
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Many of You are Gifted

Beloved, many of you are so gifted and I have
given you those gifts to operate in the Body of Christ.
Many of you have been called and as your faces differ
so do your gifts.
I would take you beloved and I would use you as one
that would stand in the place I have called you to use
your gifts.
Stir up the gifts that are in you.
Expect those gifts to operate as you allow Me to stir
you. Activate them.
Many of you are called to speak a prophetic word and
yet that voice is laying dormant and I would have you
to speak My Words.
Do not say I cannot do it for I say unto you that you
can do all things through Christ.
You are capable in Me to move in the power of My
I would have all of the gifts of My Spirit operating in
My body.

Get ready beloved for the day is here when those gifts
will not just be active in the church but I am activating
those gifts in the public domain. The day is here when
the church is not the walls of a building but you are
realizing that you are the church. Testify of Me. Speak
of Me and as you speak the Spirit of Wisdom and
Revelation will begin to flow. Beloved expect Me to
give you a Word in season and reveal the depths of the
heart to you that you might mend the brokenhearted.
The day is here that I am going to use you as one that
will speak My Word in
the most unusual places and you will even be surprised
at that one being healed in My name. Yes beloved, I
would have you to lay hands on the sick and they
shall recover. I would have you to teach the Word little
by little to those that are open to hear. Tell them
beloved of Me, Jesus and let them know that I
died on the cross for their sins and that I rose again.
Tell them beloved. Tell them. I would have the
discerning of spirits operating in the lives of believers
and I would have you to know which spirit is
operating. You will know if it is the Spirit of God,
the enemy or the flesh. Yes, I would have this gift
honed sharp in My Body. I said My children would
not be deceived and the only way to prevent this
deception is to pray for the discerning of spirits.
Expect miracle working power to flow and believe
Me for great things and the great things will
happen. Pray for the greater Works of God to
become manifest in your ministry. Yes Beloved.
It is now time to take My Word and go with it
into a lost and dying World and bring life, the
life of Christ into their midst. Arise and shine beloved
and take My Word and it will go where you send it.
Step out in faith and act and you shall see Me move
says the Lord.