
Friday, January 4, 2008

Kingdom Principles

Trust in Me during these times is going to be
what protects you.
You must put your trust in Me.
Do not look either to the left or to the right but
look right at Me.

I will not lead you astray.
There are many voices and many sounds in this
You must learn to know my voice and the voice
of the enemy.
Be vigilant for your enemy walks about like a
roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

His time is short and he is trying to take as many
as he can with him into an eternity that is
without Me.

Bear the burdens of your brothers and sisters and
help them in their walk with Me.
Lift them up.
Pray for them.
Encourage them.
Do not be jealous of one another but encourage
one another.

Do you not have the same Father?
I say unto you that you need to lift your brother
and sister up and bring them along with you.
Often you will literally be carrying them for
there are moments when they cannot carry
As you pull together you will win this battle.

Climbing is not an easy task and you are truly
going to have to learn to stand in the gap for
one another brethren.
Standing in the gap and asking me to help that one
who is weak and that one who is feeble is your
Kingdom responsibility.

Not all of my children have the same strength and
abilities that you have and you who have received
much are going to need to give much.

Remember, without me you can do nothing.
Put yourself in the place of your brother or sister
and realize the burden they are carrying and realize
it could be you.
There are those that are sick that need to be prayed
Pray for them and support them.

There are those that have genuine financial burdens that
are not from misuse but are allowed, for my children to
learn to share one with the other and bear the others

There are those that have aptitudes that others do not
have and they need your assistance.
There are those that are blind spiritually and do not see as
far as you see and you need to help them and teach them
to battle and stand for the things of God.

There are those that will need instruction and you will
need to act as Mothers and Fathers in instructing them
in the ways of the Lord.
There are those that need to be helped along the way
with a word of encouragement.

You need to have a heart for me to have a heart for one
You are one body and it is time for my children to know
that my bride is one body and the arm needs to work with
the foot and the eye with the mouth and all parts of my
body are working best when joined together with Me as
the head.

I am the head and so you must come to me for instruction
in the ways of righteousness.
Come to me and find out my ways, says the Lord.
My ways are not your ways and if you follow your ways
the end thereof is death.

Do not rely on self.
Rely on me to do all and be all and know that I long to be
all in you.
Let me live fully in you so that you can share Me fully
and be used by Me in my Kingdom.

I would use you as Kingdom builders and you need to have
vision for the Kingdom of God.
Where is your vision?
Put your eye on the vision.
Without vision men perish.
Find out what is the vision of your local assembly and pray
it into existence.

What is the vision of those in authority over you. Support
them and help them so that My work might be done.
Harvest time is hard work and you need the right tools
to bring in a harvest on time.

Know when the fields are ripe for the harvest and go and
bring them in.
I am looking at the fields and they are ripe to harvest in
some places and there are other places where the work
has barely begun.

Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send laborers in
to the harvest.
I am looking for people who will build upon my foundation
which is the solid rock.
Get your eyes off man for man will bring a snare.

The fear of God will bring you life and peace.
Know that I am wiser than you.
You have hardly scratched the surface in wisdom.
I am all wisdom.
I am very wise and will teach you how to flow with
wisdom in what you do.

Your decisions need to be Kingdom minded. Finances
need to be distributed for my Kingdom and all that
you do must be with eternity fresh in your hearts.

I have set it in every heart to know that their days are
few on this earth and that you must count the cost
and proceed as if there is no tomorrow.
Live today and live it as if it were your last. In living
this way you will never be unprepared for what is

Prepare the way of the Lord.

Prepare for my returning.
Prepare for the time is at hand to do the preparation.
I would have you to prepare to come up higher with
me and spend quality time even in your decision making.

Decisions that you make now can affect your future.
You must know the decisions are the ones that are
right for the path you are called to walk.

If you are called to minister than prepare. Study to
show yourselves approved to God.

Get ready for the biggest harvest in the history of
It is time.
End time harvest days are short and no man will be able
to work.
Work today while there is time.
Spend wisely and put your finances where they will

My Word does say having food and clothing be content
for you cannot bring anything into this world and you
can carry nothing out.

Spend wisely.
Be wise and give unto God what is Gods.
Do not hold back in doing the work of my Kingdom for
there are laws of sowing and reaping.

When you sow your best you receive the best but do
not sow to get back.
Sow because you love Me and desire to be a blessing
to my Kingdom.

There are those with prosperity messages and you need
to discern wisely where you put your funds.
You have worked hard for what you have and you need
to use wisdom in what you do with what you have.

There are many things that you need to know but you
cannot bear them all now.
I am teaching you little by little how to gather and gain

You will be strengthened in your inner man as you spend
time with Me.
You will be sustained by Me as you totally trust me to
do all and be all in you.

My beauty is what needs to be seen in you.
Not your beauty but mine.
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you.
Looks are fading but my Word will not fade but will
abide forever.

Get ready and be prepared to gather so that you will
receive your crowns.
There are crowns being given in my Kingdom and there
is a soul winners crown.
He who wins souls is wise.

Win souls for My Kingdom.
Turn your eyes upon me and look at Me and expect Me
to use you in the gifts of the Spirit.
My gifts are not stirred up in most of My church and I
would have you learn to operate the gifts of My Spirit.

There are those that need healing. Lay hands on the
sick that they may recover. There are those that need
deliverance. Cast out the unclean spirits.
There are those that need to see miracles in My name
and all of My gifts need to be operating in My body.

Learn to move in My gifts. They are My gifts and are
for the building up of the body of Christ.
How I love to see My bride functioning as one body
and flowing in the gifts of the spirit with my love
flowing through her.

You need more love my children.
This is an area that my children are sadly lacking.
Love one another with a pure heart.

Love one another for by this shall men know that
you are my disciples.
Learn to love unconditionally.
Love purely.
Greet one another with a holy kiss.

Holiness is something I am looking for.
Without it no man shall see Me.

I am holy. I am holy. I am holy.
Be holy as I am holy.
Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
My angels say this day and night.

Learn to worship me and learn to praise me
in the difficult times.
I am looking for true worshippers who will
worship me in spirit and in truth.

The truth of my Word will cause you to
Worship me with your whole heart.
Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and
soul and mind and strength and your
neighbor as yourself.

Love is the greatest commandment.
Learn to love.
Be still and know that I am God and there is
none like me for I am the Lord and I am
saying there is none like me.
I deserve your worship and praise and

In eternity you will worship forever so yo may
as well begin now to do the works of my
Build my Kingdom.