My words are not always what My children
want to hear but they are what they need to
hear to grow up into the full measure of
One foot in and one foot out.
This is what I am hearing.
God is saying many of His children have one
foot in the world and one foot in the church.
Many are sitting on the fence.
Moving and testing the waters on both sides
and even swimming in the enemy's dirty stream.
Today is the day to come out of the valley
of decision and make a clear decision to follow
Christ. It is only in following Him that you
will be cleansed from sin and have the hope
of eternal life.
Now is the day to decide whom you will serve
for you know you cannot serve two masters.
Decide to follow Me.
I am the way the truth and the life and no
man can come to the Father but by Me.
Choose the way of the cross. Choose Christ
crucified and accept My finished work.
I died and rose again for your sin. Come
out of your sin and come to Me and you
will have life now and in eternity.
Take up your cross and follow Me.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Prophesy, Prophesy, Prophesy
Stir up the gift that is in you.
Children stir up the gift that is within you.
I would not have your gifts to lay dormant.
Stir them up.
Speak the Word of the Lord.
I would have you to arise and speak My Words.
Speak to the people.
Speak to the church.
Speak for it is not time to keep silent.
Speak My Words in love.
Tell men everywhere it is time to repent and do
their first works.
It is time that those that bear My name arise and
speak the Word of God.
It is time. It is time. It is time.
Declare the truth in My Word.
Declare that there is one way that man may
be saved.
Declare that I died on the cross and rose again
that man might have life.
Speak the salvation message and share the good
news of the Kingdom. Preach My Kingdom.
I am coming soon.
I am coming soon.
I am coming and will do a short work in the earth.
Declare My Word while there is time.
Declare My Word while you have time.
Declare the Word of the Lord to men everywhere
for I am not willing that any should perish but that
all should come to the truth.
I Jesus am the truth and the life and there is no other
way where man may be saved.
Preach My Word in truth and love.
I will draw men to myself.
One will sow. One will water. I will give the increase.
Do not keep silent but speak, declare and decree
the Word of the Lord.
Children stir up the gift that is within you.
I would not have your gifts to lay dormant.
Stir them up.
Speak the Word of the Lord.
I would have you to arise and speak My Words.
Speak to the people.
Speak to the church.
Speak for it is not time to keep silent.
Speak My Words in love.
Tell men everywhere it is time to repent and do
their first works.
It is time that those that bear My name arise and
speak the Word of God.
It is time. It is time. It is time.
Declare the truth in My Word.
Declare that there is one way that man may
be saved.
Declare that I died on the cross and rose again
that man might have life.
Speak the salvation message and share the good
news of the Kingdom. Preach My Kingdom.
I am coming soon.
I am coming soon.
I am coming and will do a short work in the earth.
Declare My Word while there is time.
Declare My Word while you have time.
Declare the Word of the Lord to men everywhere
for I am not willing that any should perish but that
all should come to the truth.
I Jesus am the truth and the life and there is no other
way where man may be saved.
Preach My Word in truth and love.
I will draw men to myself.
One will sow. One will water. I will give the increase.
Do not keep silent but speak, declare and decree
the Word of the Lord.
Shout and the Walls Will Come Down
It is time. It is time. It is time to get angry at
the enemy and tear down the walls.
Children it is time to tear down the walls the enemy
has built in your life.
As the children of Israel came against the walls
of Jericho so I would have you to come against
the walls the enemy has build up in your life.
Go forward at My command and do that which
I tell you.
I will give you wisdom to know how to combat
the enemy and take the walls down.
Shout to the Lord. Shout and praise My name.
For no one goes into battle without praise in their
Worship Me. Lift up your hands and magnify
My Holy Name.
I am the Lord of Hosts and worthy to be praised.
As you praise and worship, dance and sing and
call on Me the walls will come down in My name.
Again, I say, wait on Me.
Move forward at My command and take down
the walls of the enemy.
Then build up the hedge so that he
can no longer come into your camp.
Build it up through prayer and intercession and
obedience to My Word.
Rejoice this day and serve Me with gladness
for I am the Lord and have not forgotten you.
Again I say, rejoice in the Lord.
the enemy and tear down the walls.
Children it is time to tear down the walls the enemy
has built in your life.
As the children of Israel came against the walls
of Jericho so I would have you to come against
the walls the enemy has build up in your life.
Go forward at My command and do that which
I tell you.
I will give you wisdom to know how to combat
the enemy and take the walls down.
Shout to the Lord. Shout and praise My name.
For no one goes into battle without praise in their
Worship Me. Lift up your hands and magnify
My Holy Name.
I am the Lord of Hosts and worthy to be praised.
As you praise and worship, dance and sing and
call on Me the walls will come down in My name.
Again, I say, wait on Me.
Move forward at My command and take down
the walls of the enemy.
Then build up the hedge so that he
can no longer come into your camp.
Build it up through prayer and intercession and
obedience to My Word.
Rejoice this day and serve Me with gladness
for I am the Lord and have not forgotten you.
Again I say, rejoice in the Lord.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Dance in the Presence of the King
Where are My people?
Where are My people that I have called to pray?
Where are those that are to be in intercession for the
Where are those that are seeking My face?
Where are they?
Busy about much that is not of Me.
My children are so busy.
Knocking, ever knocking at the door of hearts.
I am ever knocking and calling you into My
I am calling and saying "come".
Come My people into My presence
and sit awhile and fellowship with Me.
I shall tell you great and wonderful things.
I shall also tell you things to come.
The things to come are not all good.
But know that My glory shall rest upon many.
My glory shall be seen in the days ahead,
I say the days ahead because a thousand years
is as a day and a day as a thousand years.
I am calling you into the dining room of
My presence to feast on the Father's love.
I am calling you to come and let us reason
Come to Me and abide with Me.
Come to Me in the night season.
I will whisper in your ear.
Come and talk with Me and hear
My heartbeat.
Come to Me and let us flow together as
Come beloved of mine.
No longer will you stand on the sideline
for I am calling you to dance with Me.
Dance child dance and you will know My
power and the liberty that shall set you
more free than you have ever been.
Come dance in My presence and enter
into the joy of your Lord.
Dance child dance.
Sing child sing.
Rejoice child rejoice
in the presence of your King.
Where are My people that I have called to pray?
Where are those that are to be in intercession for the
Where are those that are seeking My face?
Where are they?
Busy about much that is not of Me.
My children are so busy.
Knocking, ever knocking at the door of hearts.
I am ever knocking and calling you into My
I am calling and saying "come".
Come My people into My presence
and sit awhile and fellowship with Me.
I shall tell you great and wonderful things.
I shall also tell you things to come.
The things to come are not all good.
But know that My glory shall rest upon many.
My glory shall be seen in the days ahead,
I say the days ahead because a thousand years
is as a day and a day as a thousand years.
I am calling you into the dining room of
My presence to feast on the Father's love.
I am calling you to come and let us reason
Come to Me and abide with Me.
Come to Me in the night season.
I will whisper in your ear.
Come and talk with Me and hear
My heartbeat.
Come to Me and let us flow together as
Come beloved of mine.
No longer will you stand on the sideline
for I am calling you to dance with Me.
Dance child dance and you will know My
power and the liberty that shall set you
more free than you have ever been.
Come dance in My presence and enter
into the joy of your Lord.
Dance child dance.
Sing child sing.
Rejoice child rejoice
in the presence of your King.
Turn to Me in your loneliness. I am allowing it to bring you
closer to Me. I am stirring every moving and the tears you
shed now are bottled in heaven. Know that your calling
makes this deep work necessary. How can you truly minister
to others if you do not know what I suffered. It is one thing
to have the outward title but the inward work must bring
to death all that is not of Me. Rejoice in your sufferings
knowing that they are bringing about My fruit in your life.
Know also that your brothers and sisters are going through
the same afflictions for the name of Jesus. Turn your
tears into intercession and fill your heart with My Word.
It will sustain you. It will strengthen you and it will
lead you home.
closer to Me. I am stirring every moving and the tears you
shed now are bottled in heaven. Know that your calling
makes this deep work necessary. How can you truly minister
to others if you do not know what I suffered. It is one thing
to have the outward title but the inward work must bring
to death all that is not of Me. Rejoice in your sufferings
knowing that they are bringing about My fruit in your life.
Know also that your brothers and sisters are going through
the same afflictions for the name of Jesus. Turn your
tears into intercession and fill your heart with My Word.
It will sustain you. It will strengthen you and it will
lead you home.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Guard Your Heart
Put a watch at the door of your heart.
Guard the peace I have given you. I
will put a guard at the door of your heart
as you trust in Me. Watch over your heart
for out of it flow the issues of life. A tender
heart can easily be hurt so you must ask Me
to guard your heart .
Submit to Me and in all of your ways, acknowledge
Me and I will direct your path. I will watch over
the pathway's of your heart. I keep your heart
clean and so each one needs to daily allow Me to
create in them a clean heart. Search your heart
for out of it flow the issues of life. Keep your heart
clean from all the issues of life that can defile.
Guard the door of your heart. Daily bring your
heart before Me and allow Me to search it. I
will not hurt you. I will not condenm you. I am
the one that created you in the image of God
and I am God who looks upon the heart.
Guard the peace I have given you. I
will put a guard at the door of your heart
as you trust in Me. Watch over your heart
for out of it flow the issues of life. A tender
heart can easily be hurt so you must ask Me
to guard your heart .
Submit to Me and in all of your ways, acknowledge
Me and I will direct your path. I will watch over
the pathway's of your heart. I keep your heart
clean and so each one needs to daily allow Me to
create in them a clean heart. Search your heart
for out of it flow the issues of life. Keep your heart
clean from all the issues of life that can defile.
Guard the door of your heart. Daily bring your
heart before Me and allow Me to search it. I
will not hurt you. I will not condenm you. I am
the one that created you in the image of God
and I am God who looks upon the heart.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Put Out the Fire in Jesus Name
The enemy would fuel fires but you have been
given My authority to put them out.
Use the name of Jesus to put out the fires the
enemy has started and prevent others.
There is power in the name of Jesus over all
power of the enemy and nothing shall in any
means hurt you.
Do not doubt the authority I have given
you but walk in it.
given My authority to put them out.
Use the name of Jesus to put out the fires the
enemy has started and prevent others.
There is power in the name of Jesus over all
power of the enemy and nothing shall in any
means hurt you.
Do not doubt the authority I have given
you but walk in it.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Power in Prayer
As My children come together in unity there is
power in prayer. One can put a thousand to
flight and two ten thousand. A three stranded
cord is not easily broken.
Where two or three stand together in My name
it shall be done of My Father which is in heaven.
Use the authority I have given you and wield
the sword and cut through all that is coming
against you. Join together in united prayer for
a three stranded cord is not easily broken and
you will prevail.
And if one prevail against him, two shall
withstand him; and a threefold cord is
not quickly broken. Ecclesiates 4: 12
power in prayer. One can put a thousand to
flight and two ten thousand. A three stranded
cord is not easily broken.
Where two or three stand together in My name
it shall be done of My Father which is in heaven.
Use the authority I have given you and wield
the sword and cut through all that is coming
against you. Join together in united prayer for
a three stranded cord is not easily broken and
you will prevail.
And if one prevail against him, two shall
withstand him; and a threefold cord is
not quickly broken. Ecclesiates 4: 12
Thursday, February 21, 2008
What if My People?
What if all My people prayed and called on My name?
What if all My people walked in love one toward
another? What if they read My word each day and
dug deeply into it? What if? What would happened
if they prayed for the sick?
What would happened if all gave into the Kingdom?
What if all were in the place I have called them to
be? What if? What if they saw Me as I am? What
if they knew I am a Holy God? What if all My
children walked in unity one with the other?
What if? What if I was number one in all my
children's lives? What if My people that are
called by My named humbled themselves and
prayed, and turned from their wicked ways?
What if intercession was going forth day and
night by those called to intercede. What if you
did all I have called you to do today? Search
your hearts and know that I am God and
calling you to serve Me fully today.
What if all My people walked in love one toward
another? What if they read My word each day and
dug deeply into it? What if? What would happened
if they prayed for the sick?
What would happened if all gave into the Kingdom?
What if all were in the place I have called them to
be? What if? What if they saw Me as I am? What
if they knew I am a Holy God? What if all My
children walked in unity one with the other?
What if? What if I was number one in all my
children's lives? What if My people that are
called by My named humbled themselves and
prayed, and turned from their wicked ways?
What if intercession was going forth day and
night by those called to intercede. What if you
did all I have called you to do today? Search
your hearts and know that I am God and
calling you to serve Me fully today.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Hour is Late
Know the sweetness of My voice. Hear the
tenderness of My call. I am calling. I am calling.
I am calling all men everywhere
to repentance.
I am calling and saying come to Me for the hour
is late and the day of the Lord is at hand. Call
on Me while there is time. Call on Me now.
Seek Me while I may be found.
Men are going to and fro not knowing where
to turn. Turn to Me, backsliders return to Me
for I am the author and the finisher of faith.
Come to Me today bend your will to mine.
Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Turn to the living God who will save your soul.
Again I say to you. Do not put off till tomorrow
what you need to do today to be saved.
Come and give your heart to Me.
I am Jesus and knocking at the door of hearts today.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Write the Vision
I have set a vision before you.
You have had prophetic words spoken into your
life. These words have been tested and tried and
you know they are of God.
Time has gone by and you are still waiting for these
words to come to pass.
Do not be discouraged and do not loose sight of the
words that I spoke to you.
Hide the Word in your heart and write the vision
down. The vision is for an appointed time set by
Me. I am speaking into your life and working
daily in you so that when the time comes you will
be prepared to do My work.
Right now prepare what I tell you to prepare and
walk in My Word.
Do not allow the religious spirit to kill your vision.
Many well meaning people will speak words to
discourage you and these words are often spoken
in ignorance but used by the enemy.
Write down what I have spoken to you and wage
war with that word.
At an appointed time as you are obedient the
vision will come to pass.
2 Then the LORD answered me and said:
"Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.
3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak,
and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:2,3 (NKJV)
You have had prophetic words spoken into your
life. These words have been tested and tried and
you know they are of God.
Time has gone by and you are still waiting for these
words to come to pass.
Do not be discouraged and do not loose sight of the
words that I spoke to you.
Hide the Word in your heart and write the vision
down. The vision is for an appointed time set by
Me. I am speaking into your life and working
daily in you so that when the time comes you will
be prepared to do My work.
Right now prepare what I tell you to prepare and
walk in My Word.
Do not allow the religious spirit to kill your vision.
Many well meaning people will speak words to
discourage you and these words are often spoken
in ignorance but used by the enemy.
Write down what I have spoken to you and wage
war with that word.
At an appointed time as you are obedient the
vision will come to pass.
2 Then the LORD answered me and said:
"Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.
3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak,
and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:2,3 (NKJV)
Extend the Hand of Mercy
I am looking for mercy in My church.
I am looking for mercy in My people.
My Word says, "Be merciful and you
will obtain mercy". I am a merciful God.
I am the high priest that has extended
mercy when judgment was at the door.
I have extended My mercy again and
again to My people and to those that are
without, looking for repentance in the
hearts of men. My mercy has been
extended many times and I am calling
men everywhere to repentance. Repent
for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Blessed are those that will show mercy
in this hour and be My hand extended
for as you show mercy you shall receive
mercy, for I am a God of mercy and find
no joy in bringing judgment. Extend the
hand of mercy for I am merciful, says
the Lord.
I am looking for mercy in My people.
My Word says, "Be merciful and you
will obtain mercy". I am a merciful God.
I am the high priest that has extended
mercy when judgment was at the door.
I have extended My mercy again and
again to My people and to those that are
without, looking for repentance in the
hearts of men. My mercy has been
extended many times and I am calling
men everywhere to repentance. Repent
for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Blessed are those that will show mercy
in this hour and be My hand extended
for as you show mercy you shall receive
mercy, for I am a God of mercy and find
no joy in bringing judgment. Extend the
hand of mercy for I am merciful, says
the Lord.
