1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to
forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Walk as though you are forgiven,
for I have forgiven you.
My Word says "that when you repent of sin
that I am faithful and just to forgive you".
Do you believe this?
Do you truly believe this?
Then why do you walk as though you have
not been forgiven?
Why do you walk under the condemnation
of the enemy?
There is now no condemnation to those
who are in Christ Jesus.
Are you in me?
Then raise up your head that hangs down and
walk as one that is forgiven.
You must forgive yourself.
Search your heart and ask.
Have I forgiven myself?
For I have forgiven you.
Your sins have been thrown into the sea
of forgetfulness and are remembered no more.
Why do you remember them?
Though your sins were as scarlet
I have washed them white as snow.
Ask me to forgive you for not walking as
one forgiven.
Start walking and go forward
out of your past,
toward the destiny I have called you into.
Forgiven one, go forward
And put your trust in Me.
Remember My blood was shed for you.
and you were set free.
Walk now forgiven one,
for I have set you free.
Cry out to Me and thank Me forgiven one.
Put all trust in me.
Lift up your head.
Walk as royalty.
You are my child
and have nothing to hide.
Trust me to do all and remember
no more the sin of the past.
I have shut the door.
Lift your head high.
Put new trust in me.
Calvary pardoned.
You have been set free.