
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Arise With New Zeal

I am the Lord.
I am mighty in battle and I will battle with you.
I am the Lord of battles and yet I am the prince
of peace.
I am your soon coming King.
I will lead you in warfare.
I will lead you by My Spirit.
I say to you arise with new zeal.
Arise and put on zeal as a cloak.
Cover yourselves in My blood that was shed
for you.

The angel of the Lord encamps around those
that fear Me.
Fear Me and you will have divine protection
in this hour.
I will protect those that totally surrender all
and trust in Me.
I am more than a conqueror. I am Almighty God.
You are more than a conqueror through Christ.

Arise and fight the battle.
Arise and be My battle ax and weapon of war.
Arise My beloved and I will give you light that
shall shine in the darkness.
Arise My lovely and I will help you put on your
wedding garment.
I will clothe you in white and you shall stand
before Me faultless, clothed in the blood that I
shed for you.

My child, My bride. You are mine.
I rejoice that you are pressing in.
Press in harder for the battle has been won but
the enemy does not yet realize he has lost.
Yes, he has lost and is a defeated foe.
My feet are on his neck even as we speak
and I crushed him.
So dance precious one.
Dance before Me and rejoice
Praise and dance in the victory of battle.
You know that you have already won.
O that My children would know that the
battle has been won.

I Will Talk to You


Weariness from the battle is not new but something
that you need to fight daily and overcome. It is
imperative to come aside for times of refreshing as
only than can you have from My Spirit what is
needed to give out and be a blessing to others.

My children need to learn to take time aside and
allow me to refresh them and speak into their
spirit. I would indeed speak more often if My
children would take time to listen. Come and
listen to Me and I will talk to you. Come and listen
and you will hear. I will whisper My words in your
ear and tell you of great and wonderful things.
The wonderful things of My Spirit will be shared
with the one that comes to Me and takes the time
knowing who their true source of strength is.
I am your strength and a very present help in
time of trouble. I am near and my hand is
outstretched. Come

My Love


Comprehend My love.
A love so deep that it took Me to die
for mankind so that you would be free of sin.
Total forgiveness available for all that will come
to Me in repentance.
You cannot fathom My love. Its unspeakable
riches. Ponder My love for you and dwell on it.
It will make you more obedient when you
realize afresh the price I paid.
My love is far beyond what you think it to be.
Come close to Me and I will reveal the Father's

Persecuted for Righteousness


It is not easy for many who are walking in the
footsteps of Jesus today. There are many of our
brothers and sisters who are giving their lives for
the name of Jesus.
There is a cost in following Him. There are varying
forms of persecution and we are seeing that it is
really increasing in many nations of the world.

There is a cost to following Jesus. Are you willing
to pay the price? Are You willing to take up your
cross daily and follow Him? There is a cost for all
those that are willing to forsake the world and its
ways and follow after Him.

The Lord is asking each one of us if we are willing
to follow Him. Truly following Him when life is good
works but what about those times of great difficulty.
Are we still full of faith in those moments?

The Lord is saying "Come closer to Me.
I am drawing you now and it is time to come closer
to Me". "Will you take up your cross daily and
follow Me and love not your life unto death"?

Will you follow Me forsaking all if necessary for
My sake?
The times to come will not be easy but I will walk
with you and take you where you need to go.
Will you take up your cross and follow Me"?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Heaven or Hell


Every soul will give an account of the life they have lived.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
It is time to tell the lost that I love them and that Jesus
Christ is Lord.
They need to know the truth and many are searching
and feeling so lost.
I will use each one of you to bring the lost into My Kingdom.
Be prepared to bring in My precious harvest.
The time is short.
The laborers few.
I need you to bring them in.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Meat of My Word


Choose between the milk and the meat of My Word.
There is milk and there is meat.
You can be content with the milk but it will not
sustain you and keep up your spiritual strength.
You need the meat of My Word.
Take time to taste, chew and digest it.
Let it go deep into your heart.
It will build your spiritual muscles that
you need to work for Me in these last days.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Believe Me for Great and Wonderful Things

It seems to you that the things you have believed
Me for have not yet come to pass. I say to you
continue to believe Me and know that I am a God
that keeps My word and will bring to pass those
things that I have spoken.

Do not allowthe enemy to lie and tell you that
they will not happen?
According to your faith it will be unto you.
Will you believe Me and take the healing I have
paid for at the cross? Will you believe Me for
deliverance from the sins that so easily beset you?

People will you believe that the things I have
spoken into your spirit will come to pass as you are
obedient to Me. I am not a man that lies and I keep
My Word. Whatsoever I say to you do it.
Whatsoever I speak into your ear, hear.
Whatsoever thing that I say to you to
speak, speak. Do whatsoever I command you.

Message to the Lukewarm Church

I would restore you.
I would take you in My arms and bring healing to
your Nation. I am speaking to the lukewarm church.
It is time to wake up and do your first works.
It is time to arise and I will give you the light of My
Word. It shall shine on your path and lighten your
way. You are walking in darkness with one foot in
the world and one foot in the church.
It is time that you arise off the fence and make a
decision for Me.
It is time to serve Me whole heartedly and to
come out of the world.