Begin to Move
My children it is time to start doing battle
against all that is coming against you and
your God given rights, to have the Word
of God come to pass in your life. It is time
to take the Word of God and do battle
with it and come against all that has been
coming against you and your family.
It is time to take back what the enemy
has stolen from you. It is time, says the
Lord to go into the camp of the enemy
and retrieve what is yours. You have
waited a long time, and it is now that
you must move against the enemy of
your souls and fight for what is yours,
according to My Word.
It is time to take the promises of God
and call them into being for you and
your family. It is time to destroy the
Pharaoh in your life. It is time to no
longer accept less than your destiny.
It is time to claim the destiny Words
spoken over you by the prophets.
It is time to claim the Rhema words
I have spoken to you. It is time to
decree the manifold wisdom of God
in your life.
It is time to declare that your children
will be saved and come back. It is time
that the prodigal sons and daughters
come home. It is time to see the
greater works of God manifested in
this hour. It is time to see the
healings you have longed to see.
It is time to see the prayers you have
prayed, bear fruit, life giving fruit
that you have longed to see.
Call in those things that are not as
though they are and decree a thing
from My Word and it shall come to pass.
There are those of you that have been
given the power of the decree and you
shall speak a Word and it shall happen.
I have given you My authority and it is
time that My authority be declared
through the earth.
It is time that the enemy know without
doubt that his time is short and that he
has been defeated. It is time that you
gather together as one in the unity of
the Spirit and teardown the strongholds
of the enemy and together declare victory
and have a sharpened sword that works
against the enemy.
It is time that you line up your mouth
with My Word and not talk in a negative
way. It is time. My children that are weary
it is time that you ask Me for strength and
fresh oil. It is time that you arise and I
shall give you light to walk on the path.
It is time that you walk by faith and not
by sight. It is time that you see the
victories that you have not seen. It is
time that I am able to release My angels
into the heavenly and earthly realm to
do battle for you and fight on your behalf.
You have not because you ask not or I
would have sent My angels in to help you.
It is time that you know My Word for My
children err because they do not know My
Word. It is time that My Word became
the life flowing through you.
Children it is time that you know you are
mine and that you were were bought with
a price, the price of My shed blood. It is
time beloved that you understand the
price I paid for you and that the price
was paid for you in full. It is time. It is
time. It is time. It is time for My glory
to be seen in you. It is time that you begin
to walk in the heavenly realm and instead
of the earthly. It is time to lay hands on
the sick and see them recover.
Beloved, speak to yourself, and tell yourself,
it is time, say" it is my time to arise and
shine as one that serves the Lord Jesus
Christ". It is time that you put away the
shame and walk as one that knows Me
whereever you go. It is time that you
walked as My disciples walked and do
your first works. It is time to declare to
the enemy, let Gods people go.
It is time that your weapons of warfare
become sharpened. It is time that the
gifts of the Spirit of God are flowing
through you. It is time for some of
you that those gifts are fully mature.
It is time for you to start walking forward,
moving ahead, step by step, here a little,
there a little, precept upon precept and
take all for Me. I am the Lord and I declare
unto you that this is possible for with God
all things are possible. I would not tell you
it is time to move and not give you the
ability to perform My Word. Again, I say
unto you it is time. It is time.
against all that is coming against you and
your God given rights, to have the Word
of God come to pass in your life. It is time
to take the Word of God and do battle
with it and come against all that has been
coming against you and your family.
It is time to take back what the enemy
has stolen from you. It is time, says the
Lord to go into the camp of the enemy
and retrieve what is yours. You have
waited a long time, and it is now that
you must move against the enemy of
your souls and fight for what is yours,
according to My Word.
It is time to take the promises of God
and call them into being for you and
your family. It is time to destroy the
Pharaoh in your life. It is time to no
longer accept less than your destiny.
It is time to claim the destiny Words
spoken over you by the prophets.
It is time to claim the Rhema words
I have spoken to you. It is time to
decree the manifold wisdom of God
in your life.
It is time to declare that your children
will be saved and come back. It is time
that the prodigal sons and daughters
come home. It is time to see the
greater works of God manifested in
this hour. It is time to see the
healings you have longed to see.
It is time to see the prayers you have
prayed, bear fruit, life giving fruit
that you have longed to see.
Call in those things that are not as
though they are and decree a thing
from My Word and it shall come to pass.
There are those of you that have been
given the power of the decree and you
shall speak a Word and it shall happen.
I have given you My authority and it is
time that My authority be declared
through the earth.
It is time that the enemy know without
doubt that his time is short and that he
has been defeated. It is time that you
gather together as one in the unity of
the Spirit and teardown the strongholds
of the enemy and together declare victory
and have a sharpened sword that works
against the enemy.
It is time that you line up your mouth
with My Word and not talk in a negative
way. It is time. My children that are weary
it is time that you ask Me for strength and
fresh oil. It is time that you arise and I
shall give you light to walk on the path.
It is time that you walk by faith and not
by sight. It is time that you see the
victories that you have not seen. It is
time that I am able to release My angels
into the heavenly and earthly realm to
do battle for you and fight on your behalf.
You have not because you ask not or I
would have sent My angels in to help you.
It is time that you know My Word for My
children err because they do not know My
Word. It is time that My Word became
the life flowing through you.
Children it is time that you know you are
mine and that you were were bought with
a price, the price of My shed blood. It is
time beloved that you understand the
price I paid for you and that the price
was paid for you in full. It is time. It is
time. It is time. It is time for My glory
to be seen in you. It is time that you begin
to walk in the heavenly realm and instead
of the earthly. It is time to lay hands on
the sick and see them recover.
Beloved, speak to yourself, and tell yourself,
it is time, say" it is my time to arise and
shine as one that serves the Lord Jesus
Christ". It is time that you put away the
shame and walk as one that knows Me
whereever you go. It is time that you
walked as My disciples walked and do
your first works. It is time to declare to
the enemy, let Gods people go.
It is time that your weapons of warfare
become sharpened. It is time that the
gifts of the Spirit of God are flowing
through you. It is time for some of
you that those gifts are fully mature.
It is time for you to start walking forward,
moving ahead, step by step, here a little,
there a little, precept upon precept and
take all for Me. I am the Lord and I declare
unto you that this is possible for with God
all things are possible. I would not tell you
it is time to move and not give you the
ability to perform My Word. Again, I say
unto you it is time. It is time.
Standing Against the Oppressive Spirit
The oppressive spirit that has been trying to bind
you is being broken in Jesus name. Yes, tonight
that spirit is being broken as you praise My name
and give it no place in your life.
Take My Sword and cut through it and do not give
it one inch. The name of Jesus will take out that
spirit as you use My name with authority. My
keys have been given to you to use. Use My
name and defeat the powers of darkness. You
are more than a conqueror in My name.
"Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind
on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever
you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18 (NKJV)
you is being broken in Jesus name. Yes, tonight
that spirit is being broken as you praise My name
and give it no place in your life.
Take My Sword and cut through it and do not give
it one inch. The name of Jesus will take out that
spirit as you use My name with authority. My
keys have been given to you to use. Use My
name and defeat the powers of darkness. You
are more than a conqueror in My name.
"Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind
on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever
you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18 (NKJV)
Build the Kingdom of God
Have you heard the call? The call is going out across
the land. Come out from among them and be separate.
Come out from the world and enter into the joy of
your salvation. In choosing Me you must choose who
you will serve. Will you serve Me or will you serve the
world. You cannot serve two masters or you will love
one and hate the other. You cannot serve both God
and money.
I am speaking in this hour that all that is of Me even
the finances of My children need to be brought into
the storehouses on time. There is work to be done
in the Kingdom. Finances are needed to do the work
of the Lord. You may not be able to go to a far off
country but you are able to send one in My name.
Do not look at your situation and say I can do nothing.
Ask Me what you can do and I will show you. Some
may intercede, some may finance the one going
into the harvest field and some of you will go. Each
has a part to play in My Kingdom to bring it into
Divine order. Look at how you sow into the
world and the pleasures oft his life. Now look and
see what you can do for the Kingdom of God. In
sowing you will reap. You will reap now and in the
Kingdom to come. Be Kingdom minded. Be
heavenly minded.Know your God. Know His heart .
Give with a heart that is the heart of God. Please
Me in your giving. Give, pressed down shaken
together and running overand it shall be returned
to you.
Walk in faith. Do not walk by sight. See with
Kingdom eyes. See with a heart for the Kingdom
of God. See the one who reigns in the Kingdom.
See Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.
See Him high and lifted up. See His plan for your
life. Seek Divine instructions. Seek Divine
Seek the will of the Father. Then do the will of
the Father and men shall know that you are
My disciples. Judge righteous judgment.
Does not the judge of the earth do right. Am
I not He that judges and does all things well?
I am the King of Kings and the Lord of Glory.
My glory shall again fill the earth. My glory
shall be established. My foot stool is the earth.
will establish My Kingdom. Pray My
Kingdom come and My will be done on earth
as it is in heaven. Pray it into being. Pray with
a pure heart. Pray Divine purposes.
Pray, pray, pray. Seek Me. Seek Me. Seek Me.
You will find Me when you seek Me with your
whole heart. I am seeking hearts that will give
all to Me and serve me and hold nothing back.
Hold nothing back.
Give all that you have to Me and I will return
one hundred fold if not in this life in the life to
come. Come to Me and give yourself wholly to
Me. I am your soon coming King. Give yourself
wholly to Me.
the land. Come out from among them and be separate.
Come out from the world and enter into the joy of
your salvation. In choosing Me you must choose who
you will serve. Will you serve Me or will you serve the
world. You cannot serve two masters or you will love
one and hate the other. You cannot serve both God
and money.
I am speaking in this hour that all that is of Me even
the finances of My children need to be brought into
the storehouses on time. There is work to be done
in the Kingdom. Finances are needed to do the work
of the Lord. You may not be able to go to a far off
country but you are able to send one in My name.
Do not look at your situation and say I can do nothing.
Ask Me what you can do and I will show you. Some
may intercede, some may finance the one going
into the harvest field and some of you will go. Each
has a part to play in My Kingdom to bring it into
Divine order. Look at how you sow into the
world and the pleasures oft his life. Now look and
see what you can do for the Kingdom of God. In
sowing you will reap. You will reap now and in the
Kingdom to come. Be Kingdom minded. Be
heavenly minded.Know your God. Know His heart .
Give with a heart that is the heart of God. Please
Me in your giving. Give, pressed down shaken
together and running overand it shall be returned
to you.
Walk in faith. Do not walk by sight. See with
Kingdom eyes. See with a heart for the Kingdom
of God. See the one who reigns in the Kingdom.
See Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.
See Him high and lifted up. See His plan for your
life. Seek Divine instructions. Seek Divine
Seek the will of the Father. Then do the will of
the Father and men shall know that you are
My disciples. Judge righteous judgment.
Does not the judge of the earth do right. Am
I not He that judges and does all things well?
I am the King of Kings and the Lord of Glory.
My glory shall again fill the earth. My glory
shall be established. My foot stool is the earth.
will establish My Kingdom. Pray My
Kingdom come and My will be done on earth
as it is in heaven. Pray it into being. Pray with
a pure heart. Pray Divine purposes.
Pray, pray, pray. Seek Me. Seek Me. Seek Me.
You will find Me when you seek Me with your
whole heart. I am seeking hearts that will give
all to Me and serve me and hold nothing back.
Hold nothing back.
Give all that you have to Me and I will return
one hundred fold if not in this life in the life to
come. Come to Me and give yourself wholly to
Me. I am your soon coming King. Give yourself
wholly to Me.
Divine Appointments
You are often tested to know your reactions.
Will you react in kindness to those around you.
I test you so that you will know your own heart.
Adverse situations will bring out what is in your
heart. I see what is in your heart beloved. You
must know what is within so that you can be
changed into My Image. Change is necessary.
Trials in your life bring about changed beloved.
Shaking is going on and can be used to your
advantage if you are trusting in Me. Reactions
reveal your heart. I desire all of your heart
beloved. Your heart is mine and I fully desire it.
All that you allow to enter your heart should
belong to Me. I desire the hearts of My people.
Hearts that desire Me. Hearts committed to Me.
Yielded hearts. Tender hearts. Forgiving hearts.
Hearts with desire to be like Me. Hearts that
have compassion and caring for all mankind. It
is so easy to care for those that love you. It is
even easier to care for those that walk in
agreement with you.
What happens to My children when they come
into situations that ignite a fire of a different kind?
How do My children react? You are to love those
that disagree with you. You are to love the
unlovely. You are to love your enemies. Love your
enemies. They may be My enemies also but you
are to love them, with a pure heart fervently.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous but I
deliver you out of them all. Deliverance from My
hand is dependant upon your reaction to the
situations you encounter. A soft answer turns
away wrath. I give you fresh opportunities daily
to practice My love. My love is unconditional. My
ways are past finding out. Loving is being willing
to die to yourself and your ways for another.
Loving your neighbour as yourself. You are to
love the Lord your God with all your heart and
soul and mind and strength and your neighbour
as yourself. This is entirely possible beloved,
with My help. On your own you shall surely fail.
With God all things are possible.
Practice love. You will find as you make a decision
to love with My help that it will be easier to love
unconditionally. My tender mercies are new every
morning. Fresh grace is given to you beloved for
each new day. You awaken because I have given
you life. Make your life today have divine purpose.
Pray for divine apointments. Pray for opportunities
from My Holy Spirit. Doors will open in My name
as you pray and seek My face. I love to open doors
of opportunity for you to walk in My steps.
I love to see My children walk through those doors
in faith. I give you faith filled words and see those
moments when you reach inside yourself and allow
Me to flow through you.
Divine opportunities. Divine appointments,
ordained by Me on heavenly calendars.
Opportunities for you to sow into the Kingdom of
God. Sow new seed and water seed already sown.
Water with My Word. It is full of showers that
will water people and lead them to Me. Allow Me
to shower you with My divine love so that you
might be a blessing to others. How I would bless
you and make you a blessing depends on your
willingness to flow in the Holy Ghost and move
in faith. Be willing and I will move in your midst.
Even your desert will be changed as you step out
in faith. It is in truly giving of yourself that you
will receive. Give out and expect Me to give you
more as you give.
Trust in Me. I will do impossible things. Unlikely
situations will come your way. Divine apointments.
Divine interventions. Meetings planned before the
foundation of the world. Ministry fulfilled because
you obeyed Me. One door closes and another opens.
Walk through the open door.
Take steps of faith and pray and walk through the
open door. You never know what is waiting for you
beyond the open door. Great expectations will bring
unusual but divine apointments. Start expecting for
these things to happen and you shall reap what you
expect to receive. Believe Me for greatness and you
shall have greatness as you serve in the Kingdom
of your God. Serve Me.
Will you react in kindness to those around you.
I test you so that you will know your own heart.
Adverse situations will bring out what is in your
heart. I see what is in your heart beloved. You
must know what is within so that you can be
changed into My Image. Change is necessary.
Trials in your life bring about changed beloved.
Shaking is going on and can be used to your
advantage if you are trusting in Me. Reactions
reveal your heart. I desire all of your heart
beloved. Your heart is mine and I fully desire it.
All that you allow to enter your heart should
belong to Me. I desire the hearts of My people.
Hearts that desire Me. Hearts committed to Me.
Yielded hearts. Tender hearts. Forgiving hearts.
Hearts with desire to be like Me. Hearts that
have compassion and caring for all mankind. It
is so easy to care for those that love you. It is
even easier to care for those that walk in
agreement with you.
What happens to My children when they come
into situations that ignite a fire of a different kind?
How do My children react? You are to love those
that disagree with you. You are to love the
unlovely. You are to love your enemies. Love your
enemies. They may be My enemies also but you
are to love them, with a pure heart fervently.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous but I
deliver you out of them all. Deliverance from My
hand is dependant upon your reaction to the
situations you encounter. A soft answer turns
away wrath. I give you fresh opportunities daily
to practice My love. My love is unconditional. My
ways are past finding out. Loving is being willing
to die to yourself and your ways for another.
Loving your neighbour as yourself. You are to
love the Lord your God with all your heart and
soul and mind and strength and your neighbour
as yourself. This is entirely possible beloved,
with My help. On your own you shall surely fail.
