
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Message to the Lukewarm Church

I would restore you.
I would take you in My arms and bring healing to
your Nation. I am speaking to the lukewarm church.
It is time to wake up and do your first works.
It is time to arise and I will give you the light of My
Word. It shall shine on your path and lighten your
way. You are walking in darkness with one foot in
the world and one foot in the church.
It is time that you arise off the fence and make a
decision for Me.
It is time to serve Me whole heartedly and to
come out of the world.

I am speaking and knocking at the door of your
heart. Remember when you heart was on fire
with Me and My Word touched you.
Do you remember when the name of Jesus stirred
your heart and I was your first love?
I desire to be the first love in your life.
I would have you to desire Me above things.
The things of this world will soon perish
but the Word of the Lord will live forever.
Labor for the things that do not perish.
I am knocking. I am knocking. I am knocking.
I am knocking at hearts and calling you to

This my dear children is a call from God that
loves you.
This is the call of a Father to His children.
This is a call to repent of your sins.
Repent of the secret sin and the sin that so
easily besets you.
Turn from your sin.
Run away from your sin and run into the arms
of a loving Father.
This is the time of grace.
This is the time of undeserved favor.
The time of undeserved favor is running out.
The time of judgment is near.
I am knocking at the door of your heart.
Do not harden your heart in rebellion but come
to Me and I will take you in My arms.
I will wrap you in My arms and wash you clean.
I will take you and I will clean you up and you will
serve Me.
Now is the time to serve Me.
Now is the time to serve Me even in your youth
before the days come and you find no pleasure
in them.
Now is the time.
Now is the time.
I am knocking and now is the day of your
Choose this day who you will serve.
Choose life.
Choose Christ and live.