Does it seem at the present moment that you are
going through the furnace of affliction? Are you
wondering that the fires seem to have been stoked
and are you questioning what is happening in your
life? Are you looking around you and wondering?
Indeed, I am doing a stirring and a working in your
life. The enemy of your soul is also trying to do a
work to defeat you in your time of testing and trial.
Know this. I have equipped you for the battle and
though it seems that the furnace is seven times hotter,
Know that I the Son of God am with you in your
furnace of affliction.
I am moving on your behalf and I am working. Indeed
I am doing a lasting work. Do not be discouraged
beloved, but know that I am working to bring about
lasting change and true holiness in your life. Know this.
I am with you as I was with the men in the furnace
in their tribulation. I am with you and be of good cheer
for I have overcome the world.
You too can walk as an overcomer in this hour and
indeed you shall walk before Me as mine, says the
Lord and knowing this I would have you to hold up
your head. Beloved hold your head up as My child
and do not be downcast but begin to praise and
magnify My Holy Name. The enemy seeks to bind
you so that you will not praise Me. It is your secret
weapon beloved. Praise and worship to Jesus the
King of Kings will be used as a liberating force
and set you free as you praise Me. Lift up you
heart unto Me and worship Me in your fiery furnace
and I shall deliver you.
Yes, I shall deliver you and you shall come out of
your troubles like Me, the Son of God.
Know that I am the victory that overcomes the
world and you too can walk as an overcomer in
the power of My Spirit. Pray in your heavenly
prayer language and it shall elevate you above
the furnace of affliction. Ask Me daily for that
freshness of My Spirit to arise in you and you
shall know freedom as the bubbling of My Spirit
arises in your heart.
The fire of the furnace shall bring Me forth in
your life. Trust in Me. Do not back up. Stand.
Walk and put your life in My hands and you will
see what I will yet do in you. Worship Me and
you will see that the plans theenemy has brought
about for evil will work for your good. I will have
the last Word in your life.