
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Global Change

It is time to be counted as the redeemed of the Lord.
Are you the redeemed of the Lord bought by the
blood of the Lamb.
Say so.
Say that you know Me and tell others that Jesus Christ
is Lord.

I will bring about change in your life.
As there is global change in the natural, so I would
bring about change in your spiritual life.
Global change has brought about warming in the world
and so I would have you to bring warmth and heat to
those that are in the world.

It is time that the redeemed of the Lord say so.
Go and tell others that I, Jesus Christ am Lord.
Take Me in your heart and tell others whose hearts have
gone cold to come back to Me while there is time.
I am not willing that any should perish but that all
would come to the truth.

As there has been global warming there has been a global
coldness come to the hearts of men.
I would again ignite the fires like those of past generations
and light a fire on the altar of your heart.

I would fill you with passion for Me, and as you are filled
with love for Me, I would have you take My love and
pour it out to others.
Touch the icy hearts and see them thaw out as they hear My

I alone can thaw the hearts of men.
I alone can melt them and turn them into what I would have
them to be.
I alone can change the hearts of mankind.

Allow Me to take you as My light in this world and use you
as one that would tell of the Son of God who came to take
away mans sin.
Allow Me to use you to touch a lost and dying world.

I will stoke the fire in your heart and ignite it even hotter
by the power of My Spirit.
Allow Me to blow on the fire of your heart and watch it
begin to burn.

Cry to Me for the fire of God to burn in your heart and I
will burn in you.
Did not the disciples hearts burn within them.
I will burn within you, says the Lord.
I will burn up the dross in your life.
Left standing in you will be the Son of God, high and
lifted up.

Desire the work of My Spirit and allow Me to put a lasting
fire within your heart.
It will bring global change to a lost world.