I am speaking and knocking at the door of your
heart. Remember when you heart was on fire
with Me and My Word touched you.
Do you remember when the name of Jesus stirred
your heart and I was your first love?
I desire to be the first love in your life.
I would have you to desire Me above things.
The things of this world will soon perish
but the Word of the Lord will live forever.
Labor for the things that do not perish.
I am knocking. I am knocking. I am knocking.
I am knocking at hearts and calling you to

This my dear children is a call from God that
loves you.
This is the call of a Father to His children.
This is a call to repent of your sins.
Repent of the secret sin and the sin that so
easily besets you.
Turn from your sin.
Run away from your sin and run into the arms
of a loving Father.
This is the time of grace.
This is the time of undeserved favor.
The time of undeserved favor is running out.
The time of judgment is near.
I am knocking at the door of your heart.
Do not harden your heart in rebellion but come
to Me and I will take you in My arms.
I will wrap you in My arms and wash you clean.
I will take you and I will clean you up and you will
serve Me.
Now is the time to serve Me.
Now is the time to serve Me even in your youth
before the days come and you find no pleasure
in them.
Now is the time.
Now is the time.
I am knocking and now is the day of your
Choose this day who you will serve.
Choose life.
Choose Christ and live.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Do Not Fear Man


Jeremiah the prophet was called. I have called you.
Do not make excuses.
Those that I call I also equip for the work of ministry.
Look not at your inadequacy but look at My adequacy.
I am the all sufficient one.
I live in you.
Do not fear to speak those things I have called you to speak.
Did I not tell Jeremiah not to fear for their faces?
I say the same to you.
It is time to be fearless and only fear Me.
You are My fearless warrior and I have called you to
speak My words in truth and love.
Fear not. Go forward and speak the words that I give you.
Honor Me and do not fear man.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Confidence in Jesus


God is saying total confidence.
I am hearing, total confidence.
The Lord is saying to put total confidence in Him
and in Him alone.
He is saying that He has brought you this far
and will take you the rest of the way.
Trust Him totally and in all your ways
acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
He will make a way where there is no way and
will provide all that you need. He is the God of
more than enough. He will provide overflow to
those that will bless others. Be willing to be used
by Me and do the work of the Kingdom. Do not
love your own life but be willing to loose it for
My sake.

Do Not Look Back


Do not look back at the things of the world
but look forward each and every day to a
greater intimacy with Me. Each day is a step
closer to the end of your race. Be more
determined as you wake up each new day to
press in and above all keep your eyes on
Me and do not look back.

I will lead you down the narrow road and few
their be that find it.
Keep your eyes on Me and move steadily
forward joining hands with your brothers and
sisters in the faith and move forward together
with Me.
I am the author and the finisher of the race
that is before you and you need fresh
determination to continue on. Let My Word
give you that determination today. Pray for
fresh determination.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

If You Trust Me You Will Obey Me


Total trust brings total obedience.
The trust of a child brings complete confidence in
the Father.
Do you see that if you are truly trusting Me then
you will obey me without question.
Complete trust. Complete obedience. My love
will enableyou to totally trust for when you truly
behold who I Am how can you do other than open
yourself up to Me.
See Me as I Am and you will trust in Me.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

My Arms are Open to You

Come aside with Me my child,
Come aside and spend precious time with Me.
I am ever waiting with open arms.
Run to Me my child.
Run to Me for My arms are open and I
hear the deep cry of your heart.
Run to Me, run my child and throw yourself
into My arms. They are ever open waiting for
your to cry out to Me.
Cry out, Jesus I need you.
Cry out and be desperate for My presence.
The desperate cry out and are satisfied.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Come Now Before its too Late

Come back to Me.
Come back to Me.
I am knocking at the door of your heart.
Will you let me come in and abide with you.
I am knocking at the door of your heart.

Your life will seem grim,
Until you give in.
I am knocking at the door of your heart.
Walking with Me, its Jesus you will see.
I am knocking at the door of your heart.

Invite Me to come in.
It is then that you will learn of Me.
I am the Father full of love,
whose light is shining from above.

Your sins are not too scarlet,
I will wash then white as snow.
I will take your life and turn it around
and bring you full turn.

Just come to Me as you are.
I have been drawing you.
Unseen hands have been wooing your heart.
Come join with Me and you will receive a new heart.

Your past is not to great that I cannot intervene.
We will take it and put it away.
Forever you will be clean.
Come now before it is too late.
The clouds are rolling in.
Give your life wholly to Me and you will
be set free and forgiven for your sin.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Blood of Jesus


Have you thought about the power there is in the blood that I shed for you?
How often do you think about My blood or the cross?
I presented My blood to the Father.
My sacrifice was and is perfect.
I said "it is finished".
You can now come boldly and enter in.
Come daily to the cross.
Daily come to Me and live at the cross.
The degree that you live at the cross
will determine the power you have in
living the resurrected life.
I died and rose again for you to have life.
Real meaningful life starts and ends by
appropriating the cross in your life and walking
in faith. My children love My power but not
many want to obtain it by going the way of the
Come today to the cross and let the blood I
shed for you work in your life.
There is life in the blood of Jesus and it has
the power to change you forever.
Come to the cross.
Die daily. Take up your cross and follow Me.