With God all things are possible.
Practice love. You will find as you make a decision
to love with My help that it will be easier to love
unconditionally. My tender mercies are new every
morning. Fresh grace is given to you beloved for
each new day. You awaken because I have given
you life. Make your life today have divine purpose.
Pray for divine apointments. Pray for opportunities
from My Holy Spirit. Doors will open in My name
as you pray and seek My face. I love to open doors
of opportunity for you to walk in My steps.
I love to see My children walk through those doors
in faith. I give you faith filled words and see those
moments when you reach inside yourself and allow
Me to flow through you.
Divine opportunities. Divine appointments,
ordained by Me on heavenly calendars.
Opportunities for you to sow into the Kingdom of
God. Sow new seed and water seed already sown.
Water with My Word. It is full of showers that
will water people and lead them to Me. Allow Me
to shower you with My divine love so that you
might be a blessing to others. How I would bless
you and make you a blessing depends on your
willingness to flow in the Holy Ghost and move
in faith. Be willing and I will move in your midst.
Even your desert will be changed as you step out
in faith. It is in truly giving of yourself that you
will receive. Give out and expect Me to give you
more as you give.
Trust in Me. I will do impossible things. Unlikely
situations will come your way. Divine apointments.
Divine interventions. Meetings planned before the
foundation of the world. Ministry fulfilled because
you obeyed Me. One door closes and another opens.
Walk through the open door.
Take steps of faith and pray and walk through the
open door. You never know what is waiting for you
beyond the open door. Great expectations will bring
unusual but divine apointments. Start expecting for
these things to happen and you shall reap what you
expect to receive. Believe Me for greatness and you
shall have greatness as you serve in the Kingdom
of your God. Serve Me.
Monday, February 18, 2008
I Am With You Always
My beloved children, know that I am with you
always. I will never leave or forsake you.
Many of you are going through difficult
circumstances, but know that I am always with
Precious ones, I am your Father. I am your
Heavenly Father and My eye is always upon
you and I am always watching over you. I
would perform My wonders in your life. Allow
Me to reach out and comfort you. I am your
shelter in the storms of life. I am with you in
sickness as I am with you in health. I am your
Father. I love you with an everlasting love. My
love is not earthly but Divine. It flows into
every one that will receive. Receive My love
today. Receive My forgiveness today.
Know that My arms are wide open for you to
run into and that you were with me that day
when I died on the cross for you. I rose again
for you and went and sat down at the right
hand of My Father and am making
intercession right now for you. You are mine,
says the Lord.
Do not receive the lie of the enemy in times
of sickness that you have failed Me beyond
help and that you do not belong to Me. The
enemy tells this to each one of My children
at times but know that you do indeed
belong to Me. I would be the God of all
comfort. I would lift up your heart. I would
pour in the oil of gladness.I would have you
put on joy instead of mourning. Know that
your life is just beginning and that I am and
forever will be with you. I am the glory and
the lifter of your head. Precious one lift up
your eyes today for your help is in Me alone.
I shall lead you where you are going and
will not leave you alone. Put your hand in
my hand, says the Lord.
Allow My comfort to comfort you. I will take
you into my arms and hide you under My
wing. Pray to Me and whisper My name
softly and I will hear. I know your every
thought. I know your deepest desire.
I know your love for Me. I see the work
you do for Me. I see the burdens you carry
but would have you to turn all over to Me.
I would carry them. Allow Me to be your
burden bearer today.
I will lift you up. Rest today in My strong
right arm. Rest in Me. It was finished before
the foundation of the world. Cease all
striving and struggling. Rest in Me. I will
do all. I will be all. I am the all sufficient
one. I am your glory. Allow My glory to
fill you. I will yet overflow in your life.
Reach out and call My name. I see your
circumstances and will be Lord of them.
I see the tribulation and I overcame
tribulation. In this world you have
tribulation but be of good cheer for I
overcame the world. I walked as an
overcomer. You are an overcomer.
Walk and you shall know the victory
that overcame the world. Your faith
will help you to overcome. Allow it to
arise in you. Allow the Word in your
heart to come back to your
remembrance. I will bring back all
that I have spoken to you. I will speak
to you this day in your heart. Know
My still small voice. I am speaking.
Even now I am speaking. I am letting
you know that I am with you always
even unto the end. I am your shepherd
and you shall not want. No good thing
will I uphold from you as you walk
I will lead you even through the valley
of the shadow of death. Death for My
children is but a shadow and when My
children sleep they come home to Me.
Trust Me this day to be all and do all
in you. I am with you always.
always. I will never leave or forsake you.
Many of you are going through difficult
circumstances, but know that I am always with
Precious ones, I am your Father. I am your
Heavenly Father and My eye is always upon
you and I am always watching over you. I
would perform My wonders in your life. Allow
Me to reach out and comfort you. I am your
shelter in the storms of life. I am with you in
sickness as I am with you in health. I am your
Father. I love you with an everlasting love. My
love is not earthly but Divine. It flows into
every one that will receive. Receive My love
today. Receive My forgiveness today.
Know that My arms are wide open for you to
run into and that you were with me that day
when I died on the cross for you. I rose again
for you and went and sat down at the right
hand of My Father and am making
intercession right now for you. You are mine,
says the Lord.
Do not receive the lie of the enemy in times
of sickness that you have failed Me beyond
help and that you do not belong to Me. The
enemy tells this to each one of My children
at times but know that you do indeed
belong to Me. I would be the God of all
comfort. I would lift up your heart. I would
pour in the oil of gladness.I would have you
put on joy instead of mourning. Know that
your life is just beginning and that I am and
forever will be with you. I am the glory and
the lifter of your head. Precious one lift up
your eyes today for your help is in Me alone.
I shall lead you where you are going and
will not leave you alone. Put your hand in
my hand, says the Lord.
Allow My comfort to comfort you. I will take
you into my arms and hide you under My
wing. Pray to Me and whisper My name
softly and I will hear. I know your every
thought. I know your deepest desire.
I know your love for Me. I see the work
you do for Me. I see the burdens you carry
but would have you to turn all over to Me.
I would carry them. Allow Me to be your
burden bearer today.
I will lift you up. Rest today in My strong
right arm. Rest in Me. It was finished before
the foundation of the world. Cease all
striving and struggling. Rest in Me. I will
do all. I will be all. I am the all sufficient
one. I am your glory. Allow My glory to
fill you. I will yet overflow in your life.
Reach out and call My name. I see your
circumstances and will be Lord of them.
I see the tribulation and I overcame
tribulation. In this world you have
tribulation but be of good cheer for I
overcame the world. I walked as an
overcomer. You are an overcomer.
Walk and you shall know the victory
that overcame the world. Your faith
will help you to overcome. Allow it to
arise in you. Allow the Word in your
heart to come back to your
remembrance. I will bring back all
that I have spoken to you. I will speak
to you this day in your heart. Know
My still small voice. I am speaking.
Even now I am speaking. I am letting
you know that I am with you always
even unto the end. I am your shepherd
and you shall not want. No good thing
will I uphold from you as you walk
I will lead you even through the valley
of the shadow of death. Death for My
children is but a shadow and when My
children sleep they come home to Me.
Trust Me this day to be all and do all
in you. I am with you always.
Live by Faith
My precious ones it is imperative that you lean
on Me. I am your Father and am there for you
to lean upon. I am there for you at all times. In
the good times and in the difficult times I want
to be your life. Lean on Me. Put your trust in Me.
Know that I am there for you and will never
forsake or leave you. It seems that I have left
you unattended, but know that I am always
with you. I will be with you even unto the end.
You feel forsaken and alone. Look up. You are
not alone. There are those moments that My
beloved ones feel this way but know that I
have not left you. The enemy wants you to
think that I have departed. I will be with you
always. Trust Me in the difficult seasons of
your life and trust Me when all seems well
with your soul.
Surrender all and trust Me with all that you
are and all that you have. Give all your concerns
over to Me. Carrying burdens is too much for
you. Surrender all to Me. Lift up your eyes to
the hills from whence cometh your help. I own
the cattle on a thousand hills and I own you.
Beloved of mine, trust me knowing that you
can trust the one that you love. I made you
fearfully and wonderfully in My image. You
were bought With a high price. The price of
My shed blood on the cross. I was resurrected
to give you life eternal and life here and now.
The areas of your life that are not surrendered
to me will give you difficulty. There is total
freedom in releasing and surrendering all to
Me. I will make the changes as you give all
over to Me. It is an act of faith to surrender
all to Me. I honor faith. Surrender all and
walk in faith. It will be rewarded.
The just shall walk by faith. Walk out the areas
of your salvation with new faith in Me. I will
show you where your faith lacks and then you
can ask Me for help. I will teach you through
My Word and it is through My Word that
your faith will develop and grow. Faith as a
grain of a mustard seed will move mountains.
Have faith in me. Look at the size of the
mustard seed and yet when it is fully grown
it is the largest of trees. Your faith will start
out small but should be growing daily.
If it is not then fill yourself with faith filled
Words and the promises from My Word.
Pray in faith. Believe in faith. Act in faith.
Move in faith. Faith comes by hearing and
hearing by the Word of God. Pray for
increased faith and revelation. I am
stretching your faith. It requires total trust
in Me. Absolute surrender is truly faith in
action. Surrender all and walk in faith.
The just shall live by faith in Me, the Son
of God.
on Me. I am your Father and am there for you
to lean upon. I am there for you at all times. In
the good times and in the difficult times I want
to be your life. Lean on Me. Put your trust in Me.
Know that I am there for you and will never
forsake or leave you. It seems that I have left
you unattended, but know that I am always
with you. I will be with you even unto the end.
You feel forsaken and alone. Look up. You are
not alone. There are those moments that My
beloved ones feel this way but know that I
have not left you. The enemy wants you to
think that I have departed. I will be with you
always. Trust Me in the difficult seasons of
your life and trust Me when all seems well
with your soul.
Surrender all and trust Me with all that you
are and all that you have. Give all your concerns
over to Me. Carrying burdens is too much for
you. Surrender all to Me. Lift up your eyes to
the hills from whence cometh your help. I own
the cattle on a thousand hills and I own you.
Beloved of mine, trust me knowing that you
can trust the one that you love. I made you
fearfully and wonderfully in My image. You
were bought With a high price. The price of
My shed blood on the cross. I was resurrected
to give you life eternal and life here and now.
The areas of your life that are not surrendered
to me will give you difficulty. There is total
freedom in releasing and surrendering all to
Me. I will make the changes as you give all
over to Me. It is an act of faith to surrender
all to Me. I honor faith. Surrender all and
walk in faith. It will be rewarded.
The just shall walk by faith. Walk out the areas
of your salvation with new faith in Me. I will
show you where your faith lacks and then you
can ask Me for help. I will teach you through
My Word and it is through My Word that
your faith will develop and grow. Faith as a
grain of a mustard seed will move mountains.
Have faith in me. Look at the size of the
mustard seed and yet when it is fully grown
it is the largest of trees. Your faith will start
out small but should be growing daily.
If it is not then fill yourself with faith filled
Words and the promises from My Word.
Pray in faith. Believe in faith. Act in faith.
Move in faith. Faith comes by hearing and
hearing by the Word of God. Pray for
increased faith and revelation. I am
stretching your faith. It requires total trust
in Me. Absolute surrender is truly faith in
action. Surrender all and walk in faith.
The just shall live by faith in Me, the Son
of God.
The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy
The words that I speak are never without hope. The
testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. A
prophetic word will always testify of Me. Discern
what is coming through all the words that you read.
All words need to be judged. You need to judge all
words so that you are not deceived in this hour. The
spirit of anti-christ is alive and well and it is for this
reason that My children need to discern.
The enemy often mixes truth and error together. I
would have my children rise to even greater levels of
faith in this hour and though the times are becoming
darker and darker I am getting brighter and brighter
in you.
There are many words of doom and gloom spoken
but My words will always give hope. There is hope in
Christ. There is faith in Christ. Learn to judge the
prophetic word and weigh it. Weigh it according to
My Word. Any word that you read will always bring
men to Jesus Christ. The testimony of Jesus is the
Spirit of prophecy. Do you see the testimony of Jesus
in the prophetic words that you read and take in.
Rightly divide the Word of Truth. I am the Spirit of
Truth and will lead and guide you into all truth.
Discern wisely and pray for the discernment of
spirits. This gift as well as the others needs to be
operating in My children. Pray that this gift is
sharpened and until it is honed in sharp within you.
I said that if possible even the very elect would be
fooled. Test and try all things and when you sense
an uneasiness in your spirit realize that it is the
spirit of discernment that is working to reveal My
heart to you. It also reveals the working of the
flesh and the working of the enemy. Test and try
all things and know that the testimony of Jesus
Christ is the spirit of all true prophecy.
testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. A
prophetic word will always testify of Me. Discern
what is coming through all the words that you read.
All words need to be judged. You need to judge all
words so that you are not deceived in this hour. The
spirit of anti-christ is alive and well and it is for this
reason that My children need to discern.
The enemy often mixes truth and error together. I
would have my children rise to even greater levels of
faith in this hour and though the times are becoming
darker and darker I am getting brighter and brighter
in you.
There are many words of doom and gloom spoken
but My words will always give hope. There is hope in
Christ. There is faith in Christ. Learn to judge the
prophetic word and weigh it. Weigh it according to
My Word. Any word that you read will always bring
men to Jesus Christ. The testimony of Jesus is the
Spirit of prophecy. Do you see the testimony of Jesus
in the prophetic words that you read and take in.
Rightly divide the Word of Truth. I am the Spirit of
Truth and will lead and guide you into all truth.
Discern wisely and pray for the discernment of
spirits. This gift as well as the others needs to be
operating in My children. Pray that this gift is
sharpened and until it is honed in sharp within you.
I said that if possible even the very elect would be
fooled. Test and try all things and when you sense
an uneasiness in your spirit realize that it is the
spirit of discernment that is working to reveal My
heart to you. It also reveals the working of the
flesh and the working of the enemy. Test and try
all things and know that the testimony of Jesus
Christ is the spirit of all true prophecy.
Magnify My Holy Name
Magnify Me, my people, magnify My holy name.
I have a name that is above all names and I am
holy. Lift up your voice unto the King of Kings
and glorify Me with all of your heart. You are
downcast because you are not praising My Holy
Am I not worthy to be praised? Worthy is the
Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
I am worthy to be praised. Praise Me My people.
Praise and exalt My holy name. I will be honored.
I will be magnified. It is in your nature, the nature
of Christ to praise Me, for I am the Lord. Hear
Me my beloved. Praise and honor is due My name.
Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of
heaviness. Lift up your voice and see if I do not
move in your life. Praise Me in the good time,
praise Me in the difficult times. Praise Me with
hands lifted without wrath or doubting. I love it
when I see you worshipping Me in the quiet place.
I love to invade your heart and be praised. I would
invade your heart and as I do you will have a deep
desire to praise Me. Look at what I do throughout
the earth. Look at what I am doing in your life.
Taste and see that the Lord is good. I am a good
I deserve to be praised. The rocks will cry out if
My children do not praise Me. If you want to see
Me move, praise Me. If you want to see your life
change, praise Me. If you want to be used by Me,
praise Me. If you want deliverance, praise Me for
I am a God that sets the captives free.
There is freedom in praising My holy name.
There is freedom from depression in praising My
name. Learn to have an attitude of praise and
worship on your lips at all times. Praise comes
heavenward toward Me. It ascends on high. As
you praise Me it releases My ower in your life.
It releases the angels of heaven to act on your
behalf and I send them forth into your praises.
Praise the Lord all you people. Praise and magnify
the Lord. Lift up your hands and your hearts.
