I am calling you to come deeper and deeper into My Presence.
Hear the call, for I am calling you.
You are understanding the Spirit of travail that is burdening you
and you are being called into My Presence on behalf of others.
You are laboring and struggling for you are about to give birth
to My deep work in your life.
You are about to give birth and I do not want you to stop pushing
but press into what I have for you.
Press in and bear down against all that is coming against you.
You are going to have to push against all the obstacles that have
been set before you and give them a kick to get them out of the
Press child, press and do not give up.
I see your tears and I hear the cry of your heart.
I hear your cry and I see your anguish and pain.
Press in My child press into all that I have for you.
Do not all the enemy to stop this process for what I am birthing
in you will be used to help others.
You will be used to set others free and open their prison doors.
You need to continue on with all the fight that is left in you and
come through to a new level in Me.
In persisting you will give birth to the Spirit of intercession that
has been travailing in you and is deepening for deep calls to deep
and I am calling you to a deep deep walk with Me.
You will not be satisfied with anything else but being totally sold
out to Me in all that you are or ever will be.
I have called you forth as one that will stand and speak My Words
and there is a sharp word that will come forth from your mouth and
yet at the same time it will have the sweetness of honey so that
it will be received.
I am taking you and I am bring forth Christ in you.
I am being birthed in you and the full depth of My ministry
I would bring forth in you.
I would move in you to see others touched in all areas of their
life. I would take you as one that will stand and speak the
Word of God.
I would have you speak the power of the decree and declare a
thing and see it come to pass and I would have you give birth to
much before your time on this earth ends.
I would have you to leave a lasting work for others to continue in.
I am releasing the prophetic flow and the blockage has been removed. I am releasing a flow that will flow like a river and just let it flow where I send it. Speak release and it shall release and it shall touch the lives I send you to. The prophetic word must flow in this hour and it will be used to touch the lives of many. My Words will be used to cut to the quick and they will be used as a sharp sword but My words will have a sweetness to them. They will speak and cut deep and My Word will pierce the hearts of men. The day is here that I am sending My prophets out even in to the highways and going to use them to speak to people in the streets. The days of church are over in that it will be moved out of the organized walls to those in need. No longer will my prophets just prophesy between the four walls but they will take the two edged sword in their mouth and speak even in the marketplace. There will be divine appointments set by Me. Divine appointments made in heaven. Appointments set before the foundation of the world. Appointments that have been planned that will speak destiny words to those with great need. I am going to reach those that would otherwise not be touched. Those that will not walk into a church building will be reached by those that are willing to walk out of the comfort zone and speak for Me. I will take you and use you as a sharp new threshing instrument in My hand. I will take you and say go this way or that way and out of love you will do My bidding. I shall lead and guide by My spirit, says the Lord and you shall prophesy. The day is here. You will have dreams and visions and I will speak in unusual ways and it shall always be backed up by My Word. My Word is inspired and will always back up an experience. If you cannot find it in My Word then throw it out. My Word is the ultimate standard by which you must judge all things. My Word is the truth and was there from the foundation of the world. My Word is the light in the darkness and the shelter in the storm. Trust in My Word and it will give you new revelation. New revelation will flow through you in this hour. Rejoice that My Spirit still speaks today and I am speaking to men and women and boys and girls. I am God that speaks. I am alive. I am forever more. I am God and there is none like unto Me. I am God and there is no other Savior. I am the Lord.