There is a move going on in the spirit realm.
I am moving mightily by my Spirit and as I
am moving and stirring up my people, the
enemy is also doing his stirring.
Where the enemy is there is always confusion
and every evil work.
I am drawing my children by my Spirit and am
not the author of confusion.
I am peace.
I would have my children to seek peace and
pursue it.
My children you are in this world but not of it.
You are going to have to work hard to be
peacemakers in this world.
Be of good cheer,
I have overcome the world.
I overcame and walked in peace and I would
bring peace, even into your homes would I
bring my peace.
Many homes with two Christians in them do not
have peace but I am saying unto you that I am
going to bring peace in the storm.
You must take authority in my name over the
spirit of confusion that seeks to come and divide
the body of Christ.
If the enemy can divide my body then he can
separate my people from the plans I have for them.
I came my children to give you a future and hope.
Future and hope are two things the enemy knows
nothing of and therefore in his hatred of the child of
God he is walking about like a roaring lion seeking
whom he may devour.
Be careful he does not devour you.
Think carefully my children in all that you do and
ask if it glorifies me.
Seek to glorify me, the Lord your God.
I am teaching your hands to war and to do battle.
I am teaching you and you are not always waging
war wisely.
You must wage this war wisely and win.
The enemy of your souls is working on all fronts,
he is working in all homes, in all cities and in all
nations of the world to destroy all that is good,
clean and of value, all that is of me says the Lord.
You are going to need to put on the full armor
of God to be able to stand against this enemy.
You only have power to tread upon him as you do
so in my Name.
Tread upon the serpent in my name.
I have given you power to tread on serpents and
scorpions and over all power of the enemy and
nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Do you hear me my children? Nothing shall hurt you.
Many have been afraid to fight the battle. Fear not
to get into the battle and fight. You have not yet
resisted in this battle unto death.
Do all for the glory of God. Fight for my glory. Win
for my glory.
Bring honor to my name.
My name is worthy of honor and glory and power.the
Lord that has created all things.
I have created you and you have been created for
my glory. Yes, for my glory, I have created you.
I would pour out my Spirit upon those areas of
your life that are dry and need the refreshing
of my Spirit.
The enemy comes when you are weak and seeks
to make inroads.
Do not allow him to make inroads.
Keep up that wall against him.
Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove in
all that I have you to do.
Walk wisely before those that are without,
redeeming the time because the days are evil.
The enemy will seek to infiltrate all that you try
and do for me each and every thing that you do,
he will try and put his hand into it for he knows
the Words of Scripture and once was before me.
He was cast down into the earth and is so aware
that his time is running out.
He seeks to take as many with him as he can but
I am saying this to make you aware my precious
ones that you are going to need to rise up to the
occasion and get into my Word and pray and put
on that armor that I have available to you.
It is there in my Word and I have given it to you
as a weapon to fight in and with.
Precious ones, do not be discouraged for
discouragement is the tool of the enemy.
I would have you to be encouraged that his
works are being exposed and know that
I am standing with you.
I am standing with you.
Will you allow me to make myself real to you
in times of battle and show you that I am
standing with you.
I am not going to forsake you or leave you
but I am increasing your ability to stand.
I am giving you an increase in the ability
to stand so that you can enable others to
I have called you to help others to walk,
I have called you to encourage them in
the faith and I have called those of you
that are stronger to support the weak.
I have called you to support those that
are cast down and I have allowed you
strength that my life might be poured
out of you to others and that you may
be used to pour strength from my
Spirit into them.
That comes from soaking in my Word
and allowing my presence to so
permeate into your being that it will
touch the one next to you and that
the fire of my Spirit would begin to
burn from one to the other.
Yes, I would have my fire burn from
one to the other and that fire is not
taught, it is caught. You must catch
the fire of my Spirit by spending time
with me and then you will have a two
edged sword with which to cut down
the enemy and you will still be
standing an having done all you will
Having done all my children, you will
be left standing.
I see your fight, I see your struggles,
I see all and I am aware of every
little thing that you are going through
for my eyes are all seeing and my
eyes are going to and fro throughout
the earth.
In weariness, come to me for refreshing.
Pray, for another and you will be lifted up.
Be an encourager for there are many in
my body that are discouraged and they
need your help to shake off the lethargy
from the foe.
Be used as one that will take the Sword
of my Spirit and come to the defense of
your brother and sister.
Be one that will come with their sword
sharpened. Fight this battle.
Fight to win and you will be more than
a conqueror and you shall win.
For I have won this battle for you.
Catch fresh vision that I have won this
at Calvary.
You will see as you glimpse me that you
too shall win.