Times of Refreshing come from Me.
The freshness of My Word will breathe new life into you.
Come to Me this day and be refreshed, says the Lord.
You will feel washed and cleansed by My Spirit that dwells
in you.
I am the fresh and living water and in drinking of Me, no
man shall thirst again.
Draw from the waters, and do not just go and take from the
top of the well but draw deep and you will find living in My
Word all that you need for this day.
You cannot go on in your strength but need mine.
This is the hour when mankind needs the double portion and
cannot go on with yesterdays manna.
Yesterdays manna is not for today but you must eat fresh
bread daily.
Bread from the heavenly will feed you who live there for you
are in this world but not of it.
Do not rely on the natural food but rely on the spiritual for it
shall truly feed you in the days to come.
Trust Me for as I fed the prophet in the wilderness so shall I feed
you, O you of little faith.
Know this. I am the provision for My children and they need no other.
I am the provision for this hour and you must trust in Me, alone.
All else will fail you but you need only Me to sustain you.
Fellowship with one another and so much more as you see the day
approaching but realize that the sustainer of your life is the Lord your
I alone am the sustainer of all life on this earth.
If it were not for Me there would be no life.
I am the light of men. I am the light of the world.
It is becoming darker but I am becoming brighter and brighter in those
that are Mine and are heeding My voice.
I speak and things happen. I act and things are done. I move by My
Spirit across the lands of the earth and they shall know that I am the Lord.
I am the creator of heaven and earth.
I am God and there is none like Me.
I alone am God.
Bring glory to My name. Praise My name. Lift up My name.
All oppression shall lift as My children praise My name.
Praise Me everywhere and keep an attitude of praise on your lips and in
your heart.
Know the hour is soon coming when the dead in Christ shall hear My voice and
those that remain shall hear and the dead in Christ will rise first and those that
are alive and remain shall be caught up with the Lord in the air and so will ever be
with the Lord.
Comfort one another with these Words.
I am indeed returning for a bride that is without spot or wrinkle.
I am returning for My bride.
I am coming back and the glory of My name shall be revealed.
I am splendor. I am glorious. I am Holy and I am a righteous God that shall
avenge Gods elect for the acts done against her.
I alone shall justify and I alone am the God of vengeance against all ungodly acts.
Know that I alone am the Lord God Almighty and I alone shall reign
and have the glory.
I shall have the preeminence, now and forever more.
Praise My Holy name.