
Friday, January 4, 2008

Repent the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand

I am calling all men to come to Me and seek Me while there
is time. I am calling forth My church to go and bring in those
that need to be found. Many lost souls that have no
understanding of the Kingdom of God are in desperate need
of salvation. Go and tell them that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Tell them that I will save them from their sin if they call
on Me. There is no other name under heaven that will save
man from their sin.

Call on Me in all that you do.
I am calling My children to walk a repentant walk before
Me. I am looking for repentant hearts that will turn from
sin and seek after Me.
The gospel of Christ is a gospel of repentance. My gospel is
a gospel that required the shedding of My blood for the
remission of mans sin. I died for the sins of mankind and
made a way for each and every one of you to walk a
sinless walk before me.
I also said in My Word that if any man sin he has an
advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
My blood can wash clean the vilest sin in a moment, when
there is repentance.
I am looking for repentant hearts, hearts that will call
upon Me and know Me as their source of joy and salvation.
I am the God of your salvation.
I am the God of the universe and I created this world free
from mans sin and it was a beautiful place until man sinned.
I restored this by dying on Calvary for your sin and the
sin of the whole world and died for you to take back what
the enemy tried to steal.
You must take back what the enemy has stolen from you.
He has tried to steal all and he will take all that you give him.
He knows my word but twists it and so you must seek Me
and know Me and know the voice you are hearing in this hour.
The enemy will not tell you that you need to repent of your
sin and keep short accounts with Me.
He will not tell you that you need to forgive your brother
if he sins against you and he will not tell you that you
need to root out all bitterness from your heart and search
your heart diligently.
Out of your heart flow the issues of life.

I would have you to call on Me in a new way.
I would have you to walk before me in repentance and
walk a deeply repentant walk before Me.
This walk takes time with Me at My feet not always being
so busy for Me but spending time with Me.
Saints of old in times gone by used to spend time with Me.
Today there are few that truly spend time with Me,
meditating for any length of time in My Word.
Your world is a world that is moving daily toward the end
of life as you know it now and you are moving toward

All that you do must be done in light of the eternal being
that you were created to be. You need to seek Me and
find Me and you will find Me waiting for you and watching
for you and I have open arms that are waiting for you to
truly find Me.

I love it when My children seek Me. Seek me on behalf
of others. There is sin in My church and My church
should be different than the world. You are in this
world beloved but not of it. You need to walk away
from the world and walk in the Kingdom of God.

You will not regret you decision to forsake all and follow Me.
Forsake sin and follow Me.
I love the one that sins but I hate sin because I am sinless
and a Holy God.

You are called to be lights in this world and I would not
have you hide you light any longer.
Take care of repenting and walk a close walk of repentance
before Me.

Repentance means to turn from your sin and ask
forgiveness and then to sin no more.
Again, I say that I wash you clean and when you ask
forgiveness I am faithful and just to wash you clean
from all your unrighteousness. My blood covers your
sin when you repent.

You are in Me and I now see you through the blood of
Jesus as sinless and completed but because I see you
this way it does not give you a license to sin.
It should make you want to turn from your sin for
you are very unhappy in it.

The word repent is not a popular word.
It is not a word that man likes to hear.
It is not a word that is preached much from the
pulpits of nations yet My gospel is a gospel of

Repentance will bring revival in you.
My children love to hear about the abundant life
that I provide and I do intend this for you
but it is only possible as a foundation of deep
repentance works in you.

Notice that I said deep repentance.
The world cry's and is sorry but it is not a cry of
Godly sorrow brings about true repentance.

I am looking for hearts that are not perfect except
for the blood of Jesus but I am looking
for hearts that are quick to repent of sin.
I am returning for a Holy bride.
She is a bride that has repented of her sin and
walks in holiness with Me.

This is a word of love to you for as many as I love,
I correct and by this you know that you are the
sons and daughters of God.
I am seeking and My eyes are going to and fro
looking for those that are willing to lay all aside
and follow Me. Lay aside the sin that so easily
besets you.

True repentance is a work of My Holy Spirit
and not something that you can do. You need
grace from My Spirit to be able to repent
deeply and I will give you that grace as you
ask Me. Otherwise it would be your works.
Cease your striving and struggling and just come
to Me as you are and ask Me to make
the changes in you that are so necessary for a
truly joyous yet repentant walk with Me.

You will be truly surprised and so joyous to see
Me doing a deep work that you have longed for
in your heart.
I have heard your cries and your struggles against
sin and I have seen your successes and your
I would give you the victory in the areas where
you were once defeated.

Call on Me. Trust Me. Yield yourself to Me.
I am your Father and I am so willing to forgive
all that you ask of Me.
My blood will wash you clean and your sin will
be remembered no more.
You will be washed whiter than snow.

How I love to have My children come running to
Me and give me their cares and worries.
Your fears and all of the sins that so easily beset
you I will take away.
I long to be a part of every moment of your life.
Hide nothing from Me. I see all. I hear all. I know
your heart.

I search the hearts of men and I am searching your heart.
Will you permit Me to search your heart.
I am the healing physician.
Many go to the doctors in the natural and never even
consult me.
I am your healing physician.
I am not saying not to go to the doctor but I am saying
that you need to come to Me as they did in My Word
and ask for healing.

I am the healing physician.
Can I not heal those that I created.
O you of little faith.
Know that I am the healing physician and I heal, I
deliver and I set free.
Come to me those of you that are heavy laden and
I will give you rest and peace in your soul.

I will lift you up and keep you. I the Lord care for
My people and I will watch over you.
My eye is on the sparrow and it is on you.
How much more value I place on you beloved.

Hear what I am saying to you this day.
Repent and walk in the joy of your salvation.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.