
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Fear Not For I Am With You - August 7, 2007

This is not the time to walk in fear.
I am your God and I will never leave or forsake you.
I am with you today and I will be with you tomorrow.
I will be with you no matter what happens in this world.
I overcame the world.
I told you to be of good cheer because I overcame the world.

You too are an overcomer and I have called you to walk as
one in the days ahead and know that as I overcame you too
will overcome.

Will everything be rosy?
No it will not be rosy.
I will be with you in all that you do.
I am able to be your protection.
I am able to be your front and rear guard.

I am able to show your where to walk and what to do.
You do not need to walk in confusion because of what you are hearing.
I am the Lord and I am raising up an army of overcomers who
will walk with me in white.

This army is My army and My army is not a weak army but
an overcoming army able to deal with the onslaught of the

Do you not know the power that lies within you?
The power of the Lord Jesus Christ is within you.
You are My Holy temples.
Arise My precious ones for you are more than conquerors
through Christ who loves you.
You are more than victorious in Me.

You are hearing all kinds of things in this hour. Some are true
and some are not.
My children are fearful and I am not raising up fearful children but
raising up those that are overcomer's and those that will walk like
Joshua and Caleb and walk with an excellent spirit.

You will not know what lies within until it is tested and I assure
you that it will not be found wanting.
My power is not some weak power but My power is the power that
spoke the heavens and earth into existence.

Put your eyes on Me and keep them on Me and do not look to the
left or the right but keep your eyes fixed on Me for I am the author
and finisher of your faith.

I have begun a good work in you and I will continue it till I return.
Arise and let faith arise in your heart.
Read and fill your mind with faith filled words.

Walk in faith and do not waver for you are not as those that are
tossed to and fro by every wind and doctrine.

You are the children of the Most High and you need to act as
My children.

Lift up your heads. Seek My face. Pray without ceasing. Call
on Me and I will answer you. Seek Me while I may be found.

I am there in the darkest hour and I will take you through to
My heavenly Kingdom.

Put your eyes on Me and see if I will not do what I said I will do.
I will keep you beloved until you get to your heavenly Kingdom.

Again I say to you, "I will keep you in the palm of My hand and
nothing will pluck you out as you totally trust in Me.

Put your head on My breast.
Hold Me close.
Hold on to Me.
Love Me with all your heart and mind and strength and your
neighbor as yourself.

Run into My arms and know that this is the only place of
I am the safe house where you can come and stay till the
calamity is past.
My door is always open and there is room for many more.
Bring them into the safety of My arms.

Be about My business and do not quit. Do not delay.
Trust Me and teach others to walk with Me.
Fulfill the great commission.