
Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Last Days

I will lead you and guide you in all your ways.
You are in the last days of time.
Walk closely to Me. Stay close and listen for My voice.
I will lead you and I will guide you in all your ways.

Listen carefully for My voice.
Listen to Me through My word.
I will direct you and give you direction in your life.

In all ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your path.
The path is not always easy but I will shed My light upon it.

You will need to put total trust in Me.
The enemy is throwing his darts and using scare
tactics against you and you are going to need to
stand against all obstacles.

I will teach you to stand.
Come aside with Me and sit with me awhile and spend time
with Me.
It is in time with Me that you will hear your marching orders.

Time spent with Me will be worthwhile in the days to come
and when all seems to be shaking you will have that quiet peace
knowing the heart of your Father.

You cannot give out fresh manna if you have stale bread and
you need to come aside often and drink from the well and the
river of life so that I might flow through you.

This river of life will touch others and as they see you calm and
confident they will come and drink.

Refresh yourself in My Word and gather together.
Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together.
Fellowship is important and you need to be with those of like
precious faith.
Heed the company that you keep for the company you keep
can be a defining moment in your life.
If you keep company with unbeliever's except to win them to
Me then it will contaminate your walk with Me.

Yes, I did associate with sinners but for the purpose of bringing
them to the Father.
I did only what I saw My Father do.
I did the will of My Father.

Too many of My children have one foot in the world and one in the
church and I say that you must come out from among them and
be separate.
Do not touch the unclean thing.

I am looking for holy vessels in this hour who have not allowed
themselves to be contaminated by the world.
I would have you holy in all manner of conversation.
Sanctify yourselves Holy unto Me.

I am holy and you need to be holy as I am holy for without
holiness no man shall see the Lord.
It is in My love for you that I speak these Words for they are
truth and they are life.

The Word of God is life and you need to take heed to the whole
counsel of God in this hour.
The whole word of God is what you need to follow and you need
to rightly divide the Word of truth.
I am truth and in Me there is no lie.
I do not lie and whosoever lies needs to forsake it and take up
their cross and follow Me.
Take up your cross daily and follow Me.
You have a cross to bear and so do each one of My children.
Trials and tribulations are part of living for Me and My children
need to use them as a stepping stones to a greater walk with
Step on them and walk through them and you will have victory.
I am the victory that overcame the World.
I honor faith and I will give you faith filled words to defeat the foe.

Take the Word and speak the Word.
I spoke the Word and said "it is written" and I spoke it three
times before the enemy left.
You are no different than your Master.
You will need to take the Word of God and use
the sword of the Spirit against him to defeat him.

Take the sword of the Lord and use it against fear and against
all the works of the flesh that are coming against you church.
Get out the sword of the Lord and wield it against the foe.
I have given you the authority in My name to fight.
Will you fight for Me.
Will you fight this battle.
Many are becoming faint of heart but this is not the time to
become faint of heart.
This is the time to stand.
You must do all to stand in this hour and come against each
and every obstacle with faith filled words that will defeat him
every time.

Greater is He who is in you than He that is in the world.
Are you hearing My words beloved.
Greater far greater is Jesus who lives in you than he that is
in this world.

The things of this earth are passing slowly away but My Word
will not pass away but is truth and will live forever.
So beloved stand firm in this hour.
You are My dearly beloved and I would have you to stand.

This will be your finest hour and you shall shine forth in My
righteousness and the day star shall shine in your heart.
Shine children shine as bright lights in this dark land for I am
calling you forth as bright and shining light.

Light that will reveal truth in the darkness.
Light that will shine in the storm.
Light that will magnify the name of the Lord.
The light of My Word shall shine through you and as My light
shines many shall be brought into the Kingdom.

Many shall come in, during the last days of time that would
otherwise be lost.
Go out and bring in My harvest.
Bring them in to the ark of safety.
Bring them home to Me.
Bring them to the Father for in bringing the home the angels
of heaven will rejoice over one sinner that repents.

Bring them home.
Teach them My Word.
Direct them in the ways of My Word and allow that teaching
anointing to arise in you.

I would have you to go and bring them in teaching them about
Teach them the truth of the Word of God.
My Word is truth and will set the captives free.
It will open prison doors and open them to those that are bound
even in My church.
You have brothers and sisters that need freedom and I will set all
captives free.

Beloved. Wield the sword of the Spirit. Wield the Word of God and
go praising me and bring them in.

Rejoice and praises Me and go forward one day at a time and
fellowship together as you see the day approaching.

You will need one another so do not forsake the fellowship one
with another but draw closer and pray for love because the love
of many will wax cold.

Pray for My love for by this shall men know you are My disciples.
If you have love one for another.
Love one another.