Lift up your head you everlasting gates, at the
praises of My people you shall be raised. Exalt
the Lord God with all your heart and let the two
edged sword be in your mouth. You shall do a
new thing as you enter into the high praises of
God. Enter into high praise unto Me even in your
Praise Me in the sanctuary. Praise Me whereever
you go. Praise Me as you set your feet out your
door in the morning. Praise Me as you go about
those needful things and you will see a change from
difficult to easy. Lift up your voice and sing. Lift
up your voice and sing a sweet song unto Me. I
love it when you sing I hear the sweetness of your
voice. It is sweetness to My ear. How I love to
hear you sing a love song to Me. Sing children,
sing, praise Me, children, praise. Lift up your
hands children, lift them up.
Magnify Me, children, magnify Me. Glorify Me
children, glorify Me. Exalt Me children, exalt Me.
Bless My holy name. Bless Me at all times. Let
My praise always be in your mouth. I gave you
a mouth to speak of Me and to sing praise to the
Lord Most High. Rise your hands now, and
praise Me. I am the Lord and worthy to be praised.
Praise Me. With a grateful heart praise My Holy
I have a name that is above all names and I am
holy. Lift up your voice unto the King of Kings
and glorify Me with all of your heart. You are
downcast because you are not praising My Holy
Am I not worthy to be praised? Worthy is the
Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
I am worthy to be praised. Praise Me My people.
Praise and exalt My holy name. I will be honored.
I will be magnified. It is in your nature, the nature
of Christ to praise Me, for I am the Lord. Hear
Me my beloved. Praise and honor is due My name.
Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of
heaviness. Lift up your voice and see if I do not
move in your life. Praise Me in the good time,
praise Me in the difficult times. Praise Me with
hands lifted without wrath or doubting. I love it
when I see you worshipping Me in the quiet place.
I love to invade your heart and be praised. I would
invade your heart and as I do you will have a deep
desire to praise Me. Look at what I do throughout
the earth. Look at what I am doing in your life.
Taste and see that the Lord is good. I am a good
I deserve to be praised. The rocks will cry out if
My children do not praise Me. If you want to see
Me move, praise Me. If you want to see your life
change, praise Me. If you want to be used by Me,
praise Me. If you want deliverance, praise Me for
I am a God that sets the captives free.
There is freedom in praising My holy name.
There is freedom from depression in praising My
name. Learn to have an attitude of praise and
worship on your lips at all times. Praise comes
heavenward toward Me. It ascends on high. As
you praise Me it releases My ower in your life.
It releases the angels of heaven to act on your
behalf and I send them forth into your praises.
Praise the Lord all you people. Praise and magnify
the Lord. Lift up your hands and your hearts.
Lift up your head you everlasting gates, at the
praises of My people you shall be raised. Exalt
the Lord God with all your heart and let the two
edged sword be in your mouth. You shall do a
new thing as you enter into the high praises of
God. Enter into high praise unto Me even in your
Praise Me in the sanctuary. Praise Me whereever
you go. Praise Me as you set your feet out your
door in the morning. Praise Me as you go about
those needful things and you will see a change from
difficult to easy. Lift up your voice and sing. Lift
up your voice and sing a sweet song unto Me. I
love it when you sing I hear the sweetness of your
voice. It is sweetness to My ear. How I love to
hear you sing a love song to Me. Sing children,
sing, praise Me, children, praise. Lift up your
hands children, lift them up.
Magnify Me, children, magnify Me. Glorify Me
children, glorify Me. Exalt Me children, exalt Me.
Bless My holy name. Bless Me at all times. Let
My praise always be in your mouth. I gave you
a mouth to speak of Me and to sing praise to the
Lord Most High. Rise your hands now, and
praise Me. I am the Lord and worthy to be praised.
Praise Me. With a grateful heart praise My Holy
Physician's Scapel
My scapel is being used to cut away all that is not of Me.
The surgery does not seem pleasant at the time but
afterwards brings out a lasting work in My children's
lives. I am cutting and it is a deep cutting. My knife is
sharp for it is the Word of God that is removing all that
is not of Me. All that is dead and useless is being removed.
Praise Me through this process. Rejoice and know that
in the end you will recognize Christ in you. You are a
new creation and being made into the image of God.
Embrace Me.
The surgery does not seem pleasant at the time but
afterwards brings out a lasting work in My children's
lives. I am cutting and it is a deep cutting. My knife is
sharp for it is the Word of God that is removing all that
is not of Me. All that is dead and useless is being removed.
Praise Me through this process. Rejoice and know that
in the end you will recognize Christ in you. You are a
new creation and being made into the image of God.
Embrace Me.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Listen For My Heartbeat
Your restlessness is a sign that you are desiring more
of Me and yet you are not spending necessary time
with Me. I am seeking you out and drawing you into
intimacy with Me.
Restlessness is stirring you and I am calling you to
myself. I will bring you peace. The stirring of My
Spirit is to bring you to a new level of intimacy
with Me. Allow yourself to be drawn into that intimacy.
I am drawing you dissatisfied one to hunger and
thirst for more of Me. All the things of this world seem
mundane to you because I have captivated you. Now
all else but Me seems uninviting. Truly all else is
secondary to My presence. Hunger for Me. Draw
closer to Me and as you will I will be waiting for you.
Come beloved of mine into the bridal chamber of
My love. I am calling you deeper and deeper into
My divine presence. I am calling you and you are not
always listening but I continue to call because I know
your heart and know you will come to Me. I am
listening for you and waiting and would have you to
listen to Me. Deep calls to deep and My spirit is
calling and waiting for you. Revelation awaits you
beloved. Revelation of Jesus Christ your bridegroom
awaits all who come to Me.
Bring your hungry heart into the room of My presence
and you shall know a feast in your heart and be satisfied
as one that has been fed the best food and wine.
I have saved the best for the last. Now is the time to come
and savor all that I have for you and all that I long to give
you. I would give you myself. I would have you to know
your God and spend time just sitting at My feet. Listen
for My heartbeat.
Listen for My voice. Listen to softness of the call. I am
calling you into My presence, into the secret place of
the Most High.
I am calling you. Will you lay all aside and come as you
are with all your cares and concerns and just spend time
leaving all else aside. I will strengthen you as you are
refreshed in Me. I will prepare you for the days that are
ahead. Be refreshed beloved of Mine for I am the one
that will refresh you and give you fresh manna. Come
to Me My beloved. Do not wait. What is hindering you
to come to Me now? Now is the day that I desire your
visitation and in coming to Me I shall touch you in the
areas of your life that will put a new fire burning in your
heart. It shall keep you through the days ahead. I shall
kindle a new fire though the old one is still burning.
I would kindle an even deeper love between us. Come
beloved of mine.
of Me and yet you are not spending necessary time
with Me. I am seeking you out and drawing you into
intimacy with Me.
Restlessness is stirring you and I am calling you to
myself. I will bring you peace. The stirring of My
Spirit is to bring you to a new level of intimacy
with Me. Allow yourself to be drawn into that intimacy.
I am drawing you dissatisfied one to hunger and
thirst for more of Me. All the things of this world seem
mundane to you because I have captivated you. Now
all else but Me seems uninviting. Truly all else is
secondary to My presence. Hunger for Me. Draw
closer to Me and as you will I will be waiting for you.
Come beloved of mine into the bridal chamber of
My love. I am calling you deeper and deeper into
My divine presence. I am calling you and you are not
always listening but I continue to call because I know
your heart and know you will come to Me. I am
listening for you and waiting and would have you to
listen to Me. Deep calls to deep and My spirit is
calling and waiting for you. Revelation awaits you
beloved. Revelation of Jesus Christ your bridegroom
awaits all who come to Me.
Bring your hungry heart into the room of My presence
and you shall know a feast in your heart and be satisfied
as one that has been fed the best food and wine.
I have saved the best for the last. Now is the time to come
and savor all that I have for you and all that I long to give
you. I would give you myself. I would have you to know
your God and spend time just sitting at My feet. Listen
for My heartbeat.
Listen for My voice. Listen to softness of the call. I am
calling you into My presence, into the secret place of
the Most High.
I am calling you. Will you lay all aside and come as you
are with all your cares and concerns and just spend time
leaving all else aside. I will strengthen you as you are
refreshed in Me. I will prepare you for the days that are
ahead. Be refreshed beloved of Mine for I am the one
that will refresh you and give you fresh manna. Come
to Me My beloved. Do not wait. What is hindering you
to come to Me now? Now is the day that I desire your
visitation and in coming to Me I shall touch you in the
areas of your life that will put a new fire burning in your
heart. It shall keep you through the days ahead. I shall
kindle a new fire though the old one is still burning.
I would kindle an even deeper love between us. Come
beloved of mine.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The Training of an Apostle
The training of an apostle is not easy training.
It is training that is straight from My hand.
I am leading and guiding you into all truth.
The truth of the Word of God will be instilled
into your heart again and again. There are
many lessons in this school of learning and
the most important one is obedience. Pinpoint
obedience to My Word and My voice.
I expect you to listen to Me and to do what I
say. I am training you in My love and the
apostolic life is one of great discipline. You
are My disciple and you are being trained to
be like your Master. Many hated Me and
they shall hate you as you speak the truth
in love. In this shall men know that you are
My disciple. Is the disciple greater than his
Master. No and you will go through the same
training I went through and walk the same
steps that I walked.
You will deny yourself, take up your cross
daily and follow Me. You will learn the selfless
life and know fully what it is to live at the cross.
You will become part of the cross and the
message of the cross will be embedded within
you. There will be no separation as you will
bear My cross daily.
There is no exemption or special treatment for
those that walk in this high calling of God in
Christ Jesus. You must die to all that you are
or ever will be. You will be stripped of all that
is not of Me, in thought, word or deed. You will
take up your cross and follow Me. You will go
where I send you. I will allow you to become
a spectacle to all men but those that recognize
Me will know that you are Mine. Are you still
willing to take up your cross and follow Me?
Often I will ask of you things that I do not
ask of others.
I will not permit things to stay within you that
others live with. I will prune you and train
you in My school of learning and it is not
training for the faint of heart. Even now you
sense things are changing. The things your
dreams reveal will be lived out and you will
be cleaned until you are dead to all that is
not of Me. You are told to count the cost.
You can go to heaven because you bear My
name and follow Me but to be an apostle
is a high calling. It is to be a servant to all.
Yes, to be an apostle is to serve, serve and
serve again. Are you willing to serve Me
where I call you? You enjoy comforts. My
apostles do not always live with all the
comforts the average Christian lives with.
There is a cost to walking in this anointing
and a price to pay. Many have given their
lives in My service. I am sharpening the
discerning of spirits in you even now and
your ability to hear My voice is deepening.
I am speaking and you are now in the school
of the Father. Think not because you are a
woman that you will receive special treatment
but know that the school of the Father is one
of love and discipline. As many as I love I
discipline but I will hold those that are leaders
to a greater account and as others you will
give an account for all that you do. You will
give an account for all that you say. You will
walk a walk of true repentance and grieve
over the hearts of men. You will carry deep
burdens for mankind and see things in them
that others do not see. Their sins will grieve
you and you will take them to Me in
intercession and spend many hours in
intercession and alone with Me while others
enjoy things in life that you as an apostle
will not be permitted to do. Your prayer
life must deepen and your commitment to
Me at all cost. You must give up your life
and allow Christ to be formed and matured
in you. This is not a harsh message.
This is the life of the cross for those that
are willing to fulfill their destiny.
Follow Me. You will lead the way and set
an example for others to follow. Will you
be that example? Be prepared to take the
night watch and sit at My feet. I spent
time with My Father all night long and
there will be those times when I require
you to sit with Me and watch and be that
one that watches with Me. We will sit
together as one and you will hear that
still small voice and yet there will be
those moments of silence when you
think that I have gone from your life and
the only answers will be those that I last
spoke to you. Are you still willing to pick
up your cross and follow Me? You will
often be separated even from the good
for time with Me.
Your finances will be My finances and
you will not spend as others spend. All
that you own is Mine and even in these
matters I will require your sacrifice. I
will require that you give your life for
the sheep. When you hear their voice
you will meet that need and take no
thought for your own life. You will hear
their cry and answer to the best of
your ability. I will strengthen and
sustain you through much but you will
be in warfare training that will take
you where the average man does not
go and yet you will be as the scum of
the earth to many. Are you still willing
to take up your cross and follow Me?
You will see the needs of the homeless
and grieve at their plight for you will
have your Father's heart. You will see
sin and weep over it and there are
moments where you will feel as if your
heart will break. You will go the way of
those apostles before you in giving your
life to follow Me. You will forsake
Father's and Mother's and family for
My names sake. Will you still follow Me?
The truth of My Word will burn within
you. You shall hunger for My presence
more than you will hunger for food and
drink and you shall desire nothing
more than Me. You will bear My cross.
Will you take up your cross and follow
Me? Delight in Me and love Me with all
your heart and soul and mind and
strength and your neighbor as yourself.
Will you take up your cross and follow
Me? Putting yourself last and walking
even as Steven walked in His testimony
of Me. Men and women have given their
lives for the gospel's sake. You must be
willing to speak for truth and justice
even if it means loss to you. Will you
take up your cross and follow Me?
I ask you again, are you willing to give
up all that you are and take up your
cross and follow Me?
Follow Me.
It is training that is straight from My hand.
I am leading and guiding you into all truth.
The truth of the Word of God will be instilled
into your heart again and again. There are
many lessons in this school of learning and
the most important one is obedience. Pinpoint
obedience to My Word and My voice.
I expect you to listen to Me and to do what I
say. I am training you in My love and the
apostolic life is one of great discipline. You
are My disciple and you are being trained to
be like your Master. Many hated Me and
they shall hate you as you speak the truth
in love. In this shall men know that you are
My disciple. Is the disciple greater than his
Master. No and you will go through the same
training I went through and walk the same
steps that I walked.
You will deny yourself, take up your cross
daily and follow Me. You will learn the selfless
life and know fully what it is to live at the cross.
You will become part of the cross and the
message of the cross will be embedded within
you. There will be no separation as you will
bear My cross daily.
There is no exemption or special treatment for
those that walk in this high calling of God in
Christ Jesus. You must die to all that you are
or ever will be. You will be stripped of all that
is not of Me, in thought, word or deed. You will
take up your cross and follow Me. You will go
where I send you. I will allow you to become
a spectacle to all men but those that recognize
Me will know that you are Mine. Are you still
willing to take up your cross and follow Me?
Often I will ask of you things that I do not
ask of others.
I will not permit things to stay within you that
others live with. I will prune you and train
you in My school of learning and it is not
training for the faint of heart. Even now you
sense things are changing. The things your
dreams reveal will be lived out and you will
be cleaned until you are dead to all that is
not of Me. You are told to count the cost.
You can go to heaven because you bear My
name and follow Me but to be an apostle
is a high calling. It is to be a servant to all.
Yes, to be an apostle is to serve, serve and
serve again. Are you willing to serve Me
where I call you? You enjoy comforts. My
apostles do not always live with all the
comforts the average Christian lives with.
There is a cost to walking in this anointing
and a price to pay. Many have given their
lives in My service. I am sharpening the
discerning of spirits in you even now and
your ability to hear My voice is deepening.
I am speaking and you are now in the school
of the Father. Think not because you are a
woman that you will receive special treatment
but know that the school of the Father is one
of love and discipline. As many as I love I
discipline but I will hold those that are leaders
to a greater account and as others you will
give an account for all that you do. You will
give an account for all that you say. You will
walk a walk of true repentance and grieve
over the hearts of men. You will carry deep
burdens for mankind and see things in them
that others do not see. Their sins will grieve
you and you will take them to Me in
intercession and spend many hours in
intercession and alone with Me while others
enjoy things in life that you as an apostle
will not be permitted to do. Your prayer
life must deepen and your commitment to
Me at all cost. You must give up your life
and allow Christ to be formed and matured
in you. This is not a harsh message.
This is the life of the cross for those that
are willing to fulfill their destiny.
Follow Me. You will lead the way and set
an example for others to follow. Will you
be that example? Be prepared to take the
night watch and sit at My feet. I spent
time with My Father all night long and
there will be those times when I require
you to sit with Me and watch and be that
one that watches with Me. We will sit
together as one and you will hear that
still small voice and yet there will be
those moments of silence when you
think that I have gone from your life and
the only answers will be those that I last
spoke to you. Are you still willing to pick
up your cross and follow Me? You will
often be separated even from the good
for time with Me.
