
Saturday, January 5, 2008

I Will Heal Your Backslidings

I would that you return to Me and I will heal your
backsliding. I am not willing that one should perish
but that all would come to the truth.
I would take you and turn you around and set the
crooked places straight in your life.
I would take you in your backslidden condition and
turn your life around.
As you take a step towards Me, I will take a step
toward you and receive you.

Do not delay in coming to Me for I will heal you.
I would heal all your diseases and all your sicknesses
and as you come to Me and move forward in faith
you shall see Me act on your behalf.
Revival must start in your heart.

It has been years since many of you has served
Me diligently but you have many times played the
harlot with the world. It is now time to come to
Me and be restored. I would love you and how
often I would have reached out and take you in
arms but you would not come.
It is time Beloved to come to the Lord your God
and clean your life of all destruction.
It is time because the destroyer is near and
seeking whom he may devour.
The foe is seeking to devour all that he can in
his last rampage and I would have you come into
the ark of My safety.

There is no other safe place.
There is no other place that is safe in this world.
I am a safe place to come and as you come I will
open My arms to you and I will take you and hold
you as a Father does a child.

I will take you and hold you as mine and I shall
again pour My life into you.
Come now unto your Beloved and know that though
your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow.
Know that I will take you and I will clean you and I
will wash you clean and place on you My robes of

I make the most fowl clean.
I am no respecter of persons.
The whosoever will can come to Me and I will make
them right by My blood that I shed and it is for you
that I died that you might have life and have it

Come to Me and receive the abundant life that is
in My Son.
Life is in the Son of God who died and gave His life
for you.
Will you return unto Me?
Will you commit your life into My hands trusting
that I do all things well?

Know this. I will not fail you. I will not let you down.
Man will fail you but I will not fail you.
Come just as you are to the foot of the cross and
know that I will be waiting for you.

Come now Beloved come to Me and return unto
your Father and your God.
I Jesus will return and I will return as a thief in
the night. It is now time of great grace and is it is
in my grace that I am calling and seeking you out.
Will you come?
I bid you to come to Me for it is a decision in the
light of eternity that you will not regret.