
Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Shekinah Glory - August 1, 2007

My glory is being poured out on those that will receive it.
My glory will be poured out through you and I would shine
My light before men and glorify My Father in heaven.

Allow My glory to pour through you.
Spend time with Me so that your face shines and it will
shine after time in My Presence.
Time in My Presence will bring My glory.

Time sitting at My feet will bring renewed strength to
fight the battle.
Come and sit at My feet.
Come closer and the glory of God will be manifested
in your life.

The glory, My Shekinah glory is going to be manifested
through those that will come into My Presence in faith
knowing I am a Father that diligently rewards those that
seek Me.
I diligently reward My children according to their works.

Work children work and do the Father's work for the day
will come when no man can work.
I am calling you into Divine order and I am putting those
things in order that were out of order.
Things that were not in order will now be in My order.
I can work as all things are put into Divine order.

I am a God of love.
I love order. My Word has order to it and I do nothing
without order.

Place all in My Divine order and see if I do not work in a
powerful way through each one of you.
You see order from one end of My Word to the other.
Perfect love.

Shaking from My hand turns things upside down so they
may be turned right side up according to My Word.
Despise not My shaking but go with it and allow it to
Know that as the shaking takes place you are in My hand
and that My hand is steadying you.

My hand is holding you and will always be there steadying
I am holding you so that you will stand.

See the glory of God and not the working of the foe for I
am working My wonders to perform.
I am going to perform wonders in the heavens above and
in the earth below.

Yes, My wonders are even now being poured out and you
have not yet seen what I will do.
Children you have not yet seen the wonders I will perform.

O Beloved know that I am the God of the miracle.
I turned the water into wine.
I am the God that heals you and sets your feet on the rock
and will set you in high places as you put total trust in Me.
I am the God that can take you in a moment of time and
totally turn your life around.
Yes, a total turn around in a day.

I make the crooked places straight.
See Me working. See Me. See what I can do. Know what
I am doing in this hour.

It will be revealed to those that spend time in My Presence.
My Presence. My Divine Presence will bring Divine order.

Raise up your voice in this hour and shout from the housetops
your testimony of what the Lord has done.
Raise up your voice for the enemy would keep you silent but
break forth this day with singing and let if flow from your inner
most being.

I love to hear you sing. I love to hear your voice whisper in
My ear. How I love to hear My children. I hear them murmur
but I long to hear those that will praise Me with holy lips and
a joyful heart.

Oh rejoice this day for I am in your midst and as you praise Me
you shall know that I am there in you.

See My hand there for I am working to turn all situations around
for My Glory.
You see beloved, what the enemy means for evil I turn for good
and in the span of your life they will alway be turned about so that
all things that you go through will work together for good.

This will happen because you love Me.
The foe can do nothing without My permission. He can do nothing
unless I lift My hand and give him permission.

Rejoice this day and keep your eyes on Me.
You have victory in Me.
You are more than a conqueror.
You are sufficient in Me for I am the all sufficient one.

I am all powerful. I created you. I created all things.
Know that you can trust Me, the Son of the living God.
I do all things well and am even now fighting on your behalf.
I have given you all things to build My Kingdom.

I am the God who is more than enough.
Rejoice this day for I Am that I Am and I Am more
than enough.

Rejoice for I Am. I Am. I Am.
Rejoice this day and again I say rejoice.
I Am that I Am.