Your finances will be My finances and
you will not spend as others spend. All
that you own is Mine and even in these
matters I will require your sacrifice. I
will require that you give your life for
the sheep. When you hear their voice
you will meet that need and take no
thought for your own life. You will hear
their cry and answer to the best of
your ability. I will strengthen and
sustain you through much but you will
be in warfare training that will take
you where the average man does not
go and yet you will be as the scum of
the earth to many. Are you still willing
to take up your cross and follow Me?
You will see the needs of the homeless
and grieve at their plight for you will
have your Father's heart. You will see
sin and weep over it and there are
moments where you will feel as if your
heart will break. You will go the way of
those apostles before you in giving your
life to follow Me. You will forsake
Father's and Mother's and family for
My names sake. Will you still follow Me?
The truth of My Word will burn within
you. You shall hunger for My presence
more than you will hunger for food and
drink and you shall desire nothing
more than Me. You will bear My cross.
Will you take up your cross and follow
Me? Delight in Me and love Me with all
your heart and soul and mind and
strength and your neighbor as yourself.
Will you take up your cross and follow
Me? Putting yourself last and walking
even as Steven walked in His testimony
of Me. Men and women have given their
lives for the gospel's sake. You must be
willing to speak for truth and justice
even if it means loss to you. Will you
take up your cross and follow Me?
I ask you again, are you willing to give
up all that you are and take up your
cross and follow Me?
Follow Me.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Pray for Those in Authority Over You
Do not look on the outward appearance.
Ask Me to show you what is beneath the outward exterior.
I will reveal the thoughts and intents of man's heart.
The truth will be revealed and you will know and pray
Things that look good on the surface are not so.
Men fix the outward appearance
and it covers much but I the Lord
look upon the heart.
Do not look on the outward appearance.
Ask Me to show you what is beneath the outward exterior.
I will reveal the thoughts and intents of man's heart.
The truth will be revealed and you will know and pray
Things that look good on the surface are not so.
Men fix the outward appearance
and it covers much but I the Lord
look upon the heart.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Childlike Faith
Do you believe Me for great things?
Do you trust Me to do above all you ask or hope for?
Do you have childlike faith that can move mountains?
If you have faith as of a grain of mustard seed you can
speak to the mountain in your life and see it move.
Walk in childlike faith and you will see the mountains
in your life move. According to your faith be it unto you.
Do you believe Me for great things?
Do you trust Me to do above all you ask or hope for?
Do you have childlike faith that can move mountains?
If you have faith as of a grain of mustard seed you can
speak to the mountain in your life and see it move.
Walk in childlike faith and you will see the mountains
in your life move. According to your faith be it unto you.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Is The Church Sleeping in the Light?
There are times when God speaks and God's
people just do not hear. Yes we are human
and at times do tend to have selective hearing.
Our hearing can get us in trouble though
especially when the Lord is talking and we take
and file His words in our unsure column as we
are just not sure it is God. We need to walk in
wisdom and discern the times. We are living in
the last days of time. It is time to open our eyes
and listen with our heart to just what the spirit
is saying to His church. I wept tonight as I was
on a particular place online and I saw that they
were just plainly not seeing what the Lord was
saying. It is so sad that eyes are blind and hearts
are asleep and not seeing what is soon to come.
My heart was crying Lord let them see what you
are saying. Open their eyes that they may see.
So much is coming on the earth and we need to be
seeing and hearing God. Lord wake us up that we
would see and hear what you are saying to your
church. Let this be our cry.
people just do not hear. Yes we are human
and at times do tend to have selective hearing.
Our hearing can get us in trouble though
especially when the Lord is talking and we take
and file His words in our unsure column as we
are just not sure it is God. We need to walk in
wisdom and discern the times. We are living in
the last days of time. It is time to open our eyes
and listen with our heart to just what the spirit
is saying to His church. I wept tonight as I was
on a particular place online and I saw that they
were just plainly not seeing what the Lord was
saying. It is so sad that eyes are blind and hearts
are asleep and not seeing what is soon to come.
My heart was crying Lord let them see what you
are saying. Open their eyes that they may see.
So much is coming on the earth and we need to be
seeing and hearing God. Lord wake us up that we
would see and hear what you are saying to your
church. Let this be our cry.
Shelter From the Storm
The joy of the Lord is your strength.
Guard your joy and let no one take it from you.
My presence brings joy.
My presence brings peace.
I am shelter in the storms of life.
Run to Me and hid under My wings and I will
protect you from the storm.
Hide under My wings and know peace and comfort
from harm.
Run child run into My presence.
My arms are open wide to your cry.
The joy of the Lord is your strength.
Guard your joy and let no one take it from you.
My presence brings joy.
My presence brings peace.
I am shelter in the storms of life.
Run to Me and hid under My wings and I will
protect you from the storm.
Hide under My wings and know peace and comfort
from harm.
Run child run into My presence.
My arms are open wide to your cry.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Try Every Spirit
My Word is truth and all things will be judged
according to My Word.
I would have you to try every spirit and know
whether it is of God.
There are many false prophets in this hour and
they are out to deceive many.
There is the true word of God and there is the lie
that the enemy often will mix with truth to bring
forth his desired end.
Do not be deceived.
Read My Word and hide it in your heart.
Judge all according to My Word.
Does it bear witness with your spirit and
stand up to the Word of God.
Again I say to you, "try every spirit" and know
whether it is of God.
Know the real and you will know what is false.
My Word is truth and prophecy will not speak
contrary to the Word of God.
My Word is truth and all things will be judged
according to My Word.
I would have you to try every spirit and know
whether it is of God.
There are many false prophets in this hour and
they are out to deceive many.
There is the true word of God and there is the lie
that the enemy often will mix with truth to bring
forth his desired end.
Do not be deceived.
Read My Word and hide it in your heart.
Judge all according to My Word.
Does it bear witness with your spirit and
stand up to the Word of God.
Again I say to you, "try every spirit" and know
whether it is of God.
Know the real and you will know what is false.
My Word is truth and prophecy will not speak
contrary to the Word of God.
Deception is Here
I will lead you and guide you into all truth.
Pray for truth to be revealed.
Seek Me the Spirit of truth.
I will reveal myself to you.
The day of great deception is here and you need to
guard against it.
Those that are mine need to come into My presence
and plan their day around Me. Do not plan Me
around your day.
The time is here when My children need to put Me
first in all that they do.
Hear Me. Listen for Me. I will speak and you will
hear what the spirit of God is saying to the church
in this hour.
My children need increased revelation and it shall
be revealed to you as you seek Me through My
Seek Me.
I will lead you and guide you into all truth.
Pray for truth to be revealed.
Seek Me the Spirit of truth.
I will reveal myself to you.
The day of great deception is here and you need to
guard against it.
Those that are mine need to come into My presence
and plan their day around Me. Do not plan Me
around your day.
The time is here when My children need to put Me
first in all that they do.
Hear Me. Listen for Me. I will speak and you will
hear what the spirit of God is saying to the church
in this hour.
My children need increased revelation and it shall
be revealed to you as you seek Me through My
Seek Me.
Friday, February 8, 2008
It is Time to Step on the Enemy
It is time to praise Me.
It is time to praise Me.
It is time to move into the enemy's camp and take
back all he has stolen from you.
Come against him in the name of Jesus.
Use your authority and come against all that he is
doing to disturb peace in the lives of My children.
He is a defeated foe.
He is defeated and under your feet.
Step on him and do not allow him any place in
your day.
Step on him and defeat him in Jesus name.
It is time to praise Me.
It is time to praise Me.
It is time to move into the enemy's camp and take
back all he has stolen from you.
Come against him in the name of Jesus.
Use your authority and come against all that he is
doing to disturb peace in the lives of My children.
He is a defeated foe.
He is defeated and under your feet.
Step on him and do not allow him any place in
your day.
Step on him and defeat him in Jesus name.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Guard Your Time
I have given you precious moments of time.
They do not last forever.
Use them wisely and redeem the time because
the days are evil.
Ask Me for wisdom and I will give it to you.
Love it and tie it around your neck.
It will keep you in all your ways.
Again I say to you.
Redeem your time and use it wisely.
The Kingdom of God is at hand.
They do not last forever.
Use them wisely and redeem the time because
the days are evil.
Ask Me for wisdom and I will give it to you.
Love it and tie it around your neck.
It will keep you in all your ways.
Again I say to you.
Redeem your time and use it wisely.
The Kingdom of God is at hand.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Allow Your Faith to Deepen
There is a place in God to dwell and it is the secret
place of the most high. The Lord promises to keep
those that are His even during the most trying of
times. Do not despair but trust in the Lord God
for He promises to keep you who are committed to
Him in all your ways.
The Lord is a solid place to stand. He is that rock
in a hard place. You need to build your house on the
rock. All around you will be sand but in building on
the rock that is Christ you will be left standing.
Winds will blow. They will howl, but you who are
building on Christ will be left standing after the
storms of life have passed.
God is good and He is a faithful high priest. He was
tempted in all points as you are yet without sin.
Keep yourself pure. Keep yourself in the Word of
God and dig deep into it. Fill yourself up till you
are so full that it comes out of your mouth to others.
The Word is sharp and will minister to others and
when it flows from pure lips it shall surely become
planted in the lives of those around you. Allow
yourself to be a willing vessel that the Lord can use
in this hour. Tough times are here and growing
daily but so too should your faith in Christ be
Many things that are coming on the earth will
cause fear but for you that are in Christ you need
to act in an opposite spirit and run to the Lord.
His arms are outstretched and open to our cry.
Cry out to Him beloved and He will hear you and
answer your prayers. Cry out to Him and know
that He is the Lord and that He speaks today.
The Lord will lead you and guide you into all truth
as you hunger and thirst for righteousness. Are
you hungry beloved? Are you thirsty?
Come to the rock and drink for that rock is Christ.
Come to the rock that is higher. Come to the
rock and stand. Having done all you will stand.
God will cover you and you need to allow your
trust to deepen. Allow it to deepen till nothing
shakes your faith in the Lord. Stand firm and
strong in Him today.
There is a place in God to dwell and it is the secret
place of the most high. The Lord promises to keep
those that are His even during the most trying of
times. Do not despair but trust in the Lord God
for He promises to keep you who are committed to
Him in all your ways.
The Lord is a solid place to stand. He is that rock
in a hard place. You need to build your house on the
rock. All around you will be sand but in building on
the rock that is Christ you will be left standing.
Winds will blow. They will howl, but you who are
building on Christ will be left standing after the
storms of life have passed.
God is good and He is a faithful high priest. He was
tempted in all points as you are yet without sin.
Keep yourself pure. Keep yourself in the Word of
God and dig deep into it. Fill yourself up till you
are so full that it comes out of your mouth to others.
The Word is sharp and will minister to others and
when it flows from pure lips it shall surely become
planted in the lives of those around you. Allow
yourself to be a willing vessel that the Lord can use
in this hour. Tough times are here and growing
daily but so too should your faith in Christ be
Many things that are coming on the earth will
cause fear but for you that are in Christ you need
to act in an opposite spirit and run to the Lord.
His arms are outstretched and open to our cry.
Cry out to Him beloved and He will hear you and
answer your prayers. Cry out to Him and know
that He is the Lord and that He speaks today.
The Lord will lead you and guide you into all truth
as you hunger and thirst for righteousness. Are
you hungry beloved? Are you thirsty?
Come to the rock and drink for that rock is Christ.
Come to the rock that is higher. Come to the
rock and stand. Having done all you will stand.
God will cover you and you need to allow your
trust to deepen. Allow it to deepen till nothing
shakes your faith in the Lord. Stand firm and
strong in Him today.
Do Not Touch My Glory
I will do great and mighty works through the
one that will not touch My glory. Give Me the
glory for what I do.
Touch not My glory and do My anointed ones
no harm.
I will do great and mighty miracles through
the one that walks in faith believing Me with
childlike faith.
Believe Me like a little child and I will do great
and mighty things.
Believe My Word.
Believe what I speak in My Word.
I am alive.
Believe Me for I am the Word of God.
one that will not touch My glory. Give Me the
glory for what I do.
Touch not My glory and do My anointed ones
no harm.
I will do great and mighty miracles through
the one that walks in faith believing Me with
childlike faith.
Believe Me like a little child and I will do great
and mighty things.
Believe My Word.
Believe what I speak in My Word.
I am alive.
Believe Me for I am the Word of God.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Christ in You
You are transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Daily your mind needs renewing.
Renew yourself in My Word.
You must decrease and I must increase.
Be full of joy that Christ is being formed in you.
Little by little you will become like the one
you love.
Love Me and you will become like Me.
Christ in you the hope of glory.
You are transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Daily your mind needs renewing.
Renew yourself in My Word.
You must decrease and I must increase.
Be full of joy that Christ is being formed in you.
Little by little you will become like the one
you love.
Love Me and you will become like Me.
Christ in you the hope of glory.
You Are My Light
I am the light of the world and I am your light.
Stay close to the light and live in the light of My
My Word is a bright light and I would not have
you to hide your light, but let it shine and glorify
your Father in heaven.
Be filled with My light and let it shine to those
around you for I would give them light and you
are that light that I am using now to bring the
unsaved to Me.
Let My light shine through you and glorify your
Father in Heaven.
Let My light shine.
By this light of love, men shall know that you are
My disciples.
"Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16 (NKJV)
Stay close to the light and live in the light of My
My Word is a bright light and I would not have
you to hide your light, but let it shine and glorify
your Father in heaven.
Be filled with My light and let it shine to those
around you for I would give them light and you
are that light that I am using now to bring the
unsaved to Me.
Let My light shine through you and glorify your
Father in Heaven.
Let My light shine.
By this light of love, men shall know that you are
My disciples.
"Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16 (NKJV)
Ask Me For Revelation
Pray for revelation.
Pray without ceasing. Pray that I show you things
to come.
Pray that I show you things to come.
Do not be content in your level of hearing me.
Go deeper. Go deeper. Dig deeper and you will
hear Me.
I am speaking to those that are listening.
I am speaking to My prophets.
I am speaking to My friends.
Dig and do not stop digging treasure from My
You need to know what is going on in these last
days and be a prepared people.
You are not prepared and the day of the Lord
will come as a thief in the night to many.
Arise and shine and I will give you light.
Do not let your light be darkness but wake up.
Take heed and desire fellowship with the Lord
your God.
Troubles are on all sides.
The world is in tumult.
Countries are at war.
There are famines and earthquakes in divers
You do not know what tomorrow holds.
Call on Me with your whole heart.
Call on Me right now.
Cry out! "Jesus I need you" and become
desperate for more of Me. Let Me be your first
thought in the morning and your last at night.
Come running into My arms for it is the only
place of safety.
Pray the Word.
Believe the Word.
Walk in the Word.
It is an oasis for you in this hour.
Dive into My Word.
Come and come quickly into My Word
and dwell there.
Pray without ceasing. Pray that I show you things
to come.
Pray that I show you things to come.
Do not be content in your level of hearing me.
Go deeper. Go deeper. Dig deeper and you will
hear Me.
I am speaking to those that are listening.
I am speaking to My prophets.
I am speaking to My friends.
Dig and do not stop digging treasure from My
You need to know what is going on in these last
days and be a prepared people.
You are not prepared and the day of the Lord
will come as a thief in the night to many.
Arise and shine and I will give you light.
Do not let your light be darkness but wake up.
Take heed and desire fellowship with the Lord
your God.
Troubles are on all sides.
The world is in tumult.
Countries are at war.
There are famines and earthquakes in divers
You do not know what tomorrow holds.
Call on Me with your whole heart.
Call on Me right now.
Cry out! "Jesus I need you" and become
desperate for more of Me. Let Me be your first
thought in the morning and your last at night.
Come running into My arms for it is the only
place of safety.
Pray the Word.
Believe the Word.
Walk in the Word.
It is an oasis for you in this hour.
Dive into My Word.
