
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Spirit of False Accusation

Beloved I would have you aware that there is a spirit of false accusation working in the body of Christ.
I would have you stand with the spirit of truth against this spirit
and defeat it in Jesus name.
The enemy knows that his time is short in the earth and he is seeking
whom he may devour.
I would have you to raise up a standard against this spirit and pull it
down in the the name of Jesus.
Beloved, I have raised you up as an army and together you need to
stand against the working of the enemy.
The lie of the foe will not stand against the truth.
My Word is truth and will go where I send it.
Send My Word and it will go to where you send it.
Take the authority of the Word of God and use My authority
for I have given all authority unto you brethren and you need
to use my authority against the foe.
Use My authority.
It is God given and it is time to get angry at the enemy's
workings and defeat him.
Do not fear beloved but take the sword of the Spirit and use
My sword to pull down those strongholds.
The Spirit of God is mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.
It is the last day beloved and the time is here that you need
to arise to the occasion and stand and having done all to stand.
Beloved each and every one of you will need to take a stand
against the accuser of the brethren.
False accusation is a spirit that must be defeated.
Know that I am God and I hate the spirit of false accusation
in My church and I will no longer stand for this spirit of backbiting
and lies in My house.
I am raising up a people who will stand together and you are not
fighting a person but a spirit and you must fight this war in spirit
and in Truth.
My Word is Truth and is no lie.
Defeat the enemy. Defeat the enemy. Take the Sword of the
Lord and defeat the enemy for I the Lord am saying to you that
you are more than a conqueror through Christ.
I Christ overcame all and you to can overcome all by the Blood
of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony.
They loved not their lives unto death and they overcame him.
I the Lord say unto you that you are overcomer's, walk as overcomer's, says the Lord.
I am a conqueror and My Spirit dwells in you. You have the power
of the Throne of God, the name of Jesus standing with you to
overcome all onslaughts of the foe, so take your sword and stand
and know My Word and use it to fight and you will win.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you shall win..