I am removing clutter from My children's lives.
I am removing all that is not of Me even in the natural realm.
I am changing you into My image.
It does not seem wonderful now but will bring about
the peaceable fruit of righteousness.
Change is happening.
Be willing to change.
Go with the flow of My Spirit.
I am moving and going
to bless those that are willing to move with Me.
I am seeking those that will move even into the strategic
positions that I am calling them to in this hour.
It seems painful but the alternative will cost you everything
you hold dear.
This will cost you everything but in a good way.
I took up My cross and followed and you too must take
up your cross and follow Me.
The wind is blowing and you must go where I send you
and be caught up by the wind of My Spirit into heavenly
Life would be so dull if you stayed as you are but what glory
will be seen as you are changing and moving from glory to glory.
What glory will be seen as you move in the power of My Spirit.
Move when I say move.
Go with the flow and you will be blessed.