Come and come quickly into My Word
and dwell there.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Lift Your Head
Many of My children walk under, guilt, shame and
condemnation. There is now no condemnation to
those that are in Christ. Do not accept what the
enemy throws at you but rise above it. Again I
say " I paid the price for each one of you". Walk
in freedom now and be not entangled again with
the bondage of the enemy. Freedom is yours.
Walk in it.
Many of My children walk under, guilt, shame and
condemnation. There is now no condemnation to
those that are in Christ. Do not accept what the
enemy throws at you but rise above it. Again I
say " I paid the price for each one of you". Walk
in freedom now and be not entangled again with
the bondage of the enemy. Freedom is yours.
Walk in it.
Are You Desperate for the Kingdom of God
When you are truly desperate then things will
begin to happen. The doors to the Kingdom must
be opened within your heart. Open up and allow
My Kingdom to come forth within you. Open up
and give birth to what I am doing in you. Open up
and allow Me to bring you to a new level. New
levels of intercession will begin to flow as you open
up to receive the deposits I am placing within you.
Open up and again I say, "It is time to open up and
allow that which I have destined in you to come
forth". Now is the time to give birth to that which
I have formed within you. Giving birth in the
Kingdom is different than giving birth in the world.
I am there to help you carry and nurture this child
and it shall bring forth wonder and joy.
This child shall bear fruit and the offspring that
you deliver shall than bear fruit and reproduce in
others. So push, push, push and deliver that which
is within you so that they will in turn reproduce
and bear fruit that will remain. Such is giving birth
in My Kingdom.
Your Kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10 (NKJV)
begin to happen. The doors to the Kingdom must
be opened within your heart. Open up and allow
My Kingdom to come forth within you. Open up
and give birth to what I am doing in you. Open up
and allow Me to bring you to a new level. New
levels of intercession will begin to flow as you open
up to receive the deposits I am placing within you.
Open up and again I say, "It is time to open up and
allow that which I have destined in you to come
forth". Now is the time to give birth to that which
I have formed within you. Giving birth in the
Kingdom is different than giving birth in the world.
I am there to help you carry and nurture this child
and it shall bring forth wonder and joy.
This child shall bear fruit and the offspring that
you deliver shall than bear fruit and reproduce in
others. So push, push, push and deliver that which
is within you so that they will in turn reproduce
and bear fruit that will remain. Such is giving birth
in My Kingdom.
Your Kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10 (NKJV)
Clean and Wrinkle Free
Do you feel like you are on an ironing board being
pressed out of measure.
All your wrinkles are being ironed away.
It seems like a hot iron has been applied to your
life and indeed it is ironing out all the wrinkles.
My children say "ouch". "It is too hot".
You will not be burned as you obey me but changed
into My image.
What glory!
Trust that when the time of pressing is over you will
be wrinkle free.
It is then that the world will see more of Me.
that He might present her to Himself
a glorious church, not having spot or
wrinkle or any such thing,
but that she should be holy and without blemish.
Ephesians 5:27 (NKJV)
pressed out of measure.
All your wrinkles are being ironed away.
It seems like a hot iron has been applied to your
life and indeed it is ironing out all the wrinkles.
My children say "ouch". "It is too hot".
You will not be burned as you obey me but changed
into My image.
What glory!
Trust that when the time of pressing is over you will
be wrinkle free.
It is then that the world will see more of Me.
that He might present her to Himself
a glorious church, not having spot or
wrinkle or any such thing,
but that she should be holy and without blemish.
Ephesians 5:27 (NKJV)
My Presence
Come often,
Come boldly,
Come running into My presence.
My presence will bring you joy and peace.
You need refreshing.
Come and drink in My presence
and you will be refreshed.
Soak in all I have for you and stay with Me
until you are refreshed then go and do
what I have called you to do.
Live life in My presence.
And He said, "My presence will
go with you,
and will give you rest".
Exodus 33:14 (NKJV)
Come boldly,
Come running into My presence.
My presence will bring you joy and peace.
You need refreshing.
Come and drink in My presence
and you will be refreshed.
Soak in all I have for you and stay with Me
until you are refreshed then go and do
what I have called you to do.
Live life in My presence.
And He said, "My presence will
go with you,
and will give you rest".
Exodus 33:14 (NKJV)
Beginning and Ending by Grace
You began running this race by My grace.
It is sufficient for you.
My strength is made perfect in your weakness.
Lean on Me.
Trust Me.
Let Me wrap My arms around you and hold you
Keep your eyes on Me and be reminded that I
saved you by grace and it is by grace that you
will finish this race.
You began running this race by My grace.
It is sufficient for you.
My strength is made perfect in your weakness.
Lean on Me.
Trust Me.
Let Me wrap My arms around you and hold you
Keep your eyes on Me and be reminded that I
saved you by grace and it is by grace that you
will finish this race.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Prayer and Intercession for Your Nation
My beloved it is time to pray fervently for your
Pray for those that are in authority over you.
My Word says to pray for those in authority
that you may live a quiet, peaceful and Godly life.
Do you want to live a Godly peaceful life?
Then it is time to pray and intercede for your
I am moving by My Spirit and calling you to
It is time as a Nation that you draw close to the
one and only true God.
I am the living God and it is time that you draw
close to Me. I am the Lord Jesus Christ and I
am calling you now and saying come unto Me
while there is time.
I am calling you forth as a Nation to pray and
intercede for those that are in authority.
It is time to pray for your leaders for they are
found wanting.
It is time to enter into the prayer closets of the
nation and bend your knee and your hearts
before Me and it time to call upon me with your
whole heart. I will not longer honor half hearted
praying that comes up before me.
I shake my head at some of the prayer that
comes up before Me and I am expecting better
of those that are called by My Name because
I know that you know that you are capable
of much better.
Those of you who have been called to be
intercessors. You know your calling.
Fulfill your calling.
Those of you that have been called by My
Name have been called to certain ministries
and I am expecting you to double your efforts
to fulfill them.
It is time that I am going to fulfill you call in
you and will give you a double portion for what
I am asking you to do.
I equip my children for the call that they have
upon their lives.
I equip the saints for the working of ministry.
I will equip you with all that you need to fulfill
your destiny.
I have filled you with My Holy Spirit and given
you the ability to speak in tongues for a purpose.
Do not leave this power unused.
It is the power of My Spirit that will make the
difference in the success or failure of the mission
I have given you.
It is time my beloved to apply yourselves to the
work I have given you.
It is time now where man can work.
I say that the day and the hour is coming when
no man can work and so it is time to pray and
ask me each step of the way what I would have
you to do to fulfill your ministry.
Whatever I ask you to do.
I would have you to walk in obedience and
fulfill your calling.
If you are called to build up the body of
Christ then do so.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous
man avails much.
My children are busy about so very much.
Be busy about Me.
Be busy with Me.
Spend time with Me.
Yield to Me.
Draw near to me and I will draw near to
you my beloved.
It is time to come closer to Me.
It is also time for you to draw closer to
those in my body of like precious faith and
stay in the sheepfold.
The enemy is walking around like a roaring
lion seeking whom he may devour.
Stay in the fold.
Stay close to one another.
Listen to one another.
Build one another up in the faith.
Iron sharpens iron.
You have been called to sharpen one
Know you not that you are the temple of
the Holy Ghost and that My Spirit dwells
in you.
You are Mine.
You were bought with a price.
I paid the price.
You no longer belong to yourself.
You are mine says the Lord.
It is time to act as if you are mine.
Draw close to me and walk in the integrity
of my heart.
I am calling you to a holy calling.
It is time to walk with me and walk in the
anointing I have called you to walk in.
My power is not dead.
My power is living and I am not a dead God
but a living God.
Arise and walk in the power of My Spirit as
one that serves the living God.
Walk as those that you see in My Word.
Walk as the Daniels and Elijah's and the
Paul's of today.
Walk in the power of my spirit and you will
walk with the Spirit of Elijah and the power
that Daniel had in dealing with the King. It is
time beloved that you began to move in faith
and move in the power of the Holy Ghost for
I have given you the power of My Spirit.
It is time that you walk in it.
Walk in it.
Begin to pray for your nation and the nation
of Israel.
Israel, the apple of My eye needs your
Pray day and night as the watchman on the
Call upon Me for Israel as it you mean it.
Call upon Me for your Nation as if you expect
me to do something.
I hear the prayer that comes before me and it
is the prayer according to My will that I
Pray in the Holy Ghost and you will receive
Pray for My will to be done on earth as in
Bring My will to this earth.
Bring My Kingdom forth in Your life.
Freely you have received and it is time for
you to freely give.
Give of yourself as the intercessor that you
are called to be. Do not leave all the work
to those few in leadership but join in and
allow the spirit of intercession to take hold
of your heart and allow Me to melt your
heart. Allow me to melt your heart so that
My Spirit can flow through you at will.
Allow me to melt you so that you will become
one with Me and My will.
Call upon Me and I shall answer.
Nations are rising against nation.
Kingdoms are rising against kingdoms and
it is time for my Kingdom to come in you
that My Kingdom might be manifested
before the world.
I would have My will be done on earth as
it is in heaven.
How I would desire to move in your midst.
I would do so much for you if you would
go into your prayer closet.
The abundant life that some have.
You could have that life if you would serve
with the integrity of your heart.
I am changing hearts.
I am changing men and women.
I am looking for the integrity of your heart
to be the heart of the Father manifested to a
lost world.
I am calling forth those that will be willing to
walk forward in the Power of My Spirit and
walk together in unison together in the army
of God.
I am the Lord of Hosts the leader of this army
and I am calling you forth to follow Me.
Follow Me.
I am raising up those that will walk and not
veer to the left or the right but will look
straight at Me and the call they will answer
at a moments notice.
There are only a few that will do so.
This is why My Word says, many are called
but few are chosen.
I have chosen you.
It is time my beloved bride.
I have chosen you and it is time to prepare
yourself for war.
War must come and then there will be peace.
Prepare for war.
Get ready my beloved to fight the daily
battles for as the battles increase you will
be prepared.
Preparation is in learning of Me by spending
time at My feet.
Draw from the strength that I will pour into
you and walk in the integrity of your heart
wherever I send you.
Get ready beloved to go to high places of
government and low places where the lost
and dying are together waiting for you.
Get ready to minister to Kings and at the
same time minister to the drunk in the gutter.
I am leading you to all those that are hurting
and they are from all walks of life.
There are those that are in government that
feel alone and there are those that are solitary
that need to be set into families.
There are those that are in the military that
need your prayers and those at home.
Pray for divine solutions to natural problems.
Pray for divine outcomes to things that look
I am a God of the impossible. I am the God
that took those out of the fiery furnace
and I can help you who are in the furnace
of affliction to come out untouched.
You who work in government places, I would
use you there.
You who work in schools I would use you
there to pray for the authorities and the children
for they are tomorrows church.
I would have you to call them into my Kingdom.
Divine opportunities. I am giving you divine
opportunities. Take them.
You will reap what you sow.
Sow my Word and reap a harvest of souls.
Think not because there are those that are in
corporate places in high positions that they
cannot come. They are the lonely places.
Those that have much in the ways of this world
are very lonely.
Pray for divine transfers.
Pray for transfers of funds to the work of my
Pray for money to come from unusual sources.
Pray for My work to be financed.
I finance My Work.
Support those in the work of Ministry.
I will tell you where to place your funds.
Think Kingdom. Think Kingdom. It is time to
think as one that builds my Kingdom.
Be a Kingdom builder.
Rule and reign here.
Change your thinking. You have thought small.
Think big.
Think as I think.
I can do much in one day as you think as
Kingdom minded servants and I can do much
with one that will think, rule and reign in my
Reign here. Walk in authority here. Move in
My power now.
Reign with Me now.
Expect from Me now.
I will bring divine release of the gold and the
wealth of the Kingdoms of the World into
hands that I can trust to do my work and
perform my Word.
Allow Me to move you and do mighty things
through you.
Pray for the gifts to flow through you. Pray
for the fruit to be manifested in your life.
Honor those in authority over you for in
doing so you will walk in divine authority.
Walk as one that serves and see what I
will do.
I Jesus come quickly. Pray without ceasing
in the Holy Ghost and yo shall have divine
Expect Scriptural moves of God as in the
book of Acts.
Expect to walk in New Testament power
and you will walk on water. Expect.
Expect. Expect.
I am the God of the Divine Miracle.
Ask and you shall receive.
Ask and expect impossible things from my
I put in Kings and remove them. I do so
Expect as you tear down strongholds that
I will move and fill them with my power.
I am in control and I am a loving God who
longs to do abundantly above all you ask
or hope for.
Expect from Me.
I will move and bless you as you obey Me.
Obey me for it is the key to your happiness
in My Kingdom.
Pray for those that are in authority over you.
My Word says to pray for those in authority
that you may live a quiet, peaceful and Godly life.
Do you want to live a Godly peaceful life?
Then it is time to pray and intercede for your
I am moving by My Spirit and calling you to
It is time as a Nation that you draw close to the
one and only true God.
I am the living God and it is time that you draw
close to Me. I am the Lord Jesus Christ and I
am calling you now and saying come unto Me
while there is time.
I am calling you forth as a Nation to pray and
intercede for those that are in authority.
It is time to pray for your leaders for they are
found wanting.
It is time to enter into the prayer closets of the
nation and bend your knee and your hearts
before Me and it time to call upon me with your
whole heart. I will not longer honor half hearted
praying that comes up before me.
I shake my head at some of the prayer that
comes up before Me and I am expecting better
of those that are called by My Name because
I know that you know that you are capable
of much better.
Those of you who have been called to be
intercessors. You know your calling.
Fulfill your calling.
Those of you that have been called by My
Name have been called to certain ministries
and I am expecting you to double your efforts
to fulfill them.
It is time that I am going to fulfill you call in
you and will give you a double portion for what
I am asking you to do.
I equip my children for the call that they have
upon their lives.
I equip the saints for the working of ministry.
I will equip you with all that you need to fulfill
your destiny.
I have filled you with My Holy Spirit and given
you the ability to speak in tongues for a purpose.
Do not leave this power unused.
It is the power of My Spirit that will make the
difference in the success or failure of the mission
I have given you.
It is time my beloved to apply yourselves to the
work I have given you.
It is time now where man can work.
I say that the day and the hour is coming when
no man can work and so it is time to pray and
ask me each step of the way what I would have
you to do to fulfill your ministry.
Whatever I ask you to do.
I would have you to walk in obedience and
fulfill your calling.
If you are called to build up the body of
Christ then do so.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous
man avails much.
My children are busy about so very much.
Be busy about Me.
Be busy with Me.
Spend time with Me.
Yield to Me.
Draw near to me and I will draw near to
you my beloved.
It is time to come closer to Me.
It is also time for you to draw closer to
those in my body of like precious faith and
stay in the sheepfold.
The enemy is walking around like a roaring
lion seeking whom he may devour.
Stay in the fold.
Stay close to one another.
Listen to one another.
Build one another up in the faith.
Iron sharpens iron.
You have been called to sharpen one
Know you not that you are the temple of
the Holy Ghost and that My Spirit dwells
in you.
You are Mine.
You were bought with a price.
I paid the price.
You no longer belong to yourself.
You are mine says the Lord.
It is time to act as if you are mine.
Draw close to me and walk in the integrity
of my heart.
I am calling you to a holy calling.
It is time to walk with me and walk in the
anointing I have called you to walk in.
My power is not dead.
My power is living and I am not a dead God
but a living God.
Arise and walk in the power of My Spirit as
one that serves the living God.
Walk as those that you see in My Word.
Walk as the Daniels and Elijah's and the
Paul's of today.
Walk in the power of my spirit and you will
walk with the Spirit of Elijah and the power
that Daniel had in dealing with the King. It is
time beloved that you began to move in faith
and move in the power of the Holy Ghost for
I have given you the power of My Spirit.
It is time that you walk in it.
Walk in it.
Begin to pray for your nation and the nation
of Israel.
Israel, the apple of My eye needs your
Pray day and night as the watchman on the
Call upon Me for Israel as it you mean it.
Call upon Me for your Nation as if you expect
me to do something.
I hear the prayer that comes before me and it
is the prayer according to My will that I
Pray in the Holy Ghost and you will receive
Pray for My will to be done on earth as in
Bring My will to this earth.
