
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lamb of God

Rejoice, I am the Lamb of God.
I take away the sin of the world.
I took away your sin. Rejoice.

Rejoice in the Lord your God for you are no longer walking in
sin but you are walking in the power of My Spirit.
The leading and guiding of My Spirit is vital beloved.
Follow My leading carefully.

It is not the time to walk carelessly.
Walk with prudence.
Take care in all that you do.
Take care with your words.
Know Me. Know My voice.

My sheep know My voice.
I know the voice of My sheep.
I know your cry and I know the cry of each one of My

Each one of My children has a different sound and yet
I know you by name.
How awesome child that you are known by the Lord.
How awesome that your life is in My hands.

Nothing can happen to you unless I first allow it.
The enemy does not have the last word but I have the
last word in your life.
Everything must pass by Me.

I know all about you.
I see each tear you shed.
I know when a tear falls exactly which child of Mine has
shed it.

I know you better than you know yourself.
I created you and you were formed in your mothers womb.
I saw you there when you were yet inside.
Even then I had a plan for your life.
Even then I had My plans for you to give you a future and
a hope.

I looked upon you as one that would come to know Me.
I knew even then that you would answer the call and come
to Me.
You were called before the foundation of the world.

You have a destiny.
You have purpose.
You have everlasting life in Me.
Realize this day that your life is full of purpose.

I have big plans for you.
My love for you will last forever.
You have been redeemed from much and to whom much is
given, much is expected.

Rejoice this day in your salvation and enter into the joy of
your Lord.
Rejoice this day for I have created night and day.
I see you as you lie on your bed.
I hear your every thought.

Think Christlike thoughts.
You are no longer your own.
You were bought with a price.
You are no longer a servant to sin.

You are now in the service of your King.
Walk with honor before Me.
Fear Me.
Honor Me.
Love Me.
Out of this love you will obey Me.

If you love Me you will keep My Word.
Cherish it.
Read it.
Allow it to be written on your heart.
It will come back to your remembrance as you put
it in.
In times of need My Word will come back to you.

In the night hours you will hear My Word.
I will whisper My promises to you.
My Word speaks.
My Word delivers.
My Word is ever working in your life.
Let patience have its perfect work so that you may be perfect.

All of My children need more patience.
Impatience does not bring about the fruit of righteousness.
The trial of your faith works patience which is much more
precious than gold.

Rejoice in your trials.
I am with you.
You will overcome.

Praise Me today.
Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord.
I inhabit the praises of My people.
I dwell there as you worship and as you life up My name
I can do great and mighty things in your life.

Worship Me. Honor Me. Glorify only Me. I am the Lord.
I seek your praises.
I am the Maker of heaven and earth.

Know it and honor Me with a pure heart.
Come before Me with thanksgiving and praise Me in the
Bow before Me and honor My Holy Name.

At the Name of Jesus every knee must bow.
Bend your heart before Me.
I will honor you as you honor Me.

I Am the Lord and no one can declare Jesus Christ Lord but
by the Holy Ghost.
I Am Lord.
Honor Me in all your ways and I will direct your path.
Honor Me.