are mine and were bought with a price.
Come into My presence.
My presence is real.
Fellowship with Me.

Lay aside all the cares of this life, what you shall eat,
what you shall drink and what you will wear tomorrow.
These are the concerns of the world.
Know that I am your provision.
You are in this world but not of it.

The world fears.
Perfect love casts out all fear.
Walk in faith.
Do not waver.
Have faith in Me.
Faith in Jesus the Son of God who died and gave
himself for you.

Come close to Me.
Come closer.
I am drawing you.
Come closer to Me.
I am here.
I am calling.
Come against the fear and rebuke it.
It shall leave.
Come close to me.
Faith is the opposite of fear.

Learn my Word
Fill your heart with faith filled words.
Words from my Spirit.
Words from the Word of God.
Keep my Word in your hearts
and dwell in them.
Watch and guard your heart for out of it
come the issues of life.
Guard your heart against fear.
Fear not.
I am saying this to you often because
I know the tendency of man to fear.
It began in the garden of eden and
man has been troubled with this spirit
ever since he first sinned.
Walk in newness of life for I died to set
you free from the spirit of death and to
give you life. I broke the power over the
enemy when I died for you and rose again.
I fought for you.
Now stand and fight for Me.
Arise and shine for this shall be your finest
I will sustain you.
O you of little faith.
Be prepared for what is coming upon this earth
but turn your eyes my beloved and look into
mine for you shall see my passion and love
for you my beloved.
Arise and shine forth as a bright light in this dark
I have given you the victory. Take that victory and
overcome in My Name.
There is power and authority in the name of Jesus
over all power of the enemy.
Take it and use it.
Fight for the good against the evil.
Do not fight people.
You are waring not against flesh and blood but against
the principalities and powers of this world, spiritual
wickedness in high places.
Fear is in high places and must be brought down.
Come together as a body and remove the fear from
the heavenlies for it is a spirit that hovers over the land
because of sin.
Repent of fear.
Trust in Me and you will have no fear.
Pray also for your children and be careful not to transfer
fear to your little ones in your conversation.
Children have listening ears and they are the church of
tomorrow and need to have their hearts guarded.

Above all, children put you total trust in me for I Jesus will
shortly bring things to pass that must come but be of good
cheer for I overcame the world, the flesh and the devil
and used the word and overcame.

You too shall walk as overcomer's as
you trust in me.