Bring My Kingdom forth in Your life.
Freely you have received and it is time for
you to freely give.
Give of yourself as the intercessor that you
are called to be. Do not leave all the work
to those few in leadership but join in and
allow the spirit of intercession to take hold
of your heart and allow Me to melt your
heart. Allow me to melt your heart so that
My Spirit can flow through you at will.
Allow me to melt you so that you will become
one with Me and My will.
Call upon Me and I shall answer.
Nations are rising against nation.
Kingdoms are rising against kingdoms and
it is time for my Kingdom to come in you
that My Kingdom might be manifested
before the world.
I would have My will be done on earth as
it is in heaven.
How I would desire to move in your midst.
I would do so much for you if you would
go into your prayer closet.
The abundant life that some have.
You could have that life if you would serve
with the integrity of your heart.
I am changing hearts.
I am changing men and women.
I am looking for the integrity of your heart
to be the heart of the Father manifested to a
lost world.
I am calling forth those that will be willing to
walk forward in the Power of My Spirit and
walk together in unison together in the army
of God.
I am the Lord of Hosts the leader of this army
and I am calling you forth to follow Me.
Follow Me.
I am raising up those that will walk and not
veer to the left or the right but will look
straight at Me and the call they will answer
at a moments notice.
There are only a few that will do so.
This is why My Word says, many are called
but few are chosen.
I have chosen you.
It is time my beloved bride.
I have chosen you and it is time to prepare
yourself for war.
War must come and then there will be peace.
Prepare for war.
Get ready my beloved to fight the daily
battles for as the battles increase you will
be prepared.
Preparation is in learning of Me by spending
time at My feet.
Draw from the strength that I will pour into
you and walk in the integrity of your heart
wherever I send you.
Get ready beloved to go to high places of
government and low places where the lost
and dying are together waiting for you.
Get ready to minister to Kings and at the
same time minister to the drunk in the gutter.
I am leading you to all those that are hurting
and they are from all walks of life.
There are those that are in government that
feel alone and there are those that are solitary
that need to be set into families.
There are those that are in the military that
need your prayers and those at home.
Pray for divine solutions to natural problems.
Pray for divine outcomes to things that look
I am a God of the impossible. I am the God
that took those out of the fiery furnace
and I can help you who are in the furnace
of affliction to come out untouched.
You who work in government places, I would
use you there.
You who work in schools I would use you
there to pray for the authorities and the children
for they are tomorrows church.
I would have you to call them into my Kingdom.
Divine opportunities. I am giving you divine
opportunities. Take them.
You will reap what you sow.
Sow my Word and reap a harvest of souls.
Think not because there are those that are in
corporate places in high positions that they
cannot come. They are the lonely places.
Those that have much in the ways of this world
are very lonely.
Pray for divine transfers.
Pray for transfers of funds to the work of my
Pray for money to come from unusual sources.
Pray for My work to be financed.
I finance My Work.
Support those in the work of Ministry.
I will tell you where to place your funds.
Think Kingdom. Think Kingdom. It is time to
think as one that builds my Kingdom.
Be a Kingdom builder.
Rule and reign here.
Change your thinking. You have thought small.
Think big.
Think as I think.
I can do much in one day as you think as
Kingdom minded servants and I can do much
with one that will think, rule and reign in my
Reign here. Walk in authority here. Move in
My power now.
Reign with Me now.
Expect from Me now.
I will bring divine release of the gold and the
wealth of the Kingdoms of the World into
hands that I can trust to do my work and
perform my Word.
Allow Me to move you and do mighty things
through you.
Pray for the gifts to flow through you. Pray
for the fruit to be manifested in your life.
Honor those in authority over you for in
doing so you will walk in divine authority.
Walk as one that serves and see what I
will do.
I Jesus come quickly. Pray without ceasing
in the Holy Ghost and yo shall have divine
Expect Scriptural moves of God as in the
book of Acts.
Expect to walk in New Testament power
and you will walk on water. Expect.
Expect. Expect.
I am the God of the Divine Miracle.
Ask and you shall receive.
Ask and expect impossible things from my
I put in Kings and remove them. I do so
Expect as you tear down strongholds that
I will move and fill them with my power.
I am in control and I am a loving God who
longs to do abundantly above all you ask
or hope for.
Expect from Me.
I will move and bless you as you obey Me.
Obey me for it is the key to your happiness
in My Kingdom.
Eagles With Clipped Wings
Many of My eagles are as it were with wings that
have been clipped.
Many of My eagles are not soaring but are
floundering in their walk.
They are not taking flight because their wings
have been clipped.
They know that they are not where they need
to be in their walk with Me.
They see but through eyes that are covered
with many things.
The eagle is meant to soar far above the earth
and My eagles are meant to soar and live in the
secret place.
Busyness has kept my eagles on the ground.
Many things have caused them to become almost
useless to the Kingdom of God.
God is going to repair your wings.
It will take time at the Savior's feet to mend
clipped wings.
The enemy has slowly clipped the wings of these
eagles as he sees their full potential.
He has tried to stop their vision in the day and
in the night.
He has attempted to stop their vision even in
the prayer closet.
Eagles you need to come back to Me and find
that secret place where few dwell.
I am calling eagles to repentance that they
do their first works and remember what I have
called them to be.
Eagles take time to feed in My Word.
Eagles take time to pray and seek My face.
Eagles stay in My presence.
Eagles listen to Me and the damage will be
You will then fly into the heavenlies and live
far above all that is below.
You are not called to be earth bound but to
live in the heavenlies far above all principalities
and powers.
Eagles repair your wings in My presence.
have been clipped.
Many of My eagles are not soaring but are
floundering in their walk.
They are not taking flight because their wings
have been clipped.
They know that they are not where they need
to be in their walk with Me.
They see but through eyes that are covered
with many things.
The eagle is meant to soar far above the earth
and My eagles are meant to soar and live in the
secret place.
Busyness has kept my eagles on the ground.
Many things have caused them to become almost
useless to the Kingdom of God.
God is going to repair your wings.
It will take time at the Savior's feet to mend
clipped wings.
The enemy has slowly clipped the wings of these
eagles as he sees their full potential.
He has tried to stop their vision in the day and
in the night.
He has attempted to stop their vision even in
the prayer closet.
Eagles you need to come back to Me and find
that secret place where few dwell.
I am calling eagles to repentance that they
do their first works and remember what I have
called them to be.
Eagles take time to feed in My Word.
Eagles take time to pray and seek My face.
Eagles stay in My presence.
Eagles listen to Me and the damage will be
You will then fly into the heavenlies and live
far above all that is below.
You are not called to be earth bound but to
live in the heavenlies far above all principalities
and powers.
Eagles repair your wings in My presence.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
It's Time
Rain is falling,
I hear it calling,
Do you hear as deep calleth unto deep?
It's time now to lay all at the Savior's feet.
Behold, the nail scarred hands,
The finished work of Calvary,
Where they took the Son of God
And hung him on a cross,
Made for you and me.
Our sins so scarlet,
Made white as snow,
Because of our sin,
The Saviour died here below.
Made for heaven.
He came to earth,
To give sinful man, new start, new birth.
The most sinful, now made clean,
Washed in the cleansing flood.
We are now made clean by the Saviour's blood.
The time of latter rain is here,
Its very gently falling,
Return now for your Lord is calling.
Patricia Hamel (c)
I hear it calling,
Do you hear as deep calleth unto deep?
It's time now to lay all at the Savior's feet.
Behold, the nail scarred hands,
The finished work of Calvary,
Where they took the Son of God
And hung him on a cross,
Made for you and me.
Our sins so scarlet,
Made white as snow,
Because of our sin,
The Saviour died here below.
Made for heaven.
He came to earth,
To give sinful man, new start, new birth.
The most sinful, now made clean,
Washed in the cleansing flood.
We are now made clean by the Saviour's blood.
The time of latter rain is here,
Its very gently falling,
Return now for your Lord is calling.
Patricia Hamel (c)

Keep Your Eyes on Me
Much change is taking place right now
and your eyes need to be planted firmly on Me.
See Me and see Me alone, for if you take your
eyes off of Me and put them on your situation for
more than a moment you will fall.
The time has come for you to walk totally by
faith and not to look to the left or to the right
but to look straight ahead at the Lord your God.
I will lead you and guide you by the right hand
of My righteousness.
Much perfecting is being done to each one of Mine
in this hour for it is indeed late and so you are going
through one trial after another getting ready for
the battle.
In this battle says the Lord all the forces are being
The forces of light are gathering together and as
My forces are being gathered together so are the
powers of darkness.
You know who wins the battle beloved.
I have won this battle and every other one and
you too have won because you are Mine.
Keep pressing on and move forward little by little
and do not break ranks but move forward a bit at a
time and as you move forward you shall take
Move forward slowly and steadily and do only
what I have called you to do.
Do not fear but walk steadily.
Walk with extreme caution yielding all to Me.
Faith is a mighty weapon and by it men will
win as it pleases Me to see men and women
walk in faith not seeing where they are going.
It is a walk that is alive and as you put one foot
and then the other forward you shall see just
enough to take the next step.
It is a walk that is not for the faint of heart
but it is for you.
My warriors are not faint hearted men and
women but are warriors that are full of courage
and the zeal of the Lord.
I am not raising up children but I am raising
up Sons of God who will lift up the weak and
carry them in prayer and take them and lend
them your support.
Do not be faint hearted but walk with hearts
that are filled to overflowing in faith.
Yes, I said overflowing in faith.
This walk will require fingers that are leafing
through the pages of the Word of God daily
and taking in My wisdom and understanding.
What I say to you today will differ tomorrow.
You will need fresh marching orders daily.
One day you may be told to press on going
forward, as has been said, but then on another
day, I may say to you stop and gain the needed
strength for the battle.
You will learn to rest in the battle.
Rest in the perfect peace of God.
You will learn to rest in Me, says the Lord.
You learn this slowly through many years of
trials and testings and it is not a lesson that you
learn over night but one you learn little by little,
here a little there a little line upon line will I
teach you My ways.
My ways at times are past finding out.
This is why I said to keep your eyes on Me.
Yes, I do reveal things to My servants the
prophets but there are those moments that
you are also required to walk by faith as I
am going to speak to you and tell you alone
what steps to take and you will not always
have a Word from another in your walk
with Me.
You must learn to hear from Me and learn
to be directed by Me for the day may come
when you and I are alone together and then
you will need to know Me.
Knowing My voice is imperative in this battle
otherwise how will you know where to move.
Positions change and can change quickly
when at war and one is not always in the
same place. I move My soldiers and things
can change at My command and in a
moment. I am giving My marching orders
in split second timing and there will be
moments that you need to be ready to
move and go where I send you.
This is exciting and you need to rejoice at
a life that is far from mundane but full of
the life of your Lord.
Rejoice also that you are a partaker of
Christ's sufferings.
This is not something My children are
fond of hearing as it is not a part of the
gospel that My children like to hear.
It is part of the gospel to also suffer for
My sake.
Rejoicing in the fellowship of My sufferings
is given grace when grace is needed.
You will all need a fresh grace to ahead
daily and you need to ask Me for My grace,
wisdom and a fresh infilling of the Holy
Spirit to go forward.
Take the shield of faith and hold it and learn
to take the shield and know that faith is
ever moving as it is faith in Me. One
moment you will move your shield one way
and then another time another as it is then
that you will quench all the fiery darts of
the enemy.
He is indeed sending out those fiery darts
and aiming to hit but know that they cannot
hit if there is not an opening in your armor.
Check your armor.
Check for flaws and examine it as you go
into battle.
What do you see?
What do you need to prepare before the
next battle.
Do you need take in fresh food for strength?
Do you need to prepare you weapons for war?
Do you need sleep for strength?
Read your manual which is the Word of God
and you will see directions and instructions.
You need those instructions as you cannot
just move out without them.
You need to hear from Me clearly through the
Word and by My Spirit in prayer.
Prayer and intercession will pave the way
that you will go in faith.
There are yet rivers to cross and as the
Israelites had to cross dangerous territory
know that there are still many ites in your
path that need to be defeated.
They do not all look the same so you must
see with your spiritual eyes and not your
natural ones.
Do not be deceived by what you see in the
natural for man may say one thing, and I
the Lord your God another.
Test and try all things.
Be wise like the ants as they prepare for
Prepare and be wise.
I placed knowledge of them in My Word
for a reason.
Have you see how they move and get
along together every one going about
their own business.
O that My children would do likewise.
Yes, My children you do learn from the
smallest of creatures the wisdom of God.
Beloved of Mine.
Go forward in faith and do not look back
but look to Me the author and finisher
of your faith.
You see it started with Me and it ends
with Me.
I must carry you.
Will you let Me carry you?
Faith in Me will carry you.
Hope in Me will give you grace to go on.
You cannot quit now and many are growing
weary of the battle.
Stop and refresh and regroup and then I
will pour in fresh oil and you will move
Test the Spirit before moving forward.
Try all things.
Believe in Me. Try all things.
No one can declare Jesus Christ Lord who
is not Mine.
Again, try all things.
Did I not say that even the very elect could
be fooled if possible.
Did I not say that the wheat and the tares
would grow together in the same place until
the harvest?
Be wise and discerning but not suspicious.
The wheat will bend and the tears at the
end will be left upright.
Humble yourselves under My might hand
and walk softly before Me and you will
know I am your God.
I will not leave you and will lead you and
guide you to your Heavenly home.
Meanwhile occupy, overcome and walk as
overcomer's in this hour.
Overcome by the blood of the Lamb and
the Word of your testimony.
Testify of Me.
Tell of Me to others and speak to yourself
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
Make melody in your hearts to Me.
Worship and praise Me for who I am and
what I will do through you and in you.
As a caterpillar changes into a beautiful
butterfly so you too will be change.
Do not despise the changes but know the
beauty that will come forth in you
as you go through the changes and pass
through the fire and see the end result.
You are exceedingly precious in My sight.
Yes beloved you are loved and precious in
My sight.
Know My love for you in all that you go
through, and know that I am with you each
step of the way and you are not walking alone.
Faith acts so go forward in the power of My
Spirit and My Word will lead and guide you
to the end.
and your eyes need to be planted firmly on Me.
See Me and see Me alone, for if you take your
eyes off of Me and put them on your situation for
more than a moment you will fall.
The time has come for you to walk totally by
faith and not to look to the left or to the right
but to look straight ahead at the Lord your God.
I will lead you and guide you by the right hand
of My righteousness.
Much perfecting is being done to each one of Mine
in this hour for it is indeed late and so you are going
through one trial after another getting ready for
the battle.
In this battle says the Lord all the forces are being
The forces of light are gathering together and as
My forces are being gathered together so are the
powers of darkness.
You know who wins the battle beloved.
I have won this battle and every other one and
you too have won because you are Mine.
Keep pressing on and move forward little by little
and do not break ranks but move forward a bit at a
time and as you move forward you shall take
Move forward slowly and steadily and do only
what I have called you to do.
Do not fear but walk steadily.
Walk with extreme caution yielding all to Me.
Faith is a mighty weapon and by it men will
win as it pleases Me to see men and women
walk in faith not seeing where they are going.
It is a walk that is alive and as you put one foot
and then the other forward you shall see just
enough to take the next step.
It is a walk that is not for the faint of heart
but it is for you.
My warriors are not faint hearted men and
women but are warriors that are full of courage
and the zeal of the Lord.
I am not raising up children but I am raising
up Sons of God who will lift up the weak and
carry them in prayer and take them and lend
them your support.
Do not be faint hearted but walk with hearts
that are filled to overflowing in faith.
Yes, I said overflowing in faith.
This walk will require fingers that are leafing
through the pages of the Word of God daily
and taking in My wisdom and understanding.
What I say to you today will differ tomorrow.
You will need fresh marching orders daily.
One day you may be told to press on going
forward, as has been said, but then on another
day, I may say to you stop and gain the needed
strength for the battle.
You will learn to rest in the battle.
Rest in the perfect peace of God.
You will learn to rest in Me, says the Lord.
