It was not easy when I walked on this earth.
Think not that your life will be any easier than
taking up your cross daily and following Me.
You have been called to the office of the prophet.
It does not come without paying the price.
You will be persecuted as I was persecuted.
hated as I was hated and despised by many.
You have tasted this but not yet resisted unto death.
My love will take you through those times.
Trust me.
See with My eyes. Hear with My ears. Speak My Words.
I do indeed speak into your spirit.
You are mine.
Many voices speak loudly in this hour.
My voice is the still small voice.
Continue to press in to Me and against all obstacles.
I will guide you one step at a time.
My love alone will hold you and keep you.
Together we walk as one.
Let Me consume all that you are or ever will be
and you will be that prophet that walks, holy,
committed to Me.
As it is written:
"For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter."