
Saturday, January 5, 2008

I Will Shake The World

This is a call to pray.
This is a call to seek Me.
This is a call to believe what the Lord God says.
My Word is truth and I will lead and guide you into all truth.

Be a lover of the truth.
Be a lover of the Word of God.
My Word is a sword and it is a sharp sword that will cut through
the lie of the enemy.

Take the Sword of My Spirit which is the Word of God and cut
through the lie of the enemy.

The lie is that you are defeated.
The lie is that I will not do miracles today.
The lie is that I do not answer prayer.
The lie is that I am not the same, yesterday, today and forever.

The lie is that I cannot do what I say I will do.
This is the Lord.
Am I a man that I should lie.

I am the truth and the life.
I am a worker of miracles.
I am a Holy and righteous God.
I am a God that will move on behalf of My children who are walking
in Holiness.

Are you walking in true holiness?
Are you walking in love toward those that are without and with
your brothers and sisters?

If not repent and do your first works and I shall surely move on
your behalf.
I forgive sin.
I forgive sin and how I love to have My children run to Me when they
have sinned.

I love to hear the cry of a repentant heart.
The angels in heaven rejoice over one that repents.

I would use you, says the Lord.
I would use you to touch lives.
I would use you to lead those to Christ.
I would use you mightily in this hour.

The time is short and souls are going into eternity daily.
Move out in faith and speak the salvation message to those
I send you to.
Fear not to speak out and share My gospel.

I paid a price for the sinner.
You repented.
Believe for others to come into My Kingdom.

There are many waiting for you to arrive at their door.
There are many in the market place just waiting for you to open your mouth.
Be filled with faith and I will give you the words to speak.

Open your mouth to whom I send you and I will fill it.
Do not plan ahead but open your mouth and even you will be surprised
at what I will put into your heart.

I am a God of surprises.
I am A God who do the supernatural in your life.
Think according to My Word.

Miracles. Miracles. Miracles.
Think miracles. Think healing. Think that you will be used and that the gifts
will flow.

Go forward with the Word of Prophecy in your mouth and prophesy.
Speak to dead bones and see them come to life.
Speak My Word and it will heal.
Speak My Word and the demons will come out in My name.
Speak and declare the Word of the Lord and it will not come back void.

Oh you of little faith.
Let faith arise in your heart.
Let Me stir you.
Let Me stir your heart.
Let Me set you on fire.

Let My fire burn up all that is worthless and I will move in such a way
that you will never be the same again.
Oh Beloved it is time to believe Me.

Believe Me for My Word's sake.
Get ready beloved for things are beginning to move.
I do not stay still but I move and I am moving in this hour and
you will see Me move even yet in your Nation and the Nations of the earth.

I am shaking and I am breaking but I am touching and I am healing.
I am the Lord and I am moving.
Lift up your voice and praise Me and as you praise Me you are going to see
earth shaking things happen in this hour.

The earth trembles at My voice for I am the Lord.
I walk through the earth through you.
Begin to move as I send you forth.

Think big thoughts.
Think God thoughts.
How I long to work through you to touch lives.

I am a God of Miracles.
Think miracles.
Think healing.
Think the power of My Spirit.
Think and ponder the Word of God and expect it to happen.

I am alive.
I am not dead beloved.
I am alive.
I say to you.
I am alive.

Are you hearing Me children?
I am alive. I am alive. I am alive in you.

Be stirred in your Spirit.
Line up with My Word.
For the World will yet be turned upside down by My presence.