It is time to arise and fight in the battle.
It is time to fight and fight to win this war.
One fights a war to win.
Are you fighting to win?
I would have you to win each battle that you fight.
Wage war wisely and win.
You are not defeated.
You are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves you.
Now is the time to arise and take a stand for there are those
that are downhearted and discouraged in this hour.
Help those that are weak.
Minister to those that are discouraged.
Freely you have received. Freely give.
You have the authority of the Word of God.
It is time to get angry at the enemy and stand against him.
Get angry beloved and stand against what the enemy has been
doing to your home.
Get angry at what he tries to do in the body of Christ.
Get angry at what he is doing in the nations of the earth.
Get angry and go to prayer and seek My face in intercession
and I will give you the keys to fight this and win.
You have the Keys of the Kingdom but you need to have the
discernment to come against the foe and win.
It is not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord
that you will gain and keep the victory.
I gave Zerubbabel the victory and you will gain the victory and
finish the work I have given you, by My Spirit, says the Lord.
The spirit of division has come against My body and I say My
body, for the body is mine, and I am angry as I see what is happening in the midst of the body of Christ.
I am angry as I look and see a body that is to be walking in victory
and I am angry at the enemy as I see My children defeated time and
time again.
You are not helpless and I would give you the victory over all power
of the enemy.
Come against the enemy and destroy him.
I have unlimited power and it is there for those that will walk in the
power of My Spirit in purity and holiness.
Your authority will be increased as you are faithful and as you are
faithful in little you will be given authority over much.
Be faithful.
Walk in purity and holiness.
Walk as I walked on this earth.
Walk as you see your elders walk who have known me and shown
You learn by example and there are Father,s and Mother's in the faith who have lived by example.
Follow their examples of holiness.
Do not think they are old . You can learn from your elders.
Learn from the Word of God and learn quickly for the time is short
and I am coming to do a fast work in the earth.
It is time now to grow up and come to maturity and develop as a
Son or Daughter of God and grow up and desire the meat of the
Word so that you might feed others.
I say the hour is coming and soon will be upon you that the trials
and tribulations will increase and it is time now to serve Me with
great diligence laying aside all filthiness of the flesh and spirit.
Come aside with Me and I will teach you, says the Lord the things
of My spirit and I will use those in authority over you to teach you
as you submit to those who watch over your souls.
Know that I have established authority in the Body of Christ
and that authority is the Word of God.
My Word is the established authority and it was written with love
and is inspired by My Holy Spirit.
Be filled with the Spirit daily and you will see the Word of God through new eyes.
See through the eyes of My Spirit.
Glean from My Word - Christ.
Glean Christ and Him crucified.
Know how to walk a crucified life for it is as you walk a life of
dying daily that you will be raised to life.
I would be your strength.
I am your forward and rear guard.
I would have you to close ranks and not allow the enemy to
make havoc.
Stand. Stand. Stand.
Wield the Sword. Wield My Sword. Take it and use it and
plunge it into the enemy of your soul.
Take him out. Take him out and again I say to you take him out.
My love for you is so great that I am warning you beloved in this
hour for it is a time of great testing and trial and I would have you
to be an overcomer and you will overcome by the Blood of the
Lamb and the Word of your testimony.
I love you and would have you to testify of Me.
Testify for there is power in your testimony.
I have given you a testimony and it needs to be spoken forth with
those that I put on your path.
Rejoice that I have written your name in the Lamb's book of life.
That life is in My Son and you will overcome as you do the will
of your Father in Heaven.
I am the victory that overcame the world and you too shall have
the victory and overcome.
Overcome my Beloved, overcome.
This is the Word of the Lord.