Lift up your voice and sing praises to My Holy name.
Let the high praises be in your mouth.
Lift up your voice and magnify Me.
I am the Lord and deserving of your praise.
Exalt My name.
Rejoice in Me.
I am the author and finisher of your faith.
Rejoice in Me.
Praise Me this day for this is a day that I have made.
I have made this world and all that is within it.
Bless My Holy name.
I am the Lord and there is none other like Me.
I am God.
I am the Almighty.
All will soon know that I am the Lord, from the
smallest to the greatest.
Know that I am faithful.
I am the Son of God.
I am the Son of the Living God.
I and My Father are One.
If you have seen Me, than you have seen My Father also.
Glorify Me, My people.
Glorify Me in all your conversation.
Let your Words be few except in praise of Me.
The name of the Lord is Holy.
Know My Holiness.
Know the Truth of My Word.
I am truth.
I am life.
Soon My glory shall be seen and you will see a new wave
of My glory throughout the earth.
Expect it in the midst of the storm.
All the earth will rage but My name will be exalted in the midst
of the tribulations that are happening.
Praise will be the key to overcoming in this hour.
Overcomer's will praise Me.
Overcomer's are learning to praise Me.
Overcome beloved, overcome.
Praise Me Beloved. Praise Me.
Exalt Me as the Holy One of Israel.
Exalt Me as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin
of the world.
I am Deity. I am Deity.
Bow down before Me.
Humble yourself before Me.
The more you know Me the more humble you shall be
in My Most Holy presence.
I am God and there is no one like Me.
Come into My presence with fear and trembling.
Come into My presence with reverence and praise.
Come before Me with repentant hearts.
Come before Me and surrender all that you are.
Surrender your will to mine.
I will live fully in you and you will be wholly Mine.
Surrender all. Surrender all. Surrender all.
This is the Word of the Lord who would have all His
people to praise and honor Him.
Allow Me to touch a hot coal to your lips and give Me
Holy praise, for I am the Lord.
Bless My Holy name.
Let the high praises be in your mouth.
Lift up your voice and magnify Me.
I am the Lord and deserving of your praise.
Exalt My name.
Rejoice in Me.
I am the author and finisher of your faith.
Rejoice in Me.
Praise Me this day for this is a day that I have made.
I have made this world and all that is within it.
Bless My Holy name.
I am the Lord and there is none other like Me.
I am God.
I am the Almighty.
All will soon know that I am the Lord, from the
smallest to the greatest.
Know that I am faithful.
I am the Son of God.
I am the Son of the Living God.
I and My Father are One.
If you have seen Me, than you have seen My Father also.
Glorify Me, My people.
Glorify Me in all your conversation.
Let your Words be few except in praise of Me.
The name of the Lord is Holy.
Know My Holiness.
Know the Truth of My Word.
I am truth.
I am life.
Soon My glory shall be seen and you will see a new wave
of My glory throughout the earth.
Expect it in the midst of the storm.
All the earth will rage but My name will be exalted in the midst
of the tribulations that are happening.
Praise will be the key to overcoming in this hour.
Overcomer's will praise Me.
Overcomer's are learning to praise Me.
Overcome beloved, overcome.
Praise Me Beloved. Praise Me.
Exalt Me as the Holy One of Israel.
Exalt Me as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin
of the world.
I am Deity. I am Deity.
Bow down before Me.
Humble yourself before Me.
The more you know Me the more humble you shall be
in My Most Holy presence.
I am God and there is no one like Me.
Come into My presence with fear and trembling.
Come into My presence with reverence and praise.
Come before Me with repentant hearts.
Come before Me and surrender all that you are.
Surrender your will to mine.
I will live fully in you and you will be wholly Mine.
Surrender all. Surrender all. Surrender all.
This is the Word of the Lord who would have all His
people to praise and honor Him.
Allow Me to touch a hot coal to your lips and give Me
Holy praise, for I am the Lord.
Bless My Holy name.