It is now time to preach My gospel to the ends
of the earth. Take My Word and take it forth
unto the peoples of the earth. Take the two
edged sword I have placed in your mouth and
take it forward unto those that have not heard.
There are many that have not yet even heard
My gospel.
I am not willing that any should perish but that
all would come unto Me.
A soul has great value in my eyes.
Take my Word and take the Spirit of God in your
hearts and go and tell that Jesus Christ died to
take away their sins.
Let them know that I died on the cross for their sins.
They must know of my death, burial and of my
Take My Word and speak unto those that I tell you
to speak to.
I would have those that go be anointed with an
evangelistic spirit that would speak into lives in a
powerful way.
Let the prophetic word I have given you arise and
speak and prophecy my Word unto people.
My Word will not come back void.
Speak my word and let the spirit of prophesy arise
in you and as it arises it will reveal the thoughts
and intents of the heart.
I discern the thoughts and intent of hearts.
I will arise in you and you shall speak even to that
one and prophesy to that one and decree over
them the works of God and the plans I have
for their life.
You shall tell them what is in their heart and how
I can save and change them.
The spirit of prophetic evangelism will be used
in these last days to touch the hearts of many.
Fear not to go forward and those that have the
spirit of prophecy expect it to arise in you and
expect to speak divinely in this hour to the lost
and to the dying and even to the wounded and
unto my church.
My Word is a two edged sword in your mouth
and I would have you to take it and go with the
sharp arrow of my Word and send it into the
hearts of men.
They shall arise and as they hear my Word they
shall see the light.
Do not fear to speak and declare my word over
people and I would give you such love for them
that they will know that you are my disciples.
They shall know because of the love and care
you have for them.
Prophesy unto the people. Speak my Words.
Share my heart. Tell them my will for I have
a perfect will for each life if they will but hear
the words of the destiny I have for them.
Speak destiny Words. Decree destiny Words.
Tell of Me.
Go and tell. Go and tell. Go and tell that Jesus
Christ is Lord.
I am Lord and I would have you to go and tell
before it is too late. The day is at hand and now
is the time to speak forth My words with
boldness and with clarity and speak forth the
spirit of Truth and I will give you a Holy boldness
that none shall resist for I am the Lord.
Can I not take my fresh threshing instruments,
in my hand and use them?
Can I not take you and have you boldly decree
my words in the public place, in the work place,
in the gutters and where ever I send you?
My Words will be spoken to the uttermost parts
of the earth and then shall the end come.
Prepare to evangelize. Prepare to Prophesy.
Prepare to preach my Word unto the people.
Prepare them for what is to come.
Pray and seek my face before you go out two
by two and share what I have given you.
Be filled first with my Word and with my
Holy Spirit and be filled to overflowing
with Me. Spend time with Me and then go forth
as one that has sat in my presence and has
much to give.
Freely you have received. Freely give unto
the masses.
Those of you that bare My name I am saying
unto you to arise and speak forth My name
without shame.
Do not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ for
it is the power of God to those that believe
to the Jew first and unto the gentile.
Pray for those that are in authority over you
with great fervor.
Decisions must line up my Word.
Countries must line up with My Word.
The Nations of the earth need to line up with
My Word.
Call them in. Pray for them.
Go into your prayer closet and pray as it your
very life depended on it.
Many lives are dependent upon your prayers
and intercession to Me.
Value one soul.
I value the one that is lost.
Remember the parable of the lost sheep.
Go after the one and bring them back into the
There are those you know of that used to serve
Me. I would bring fresh opportunity and
another opportunity and am calling them one more
Call them.
Reach out as I tell you.
Find out what I am saying for each one and then go
with the Fathers heart
and bring them in.
Set them free from the snare of the enemy
who takes people captive at his will.
Say, no longer will the enemy do this but I say
unto you, "Arise".
Move in the power of My Spirit and do your
first works.
Let your first love of Me be rekindled. Let me
set you on fire with the power of My love for you.
Remember the days when you first gave Me your
There was love and fire in your heart for Me.
Let the fire of God rekindle your heart.
There is still a spark there that I would ignite.
Ask me to set your heart on fire for Me.
Arise you that are sleeping and I will give you light.
The hour is late and it is time to arise.
I will yet take you and use you, says the Lord.
Get ready for the greatest time of harvest of souls
you have seen.
You will be used.
Do not refuse my offer.
Come unto Me be cleansed of your lethargy.
Allow the power of My Spirit to fill you once again.
Go and tell. Go and tell. Go and tell.
There are those that I would call past their front
door, even unto the mission fields and I would
have you to be prayerful over the call I have given you.
Some will go and some will evangelize in the towns
and cities nearby.
I will tell you of my plans as you seek my face.
Seek me.