
Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Training of an Apostle

The training of an apostle is not easy training.
It is training that is straight from My hand.
I am leading and guiding you into all truth.
The truth of the Word of God will be instilled
into your heart again and again. There are
many lessons in this school of learning and
the most important one is obedience. Pinpoint
obedience to My Word and My voice.

I expect you to listen to Me and to do what I
say. I am training you in My love and the
apostolic life is one of great discipline. You
are My disciple and you are being trained to
be like your Master. Many hated Me and
they shall hate you as you speak the truth
in love. In this shall men know that you are
My disciple. Is the disciple greater than his
Master. No and you will go through the same
training I went through and walk the same
steps that I walked.

You will deny yourself, take up your cross
daily and follow Me. You will learn the selfless
life and know fully what it is to live at the cross.
You will become part of the cross and the
message of the cross will be embedded within
you. There will be no separation as you will
bear My cross daily.

There is no exemption or special treatment for
those that walk in this high calling of God in
Christ Jesus. You must die to all that you are
or ever will be. You will be stripped of all that
is not of Me, in thought, word or deed. You will
take up your cross and follow Me. You will go
where I send you. I will allow you to become
a spectacle to all men but those that recognize
Me will know that you are Mine. Are you still
willing to take up your cross and follow Me?
Often I will ask of you things that I do not
ask of others.

I will not permit things to stay within you that
others live with. I will prune you and train
you in My school of learning and it is not
training for the faint of heart. Even now you
sense things are changing. The things your
dreams reveal will be lived out and you will
be cleaned until you are dead to all that is
not of Me. You are told to count the cost.

You can go to heaven because you bear My
name and follow Me but to be an apostle
is a high calling. It is to be a servant to all.
Yes, to be an apostle is to serve, serve and
serve again. Are you willing to serve Me
where I call you? You enjoy comforts. My
apostles do not always live with all the
comforts the average Christian lives with.
There is a cost to walking in this anointing
and a price to pay. Many have given their
lives in My service. I am sharpening the
discerning of spirits in you even now and
your ability to hear My voice is deepening.
I am speaking and you are now in the school
of the Father. Think not because you are a
woman that you will receive special treatment
but know that the school of the Father is one
of love and discipline. As many as I love I
discipline but I will hold those that are leaders
to a greater account and as others you will
give an account for all that you do. You will
give an account for all that you say. You will
walk a walk of true repentance and grieve
over the hearts of men. You will carry deep
burdens for mankind and see things in them
that others do not see. Their sins will grieve
you and you will take them to Me in
intercession and spend many hours in
intercession and alone with Me while others
enjoy things in life that you as an apostle
will not be permitted to do. Your prayer
life must deepen and your commitment to
Me at all cost. You must give up your life
and allow Christ to be formed and matured
in you. This is not a harsh message.
This is the life of the cross for those that
are willing to fulfill their destiny.

Follow Me. You will lead the way and set
an example for others to follow. Will you
be that example? Be prepared to take the
night watch and sit at My feet. I spent
time with My Father all night long and
there will be those times when I require
you to sit with Me and watch and be that
one that watches with Me. We will sit
together as one and you will hear that
still small voice and yet there will be
those moments of silence when you
think that I have gone from your life and
the only answers will be those that I last
spoke to you. Are you still willing to pick
up your cross and follow Me? You will
often be separated even from the good
for time with Me.

Your finances will be My finances and
you will not spend as others spend. All
that you own is Mine and even in these
matters I will require your sacrifice. I
will require that you give your life for
the sheep. When you hear their voice
you will meet that need and take no
thought for your own life. You will hear
their cry and answer to the best of
your ability. I will strengthen and
sustain you through much but you will
be in warfare training that will take
you where the average man does not
go and yet you will be as the scum of
the earth to many. Are you still willing
to take up your cross and follow Me?

You will see the needs of the homeless
and grieve at their plight for you will
have your Father's heart. You will see
sin and weep over it and there are
moments where you will feel as if your
heart will break. You will go the way of
those apostles before you in giving your
life to follow Me. You will forsake
Father's and Mother's and family for
My names sake. Will you still follow Me?
The truth of My Word will burn within
you. You shall hunger for My presence
more than you will hunger for food and
drink and you shall desire nothing
more than Me. You will bear My cross.
Will you take up your cross and follow
Me? Delight in Me and love Me with all
your heart and soul and mind and
strength and your neighbor as yourself.
Will you take up your cross and follow
Me? Putting yourself last and walking
even as Steven walked in His testimony
of Me. Men and women have given their
lives for the gospel's sake. You must be
willing to speak for truth and justice
even if it means loss to you. Will you
take up your cross and follow Me?
I ask you again, are you willing to give
up all that you are and take up your
cross and follow Me?
Follow Me.