
Friday, January 4, 2008

Unconditional Surrender

Have you surrendered all to Me? Are you holding
anything back? If you have complete confidence
in My love you will withhold nothing.
Surrendering all will bring new freedom.
Freedom from guilt, freedom from the pain of
the past. Freedom to love others again will come
as you give all to Me. You can only love others
as you love Me first and then you will love
them, with My unconditional love. Loving
unconditionally as My Father loves, is the
love that was manifested through Me in the
world and is now being shed abroad in hearts
by My Holy Spirit.

Surrender all. Be willing to love through Me
and I will use you in ways that you cannot yet
imagine. Open your heart and allow Me to
touch you with My unconditional love.

Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee.
Luke 18:28