Hebrews 4:12 For the Word of God is quick and powerful,
and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to
the divining asunder of the soul and spirit and of the
joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and
intents of the heart.
This morning two words came to me, razor sharp.
Psalm 52:2 says: Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a
sharp razor, working deceitfully.
It was a surprise to me the word sharp razor was in the
Word of God.
The Lord is saying for his people to be alert. Then this
word started coming to me moments ago.
My Word is sharper than the sharp razor of the
My Word will cut through the works of darkness and
will reprove them.
Take the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God
and use it against the enemy.
The enemy seeks to divide and conquer, but my way
is unity and I seek to unite the body of Christ.
I am exposing the works of darkness and where he
thinks that he is razor sharp, he shall be thwarted.
I have given my children authority over all power of
the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
My authority has been given to you to tear
down the works of darkness and build up the
works of God.
Take out your sword children and come
against the powers of darkness that are coming
against you for in coming against you, they are
coming against My Kingdom.
The kingdoms of the enemy will not stand.
I say unto you they will not stand.
Get out your Word dear children.
Get out your Sword and wield it against the
You shall win and you are more than
conquerors through me who loves you.
You shall not be defeated but you shall win.
I am the Lord of battles and I shall teach you to
win each and every battle.
You may loose little ones but as you wage this
war wisely against the enemy of your soul, you
shall win.
Remember always, your battle is not against flesh
and blood but against principalities and powers
against the rulers of darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in high places.
You are to be rulers and the ones that reign and
not the enemy.
Stand up. Wake up out of your slumber and sleep.
Arise and I shall give you light.
Light is the Word of God.
Arise take the promises of my Word stand upon
Build upon them.
Precept upon precept,
line upon line, and as you build on my Word
you shall stand upon it and as you stand on it
you shall fight with it.
I am raising up mighty warriors.
Strong warriors, seasoned warriors,
ones that can use the sharpness of my sword
against the devil and win.
Put on the armor of God where you will be able
to stand against the wiles of the enemy.
They are subtle and he often uses a back door
to enter.
Cover yourself on all sides.
Be diligent and see far ahead.
Be a watchman and see far ahead as the
watchman on the wall.
Alert. Watching.
Seeing where the enemy is coming from.
Keep watch standing together.
I am raising up watchers who will watch
over my sheep, who will stand guard in the
congregations and in the nations and in the
homes of this earth, those that will be wise
and stand on guard.
Will you be one of those that will stand guard.
There will be a price to pay in standing guard.
Watchmen often become weary of the battle
but then I strengthen them and they remain
I am looking for faithful watchers that will
watch out for your nation.
Are you one?
Are you one?
I ask you again are you one of those that will
pay the price and be a watcher.
A watcher will be looking for Me first and spend
time with me and know Me that is how a watcher
detects the scent of the enemy.
My children, know my voice as they mature and
will be able to detect the enemy or the very elect
would be fooled.
I am sharpening my children.
I would have my gifts in operation in my body and
come to maturity.
I would have you to grow up for it is time that you
eat the meat of my Word.
No longer the milk of the word but the meat of my
Word is yours for the asking.
Desire meat and you shall be strengthened and
Meat of the Word makes mighty men.
Men of valor.
I am calling you forth to be in this end time army.
Will you be one of those that lays all aside and
follows me.
It shall be a battle but I have won and you too will
win as you come together in the unity of my Spirit
and fight as a body.
A body cannot be divided and right now there are
many divisions.
Strife is a divisive spirit that the enemy has tried
to sow in my body and needs to be broken.
Come against that spirit and you shall have victory.
Allow me to fight for you.
I am a very present help in time of trouble.
I am your help and I am your rear guard.
I am not afraid of war and you are mine so stand
on guard.
Arise, and shine for the days of victory are just
Victory is mine.
It is yours.
Decree my Word.
Take my authority and use it and cut through
all that is not of me.
Cut down the razor sharp tongue of the enemy
and raise up a standard against him.
I have given you the keys of the Kingdom, the
authority of my Kingdom now arise and use it.