You learn this slowly through many years of
trials and testings and it is not a lesson that you
learn over night but one you learn little by little,
here a little there a little line upon line will I
teach you My ways.
My ways at times are past finding out.
This is why I said to keep your eyes on Me.
Yes, I do reveal things to My servants the
prophets but there are those moments that
you are also required to walk by faith as I
am going to speak to you and tell you alone
what steps to take and you will not always
have a Word from another in your walk
with Me.
You must learn to hear from Me and learn
to be directed by Me for the day may come
when you and I are alone together and then
you will need to know Me.
Knowing My voice is imperative in this battle
otherwise how will you know where to move.
Positions change and can change quickly
when at war and one is not always in the
same place. I move My soldiers and things
can change at My command and in a
moment. I am giving My marching orders
in split second timing and there will be
moments that you need to be ready to
move and go where I send you.
This is exciting and you need to rejoice at
a life that is far from mundane but full of
the life of your Lord.
Rejoice also that you are a partaker of
Christ's sufferings.
This is not something My children are
fond of hearing as it is not a part of the
gospel that My children like to hear.
It is part of the gospel to also suffer for
My sake.
Rejoicing in the fellowship of My sufferings
is given grace when grace is needed.
You will all need a fresh grace to ahead
daily and you need to ask Me for My grace,
wisdom and a fresh infilling of the Holy
Spirit to go forward.
Take the shield of faith and hold it and learn
to take the shield and know that faith is
ever moving as it is faith in Me. One
moment you will move your shield one way
and then another time another as it is then
that you will quench all the fiery darts of
the enemy.
He is indeed sending out those fiery darts
and aiming to hit but know that they cannot
hit if there is not an opening in your armor.
Check your armor.
Check for flaws and examine it as you go
into battle.
What do you see?
What do you need to prepare before the
next battle.
Do you need take in fresh food for strength?
Do you need to prepare you weapons for war?
Do you need sleep for strength?
Read your manual which is the Word of God
and you will see directions and instructions.
You need those instructions as you cannot
just move out without them.
You need to hear from Me clearly through the
Word and by My Spirit in prayer.
Prayer and intercession will pave the way
that you will go in faith.
There are yet rivers to cross and as the
Israelites had to cross dangerous territory
know that there are still many ites in your
path that need to be defeated.
They do not all look the same so you must
see with your spiritual eyes and not your
natural ones.
Do not be deceived by what you see in the
natural for man may say one thing, and I
the Lord your God another.
Test and try all things.
Be wise like the ants as they prepare for
Prepare and be wise.
I placed knowledge of them in My Word
for a reason.
Have you see how they move and get
along together every one going about
their own business.
O that My children would do likewise.
Yes, My children you do learn from the
smallest of creatures the wisdom of God.
Beloved of Mine.
Go forward in faith and do not look back
but look to Me the author and finisher
of your faith.
You see it started with Me and it ends
with Me.
I must carry you.
Will you let Me carry you?
Faith in Me will carry you.
Hope in Me will give you grace to go on.
You cannot quit now and many are growing
weary of the battle.
Stop and refresh and regroup and then I
will pour in fresh oil and you will move
Test the Spirit before moving forward.
Try all things.
Believe in Me. Try all things.
No one can declare Jesus Christ Lord who
is not Mine.
Again, try all things.
Did I not say that even the very elect could
be fooled if possible.
Did I not say that the wheat and the tares
would grow together in the same place until
the harvest?
Be wise and discerning but not suspicious.
The wheat will bend and the tears at the
end will be left upright.
Humble yourselves under My might hand
and walk softly before Me and you will
know I am your God.
I will not leave you and will lead you and
guide you to your Heavenly home.
Meanwhile occupy, overcome and walk as
overcomer's in this hour.
Overcome by the blood of the Lamb and
the Word of your testimony.
Testify of Me.
Tell of Me to others and speak to yourself
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
Make melody in your hearts to Me.
Worship and praise Me for who I am and
what I will do through you and in you.
As a caterpillar changes into a beautiful
butterfly so you too will be change.
Do not despise the changes but know the
beauty that will come forth in you
as you go through the changes and pass
through the fire and see the end result.
You are exceedingly precious in My sight.
Yes beloved you are loved and precious in
My sight.
Know My love for you in all that you go
through, and know that I am with you each
step of the way and you are not walking alone.
Faith acts so go forward in the power of My
Spirit and My Word will lead and guide you
to the end.
My Word is Alive in You
My Word is alive.
It is life.
My Word is alive in you.
Take it and spread it.
Tell others about Me.
My Word is alive in you.
My Word is alive. My Word is alive. My Word is alive in you.
Tell others about Me.
Tell others about Me.
My Word is alive in you.
It will go where I send it.
It will touch hearts and lives.
Seek Me then go to those who will benefit.
My Word is alive in you.
It is a pure sharp Word.
It is Jesus with the healing touch.
I touched the woman with the infirmity.
I will touch you too.
I will bring new life today.
I will see you through.
The thick and thin you will break through.
My Word goes ahead of you.
Take the Sword and fear not but just tread
right on through.
Victory is yours.
the Sword is in your hand.
It is time now to rise up and take an undefeated stand.
Courage is in Me.
I live in you.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man, avails
much and will be used to add My healing touch.
The Master's hand works through you.
Open your eyes and see, that I the Master
would use you today to bring others to Me.
Rise up today and take your stand.
Let My strength rise within.
You will catch the enemy off guard and truly do him in.
Rise up beloved in My Name.
Shout My Name with glee.
I redeemed you with the Blood of the Lamb
and came to set the captives free.
See its power.
Use My Name.
Greater Works, you will do.
Its almost finished the work is almost done
and you will be with Me.
Press on harder finish the course.
Run the race with glee.
Turn your eyes and remember My death and
triumphant victory as I rose from the dead
to set the captives free.
Soon I will come and forever, you will be with Me.
I Am Invading Your Life
I Am Invading Your Life
Patricia Hamel
Does it seem to you that I am stretching you to the limit?
Do you feel that you can hold no more?
This is because I am taking you and expanding your heart
to hold more of Me.
I am working, removing and removing the old rubble so that
you might be filled with the new.
Do not murmur but allow Me to work in you and I would
have you to press into Me and allow Me to expand in you.
I would have a larger place in your heart.
I would invade your life by My Spirit, says the Lord.
I would literally invade you and I am seeking you out.
I am seeking you out and drawing out your strength in the
natural so that your total dependency is on me and Me alone.
Look to Me. Hear Me. See Me. I am always working My wonders to perform. I am performing a good work in you and will perform it till the
day I return.
Rejoice in what I am doing. Be amazed at what I am doing
in your heart. I am bringing forth Christ in you and working to bring you
to maturity. I would than be able to use you in a greater way for My Kingdom.
I will not leave or forsake you during these trials for I am with
you for the long haul and you know that My love is with you always.
The fiery trial will only consume you but left standing will be
Christ in you the hope of glory. Rejoice in the work I am doing in you.
Praise Me. Rejoice and again I say rejoice for your latter work will
be greater than your former, says the Lord.
Deep is Calling to Deep
Hear the call of My Spirit. Hear Me as I call you
to intercession.
Deep calls to deep and I am calling you to come
to Me now.
Come to Me and cry out to Me.
Cry out with your whole heart.
I am entreating you and calling you.
You are hearing that call in your inner most
Deep is calling to deep.
Let Me stir within you and do not resist the
stirring of My Spirit.
I am stirring you in the depths of your soul.
You know that the days are short.
You know that the times are becoming more
You know that it is a season of war and that
all of Mine must be sharpening their weapons.
You must know what weapon to use and
when to use it.
On a given day one will be correct and at
another time you must use another strategy
to overcome.
I will give you divine strategies straight
from My Spirit that speaks within you.
Divine strategies straight from the heart of God.
Yield to Me.
Listen to Me.
Take hold of Me and do not let go.
I am speaking and drawing all of My children
closer and I am drawing you.
Drawing you and saying come into the prayer
The door is open and I am knocking ever
knocking and looking to and fro in the earth
that I will find even one that will stand in the
I am looking for the persistent intercessor
the one that will give their life in intercession
for Me.
I am looking for the prophet that will speak
My words without fear of man.
This will be the greatest snare in the last days.
The fear of man always brings a snare and
goes contrary to My Spirit.
You must delete all fear and put total faith in
My love.
My love never fails.
Prophecy's will come to an end but My love
will never end.
I am God. I am love.
O beloved you do not yet know what I have
in store for you for you are a woman of
destiny and are called for My purposes.
You are a called out one and know that you
are called out for divine business in this hour.
I am pruning. I am working. I am drawing you.
I am moving by My Spirit digging and digging
all that is not of Me so that you will be pure
The gem in My hand that will sparkle and be
used. You are a gem in My hand and I will use
you to dazzle the world with My love.
You will sparkle and your face will glow with
My love. You shall shine and the bright and
morning star will arise in you and His light
shall be shed abroad in your heart and light
the path of men.
Child of Mine draw nearer.
Come nearer to Me.
Come child, come closer for you have much
yet that I would teach you.
You have much yet to share with others.
There is fresh food at the Saviour's feet.
Tasty food that will feed the multitudes.
Tasty food from living Word that will ignite
The fire of My Spirit is burning in you this
night and I have ignited the fire of My love.
Let My love burn in you for it will kindle a
fire that will not go out.
Let the fire of My love burn to others.
Take the fire of My love and let it shine and
let it burn and let it move where I would take
Yes, beloved you are called of Me even to take
the spoken word and speak to those that I
have called you.
You shall speak to those in authority.
Yo shall speak to those in places that you would
not dare to go in the natural. You are a voice
that will speak for Me.
Do not fear. Do not hold back but turn it all
over to Me.
Great and Mighty is the Lord and praise My
Holy Name.
to intercession.
Deep calls to deep and I am calling you to come
to Me now.
Come to Me and cry out to Me.
Cry out with your whole heart.
I am entreating you and calling you.
You are hearing that call in your inner most
Deep is calling to deep.
Let Me stir within you and do not resist the
stirring of My Spirit.
I am stirring you in the depths of your soul.
You know that the days are short.
You know that the times are becoming more
You know that it is a season of war and that
all of Mine must be sharpening their weapons.
You must know what weapon to use and
when to use it.
On a given day one will be correct and at
another time you must use another strategy
to overcome.
I will give you divine strategies straight
from My Spirit that speaks within you.
Divine strategies straight from the heart of God.
Yield to Me.
Listen to Me.
Take hold of Me and do not let go.
I am speaking and drawing all of My children
closer and I am drawing you.
Drawing you and saying come into the prayer
The door is open and I am knocking ever
knocking and looking to and fro in the earth
that I will find even one that will stand in the
I am looking for the persistent intercessor
the one that will give their life in intercession
for Me.
I am looking for the prophet that will speak
My words without fear of man.
This will be the greatest snare in the last days.
The fear of man always brings a snare and
goes contrary to My Spirit.
You must delete all fear and put total faith in
My love.
My love never fails.
Prophecy's will come to an end but My love
will never end.
I am God. I am love.
O beloved you do not yet know what I have
in store for you for you are a woman of
destiny and are called for My purposes.
You are a called out one and know that you
are called out for divine business in this hour.
I am pruning. I am working. I am drawing you.
I am moving by My Spirit digging and digging
all that is not of Me so that you will be pure
The gem in My hand that will sparkle and be
used. You are a gem in My hand and I will use
you to dazzle the world with My love.
You will sparkle and your face will glow with
My love. You shall shine and the bright and
morning star will arise in you and His light
shall be shed abroad in your heart and light
the path of men.
Child of Mine draw nearer.
Come nearer to Me.
Come child, come closer for you have much
yet that I would teach you.
You have much yet to share with others.
There is fresh food at the Saviour's feet.
Tasty food that will feed the multitudes.
Tasty food from living Word that will ignite
The fire of My Spirit is burning in you this
night and I have ignited the fire of My love.
Let My love burn in you for it will kindle a
fire that will not go out.
Let the fire of My love burn to others.
Take the fire of My love and let it shine and
let it burn and let it move where I would take
Yes, beloved you are called of Me even to take
the spoken word and speak to those that I
have called you.
You shall speak to those in authority.
Yo shall speak to those in places that you would
not dare to go in the natural. You are a voice
that will speak for Me.
Do not fear. Do not hold back but turn it all
over to Me.
Great and Mighty is the Lord and praise My
Holy Name.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Fresh Revelation is Being Released
I am releasing the prophetic flow and the blockage
has been removed.
I am releasing a flow that will flow like a river and
just let it flow where I send it.
Speak release and it shall release and it shall touch
the lives I send you to.
The prophetic word must flow in this hour and it
will be used to touch the lives of many.
My Words will be used to cut to the quick and they
will be used as a sharp sword but My words will
have a sweetness to them.
They will speak and cut deep and My Word will
pierce the hearts of men.
The day is here that I am sending My prophets
out even in to the highways and going to use them
to speak to people in the streets.
The days of church are over in that it will be moved
out of the organized walls to those in need.
No longer will my prophets just prophesy between
the four walls but they will take the two edged sword
in their mouth and speak even in the marketplace.
There will be divine appointments set by Me.
Divine appointments made in heaven.
Appointments set before the foundation of the world.
Appointments that have been planned that will speak
destiny words to those with great need.
I am going to reach those that would otherwise not
be touched.
Those that will not walk into a church building will
be reached by those that are willing to walk out of the
comfort zone and speak for Me. I will take you and
use you as a sharp new threshing instrument in My
I will take you and say go this way or that way and
out of love you will do My bidding.
I shall lead and guide by My spirit, says the Lord
and you shall prophesy.
The day is here.
You will have dreams and visions
and I will speak in unusual ways and it shall always
be backed up by My Word. My Word is inspired
and will always back up an experience.
If you cannot find it in My Word then throw it out.
My Word is the ultimate standard by which you
must judge all things.
My Word is the truth and was there from the
foundation of the world.
My Word is the light in the darkness and the shelter
in the storm. Trust in My Word and it will give you
new revelation.
New revelation will flow through you in this hour.
Rejoice that My Spirit still speaks today and I am
speaking to men and women and boys and girls.
I am God that speaks.
I am alive. I am forever more. I am God and there
is none like unto Me.
I am God and there is no other Savior. I am the Lord.
has been removed.
I am releasing a flow that will flow like a river and
just let it flow where I send it.
Speak release and it shall release and it shall touch
the lives I send you to.
The prophetic word must flow in this hour and it
will be used to touch the lives of many.
My Words will be used to cut to the quick and they
will be used as a sharp sword but My words will
have a sweetness to them.
They will speak and cut deep and My Word will
pierce the hearts of men.
The day is here that I am sending My prophets
out even in to the highways and going to use them
to speak to people in the streets.
The days of church are over in that it will be moved
out of the organized walls to those in need.
No longer will my prophets just prophesy between
the four walls but they will take the two edged sword
in their mouth and speak even in the marketplace.
There will be divine appointments set by Me.
Divine appointments made in heaven.
Appointments set before the foundation of the world.
Appointments that have been planned that will speak
destiny words to those with great need.
I am going to reach those that would otherwise not
be touched.
Those that will not walk into a church building will
be reached by those that are willing to walk out of the
comfort zone and speak for Me. I will take you and
use you as a sharp new threshing instrument in My
I will take you and say go this way or that way and
out of love you will do My bidding.
I shall lead and guide by My spirit, says the Lord
and you shall prophesy.
The day is here.
You will have dreams and visions
and I will speak in unusual ways and it shall always
be backed up by My Word. My Word is inspired
and will always back up an experience.
If you cannot find it in My Word then throw it out.
My Word is the ultimate standard by which you
must judge all things.
My Word is the truth and was there from the
foundation of the world.
My Word is the light in the darkness and the shelter
in the storm. Trust in My Word and it will give you
new revelation.
New revelation will flow through you in this hour.
Rejoice that My Spirit still speaks today and I am
speaking to men and women and boys and girls.
I am God that speaks.
I am alive. I am forever more. I am God and there
is none like unto Me.
I am God and there is no other Savior. I am the Lord.
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