When I place a burden on your heart it is time to pray.
It is time to come to Me and come without delay.
It is time to come to Me and intercede for the things
that I lay upon your heart.
It is time to carry the burden of the Lord and intercede
for the souls of men.
Are you interceding for the souls of men.
Are you crying out to Me in intercession.
Are you waiting or are you praying?
Are you weeping unto Me for the souls of men?
Are you praying?
I am asking you My children these soul searching
Many of you are intercessors.
Are you interceding?
I am calling out to My intercessors.
I am calling you into the pray closet.
I have called and you have not answered.
I have called you with My still small voice.
You have not heard with your heart.
You have put off your calling and you need to
make your calling and election sure.
It is an honor to serve Me in this way.
It is an unseen ministry.
Man does not see.
I see those that go into their prayer closets.
I hear the cry's that come with tears for the
lost. They are bottled up in heaven.
I see when your heart breaks for that one.
My heart is broken for that one.
That is why I am placing this burden on you.
One soul is of such value to Me.
I paid a price for that one soul as I paid the
price for yours.
They need to be brought into My Kingdom as
you were brought into My Kingdom by
someone praying for you.
Intercede My children, intercede. Call upon
Me and seek My face for I the Lord am calling.
I am calling you into a place of prayer that is
deliberate and unceasing. I am calling you into
the chambers of intercession.
I have been calling and I am again calling to all
of you that are my Bride.
O My Bride you slumber.
My Bride you slumber and sleep.
Awake My Beloved for I am calling you.
You have work to do My Beloved.
You have much work to do and little time to do it.
Why do you slumber when I am calling you.
Awake, Beloved, awake.
The time is coming when I shall have to awaken
you. Gentle nudges are not working. The little
touches that I give you are to no avail for I am
calling you and you do not take the time to
answer Me.
Will you awaken now while there is time?
Do not wait My Beloved. Awake.
Time is of the essence.
Time is being wasted.
The harvest is ripe Beloved.
The fields are ripe unto harvest.
Laborer's are few.
You are the laborers.
Think not that I have called another.
I have called you My Beloved.
You have work to do.
You need to get up and to to where I have
called you.
You need to minister unto those that I
send you to.
Beloved of mine it is time.
Do not put off until tomorrow what you can
do today.
Did I not say "the hour is coming when no man
can work". Does My Word not say" work while
there is time".
Beloved, many of My children are lazy and
many of you do not want to go to the trouble
to bring in My harvest.
You have come into covenant with Me.
You have taken on My name.
You are called by My name.
You are to go in My name.
Did I not say that I would send you out two by
two and that you were to go trusting Me to be
your provision.
Will I not provide for those that I equip for
You have been equipped for My service.
You have been trained to do the work of the
What are you waiting for my Beloved ones.
I have trained you.
Many of you have had more than enough training.
You have been equipped for the Masters service.
You have seen Me in My Word doing what My
Father did?
Go and do likewise.
The day and hour is coming when there will be
great calamity on the face of the earth and the hour
is coming and you have been told this many times,
that no man will be able to work.
It is time to put your hand to the plough and not look
Do not look back.
Look directly at Me.
Put your eyes on Me, My Beloved.
Do not look back.
Many of you are disheartened by your trials and
your tribulations.
Many of you walk in discouragement continually.
It is a spirit and you can shake it off in My name.
The enemy will come at you My children.
Use My name and he shall flee.
Take your authority and use it and he shall flee.
I have given you My authority over all power of
the enemy.
My children you would think that you are walking
in your authority for you do not have the victory
that you should have by this late hour.
You have yet need to be taught the basic things
again and again and you should now be taking the
meat of My Word and chewing it, digesting it and
as it settles into your heart you should be giving
out that milk and meat to others.
Do not horde what I have given you.
The anointing will increase as you are faithful in
the little things and that anointing that abides in
you will teach you all things.
I am truth.
I am the life.
I am the only way.
Teach these things Beloved.
Go and tell. Go and tell. Go and tell.
Eternity is forever and it is time that you lived in
light of eternity.
Mans souls hang in the balance.
Souls are entering eternity each minute of every day.
Ponder this Beloved.
Right now there are souls entering into eternity,
some to eternal damnation and some to eternal life.
Beloved it time that you win souls.
He that wins souls is wise.
Win souls. Love souls. Love that one and I will send
you to the ten and the hundreds.
Pray for those that need Me.
Allow Me to place the burden of intercession
on your heart.
Beloved it is time to pray.
Pray for Israel. Pray for My Beloved Israel. Do not
stop but make intercession for her night and day.
Do not slumber and sleep but travail and call upon
Me for her salvation.
The hour is late Beloved.
All of My prophets are saying the same thing.
Remember the Words that you have heard.
The Spirit and the Word agree.
My voice is one voice.
My prophets are saying that it is time to pray and
intercede and to do My work.
Many of My prophets are warning of pending
Many speak of My grace and undeserved favor
trying to bring My Bride to a place of action and
O Beloved arise while there is time.
You can come unto Me and I will hold you
when you fear.
I will remove the fear with the authority I have
given you.
I have trained you but you still forget to use the
How can I increase your authority when you do
not use that which is given to you.
Speak in My name.
Use My name.
My name is the name above all names.
Use it to overcome in this hour.
The enemy is on the rampage and will not stop
unless you stop him.
I have given you the keys of My Kingdom.
They are in My Word.
Use My Keys.
There are many keys.
There is a key available for every situation.
My name is the key that you can use to overcome.
The name of Jesus is above every name, named in
heaven and earth.
Above every name.
You are the head and not the tail.
Walk as the redeemed of the Lord and say that
you have been redeemed by My blood that was
shed for you.
There are those of you that are awakening and those
that are bright eyed and awake.
There are those of you that are alert.
There are those of you that wear your armor and
carry the torch and walk with it held high.
There are those of you that are pulling others up
and helping them to stand.
There are those of you that walk in victory.
There are those of you that walk in the power of
My Spirit.
I speak to you now Beloved.
Help those that are weak.
Bear one another's burdens.
Carry them in intercession. Pull them out of the fire.
Bring them back to Me.
Go and bring them in.
Those that once served Me are being wooed back
unto Me.
Let your light shine and go and get them.
Go Beloved Go.
Tell Beloved tell.
Teach all men and
bring all men to My Word
It is truth and It is life.
I Jesus am the truth and the life.
Tell them that I am coming and that I am coming
I, Jesus the King of Kings am coming soon.
Be ready.