
Saturday, January 5, 2008

One Body

My children need to pull together.
Think of one another and bear one another's burdens.
In doing so you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Draw closer to Me.
and desire fellowship one with the other.
You are living in serious times and now is the time
to draw closer to Me and closer to each another.

Learn more about your brother or sister.
What are their needs?
Do not stay in your corner but reach out and say" what
can I do for my brother".

Uphold one another in prayer. Pray for one another.
Be that prayer support that the other needs.
Do good first to the household of faith and then for those
around you.

You have much to offer so do not say "I have nothing to give".
I dwell in your hearts and you are one body and I am bringing
My body closer in this hour and preparing My church for what
lies ahead.

Come closer to Me and love one another with a pure heart.
I am looking for purity and holiness in each one of you and when
I see holiness I see My reflection.

I am Holy and desire you to be Holy in all your conversations.
Do not strive together but get along with one another.
There should be no jealousy among you for you are all part of
one body.
Can an arm fight against an eye?

You need one another.
As your faces differ so do your gifts and so do your levels
of maturity.
You need one another.

Do not fight one another.
Do not speak ill of one another.
These things should not be.
Overcome by asking Me to change you.
Love one another and by this shall men know that you are mine.

Come together in fellowship and do not forsake the assembling
of yourselves together.
When I am your first love you will love one another.

Am I your first love above all else?
Put aside your differences and walk as mature sons and daughters
of God.

There are those that are still on milk when by now you should be
able to handle the meat of My Word.
Desire that you grow up and fill yourself with My Word and you will
grow up to the full measure of Christ.

Grow in faith.
Dwell in Me. Live and move and have your being in Me. Live Christ.
It is Christ in you and the hope of glory.
Walk closely with Me and you will love the unlovable.

Children, love one another.
There are not many Fathers but I have called some of your to be
fathers and teach those that are younger the things that I have shown
Many of you are Mothers that can help those that are needing support.
Know where you are needed and show My love.
Let your good works come forth in this hour and help those in need.

There are needs all around you. Ask Me to show them to you and I will.
They are at your doorstep.
Open your eyes and you will see.

Children love one another.
This is My commandment that you love one another.
Value your brother and sister.
See the gold that I have placed within each one.
Treasure Christ in one another.

Rejoice that you are a part of the household of faith.
You belong to Me and as you walk in faith and press forward, I will
be with you.

The days are approaching when you will not be able to live and
keep your walk with me without fellowshipping one with another.
Come together.
Go after the one that is lost.

Call the one you have thought about.
Visit the one that is sick.
Freely you have received, freely give.
You have received Christ now give Me out one to another.
By this shall men know that your are My disciples, if you have love
one for another.