
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Victory is Yours

I have given you the victory,
I have given you the ability to fight battles and win.
I have given you the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
I have given you a prayer language so that you can worship and praise My Holy Name
and pray according to the Word of God.

Beloved, use the prayer language that I have given you and pray without ceasing in the Spirit.
There is great power when you pray in the Spirit.
You are praying a prayer that is by My Spirit and according to My will.
I answer all prayers that are My will.

Worship and praise Me and as you worship and praise Me you shall have great victory.
I am the victory that overcame the world and you too shall
overcome by your faith in the Son of God.

I would build your faith.
Praying in the Holy Ghost will build your faith.
You will have revelation beyond the natural realm as you pray in the Spirit.
Often you do not know what to pray for but I know the needs and will pray through you.

I have given you great authority and that authority is in My name.
Use the name of Jesus and pray in My name for there is no name under heaven
that is more powerful than the name of Jesus Christ.
Take the Sword of the Spirit and use the sword that I have given you.

Beloved learn to use the Sword of the Lord, which is the Word of God.
Take the promises of God and use them to obtain the victory and keep it.
Let My Word be the Sword in your mouth and direct it at the enemy.
You will defeat him.
He only has the power that you give to him.
Do not give him any foothold but stand the ground that I have given you and having done
all stand.
Stand in My power and strength and as you are faithful in the little things I will increase you
areas of influence.
Stand in the victory and do not be entangled with the yolk of bondage.

Allow me to lead and guide you by My Spirit, says the Lord for it is only as you allow me to
take the lead will you have great success.
You will have success in all that you do and all that you say and there is such power in My
spoken Word that as you follow My leading and speak the Word it shall go where I send it.

Do not be discouraged and do not look back.
Do not look back but look forward to what I am doing and what I will do in your life.
I will do much as you relinquish all control and trust in Me.
Trust in Me.
I am the only one that you can fully trust in this hour to meet your every need.

I shall meet all your needs according to my riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
I will be your helper and I will provide for you.
Your job is not your provider but I am the one that will provide for you.
I am the all sufficient one the glory and the lifter of your head.

Yes, I am the Lord and there is none like unto Me.
I am God Almighty and I am the one and only true and living God.
Yes, I am the Lord.
This should excite you and should fill your heart with great joy knowing that I am God
and in absolute control of all that is taking place in this hour.

I am in control and the enemy shall not prevail but I will prevail in your life.
I am raising you up in this last day to be the warriors I have called you to be and to be
the praisers I have called you to be.

Going into battle with praise in your mouth and the high praises of God will give you
the victory.
Worship Me, Magnify My Holy name.
Lift up the name of Jesus, Lift my name up and lift it up high and proclaim My name throughout
the land.

O that My children would proclaim the name of Jesus.
O that My children would lift up the name of the Lord and
lift up My mighty works.
Lift up all that I do and all that I say. Lift up my banner and lift up all that is due My holy name.

I am great and greatly to be praised,
I am to be feared as the Lord God Almighty and I would have you to honor Me as the King of
I am the soon coming King who will come and make all things right.
I shall right every wrong and I shall bring all that is unrighteousness and it shall be under My feet.
Man shall bow before Me and Man shall know that there is a God in Heaven.
They shall know that there is a God who is in heaven and that I will not be mocked forever but the
day is coming when I shall return and I shall right all wrong and judge all that is not of Me.
I am God. I reign and I put in Kings and I remove them.
I Am that I Am and there is none beside Me.

Magnify My name beloved.
Rejoice in your God.
Praise My name.
Praise Me because you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Praise Me. Praise Me. Praise Me.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.