
Friday, January 4, 2008

The Lion is Come up From His Thicket

The time is here when choices need to be made.
Make a choice to be a sharp new threshing instrument
in My hand.
I can do much with a life that yields to Me.
Yield to Me.

Come to terms with the fact that you are indeed at war
and as it was in the days of Noah so it shall be in the days
of the coming of the Son of Man.

The lion is come up from his thicket and you need to be
wide awake and ready to thwart his plans.
He is walking about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may
His time is short.
You need to face your adversary squarely in the face and
not retreat.
Do not retreat.

This is not a time to turn back but this is a time to put
your hand to the plough and go forward without looking
back. Stand tall. Stand for what you believe in.
Stand for righteousness.
Speak My truth.

My Word is Truth and in it there is no lie.
I am not like man that I should lie but I am the way,
the truth and the life. Come to Me in your need.
I will help you fight your battles.

I will help your hands to war.
I am the Lord of Hosts and I will help you fight.
Stand and fight back as the enemy comes against
you and do not give in but persevere.

Your swords are dull and need sharpening.
Sharpen them daily.
Each time you use your sword you need to resharpen
it. A dull sword does not fight battles.
Go back to My Word and take time with Me and you
will find yourselves sharp and able to stand against
all obstacles that are before you.

Sharpen them often. Be quick and alert to sharpen
your sword. It is time to come against the enemy
now that he has again shown his face.
Take your sword and protect your family.
Put on the whole armor of God.

The weapons of your warfare are not carnal but
mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
Come out of your caves and pull them down,
says the Lord.
It is time to come forth and be like one who is awake.

Pray the Word of God.
Read My Word and be diligent to put it into practice.
Be a doer of the Word and not just a hearer.
Hear what the spirit is saying in this hour. Open your
ears and you will hear as you tune your ear to Me.

I will speak into your ear and into your heart as you
bend your ear to Me. Bend your ear to Me. I say this
several times for My children often forget what they
have heard.

Your faith will be the factor that will make a difference
in your overcoming in the battle.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
Hear My Word.

Stand against all obstacles.
Overcome the hurtles one by one.
Jump children jump and as you overcome one take on
the second one and continue on in faith running the race
set before you.

You are indeed in a race and you have a goal and it is
worth the running.
Continue running that you will receive the prize.
Run children run and overcome the hurtles set before you.

Do not have tunnel vision but see clearly what is before
you. The obstacles seem to be closer together now.
Be on guard at all times.
The labor pains are now close together.

Press with all you have into the things of God and you will
overcome each trial one step at a time.
I have given you grace.
Pray for wisdom.

You have been given My authority and as the enemy
comes up from his thicket prowling use the name of Jesus
the moment that you see him.
Pray for discernment and you will discern the Spirit
of God, the works of the flesh and the enemy.

You will see him afar off.
Defeat is not an option for a child of Mine.
Defeat is not an option for My Bride.
She cannot be defeated for she is mine and I have
paid the price for her freedom.
She has been redeemed from all power of the enemy.

Walk a redemptive walk for it has been bought and
paid for.
Redeem the time for the days are evil.
Go forward rejoicing and bring in the harvest.
This is the time of the end time harvest.