Look at My Power

You have come to the realization that of your own self you can do nothing.
I have allowed you to come to this place and you will be at this place many times in your life.
Truly, My Word says of your own self you can do nothing.
It is only as you walk in the power of My Spirit that you will be able to walk the Spirit filled life.
It is one where you must die, that I will live in you.
I Jesus would live in you in all My fullness and all of My glory.

I am the Lord that parted the red sea. Can I not take care of the circumstances in your life?
I am the Lord that enabled Joshua and Caleb to move into the promised land and take territory that others thought impossible to take.
I am the Lord that stopped the mouth of lions, can I not show you how to fight the battle and win against an already defeated foe.
I am the Lord that opened prison doors at night can I not open your prison doors.

Can you not see Me for who I am?
I am the Word of God.
I do abundantly above all you ask or think.
Think outside of the box that you are in.

Break open the box and come out.
Freedom is not inside of the box but freedom is in Christ.
Begin to think as I think by reading My Word.
Do not think as man thinks but think as I think.

Think God thoughts.
Did I not speak the world into existence?
Did I not frame it by the Word of God?
Have I not set up boundaries that the water does not pass over?
I am asking you these questions.
Answer Me.
Did I not do these things?

Surely I am the same then as I am now for I have not changed.
Was I not able to settle disputes in My Word?
Can I not give you wisdom to settle yours.
Wisdom in abundance is yours for the asking.

Pray for Wisdom.
Believe that I am giving it to you.
Be wise in all that you do.

The time is short.
It is time to come out of your box.
Come out of your hiding place.
I am calling you to come forth.
Come forth and then go back to My Word
for the refreshing of My Spirit.

Live and dwell in My Word for the hour is soon coming that
you will be glad to have spent even one hour in My Word.
Do not miss those precious times with Me.
Sit at My feet.
Come aside for refreshing and then you will give out fresh bread.

Do not give out the old but come to Me so that you can give out the new?

Walk a repentant walk before Me.
Search your heart daily.
Yes, daily search your heart and keep our communication open by walking a repentant walk before Me.

This will require your knowing My Word
and hearing My voice.
Walk beloved in obedience to My voice.

Obedience is better than sacrifice.
Obey Me in all that you do.
Obey Me for in obedience comes blessing and favor of God.

I will favor those that obey Me.
I will bless those that bless Me and are obedient children.
I will bless those and use those that are walking in true Holiness and not lip service before Me.
It is not impossible or I would not ask you to do it.
As you take steps of obedience it will become easier to obey
the next time that you have a choice to make.

Come and let us reason together, says the Lord.
Is obedience to Me not the best for you.
You have tried it your way and see that it does not work.
Come with Me and I will talk with you as a Father talks with His child and I will teach you the obedience I walked on this earth as I obeyed My Father in all things.

Let us reason together.
You know in your heart that all else is sinking sand around you and that I alone am the solid Rock.
Stand on the Rock and walk in obedience before Me.

Beloved as you see Me you will move Me and hunger for more obedience in your life.
Walk in obedience and I will use you mightily.
Nothing pleases Me more than seeing My children walk in obedience to My Word.
Out of it flow the very issues of life.

Obedience. Obedience. Obedience.
Out of repentance will come obedience.
You will be blessed as you walk in love toward Me.
I am a Father that loves you and am hungering for more time with you so that you might walk with a perfect heart before Me.

Hear My heartbeat. It will bring complete obedience to My Word. You shall reap the fruit of obeying My Word.

Walk Softly Before Me

Walk softly before Me.
Speak softly before Me.
Let your words be few.
Allow the horses bit to be in your mouth and
I will use you as one to speak My Words.
Tread lightly and allow My sweet presence
to permeate your very being.
I will fill you with My presence.
Soft words, sweet words, heavenly words
will flow from sanctified lips as you walk
softly before Me.

For we all stumble in many things.
If anyone does not stumble in word,
He is a perfect man, able to bridle the
Whole Body.
James 3:2 (NKJV)

Increased Anointing


I am establishing you as you have seen through
the days and months that have gone by.
I am taking you and you are going to walk in an
increased anointing and you will begin to speak
personal words of prophesy into the lives of those
I place on your path.

These words shall surely come to pass as you trust
Me to fill your mouth.
I have been taking you and molding you for My
purposes and the training has been difficult but you
are pressing through and will now hear Me in a
deeper way.

I am looking for pinpoint obedience as you hear
My voice.
As you obey Me you shall walk even deeper in
hearing the voice of My Spirit.
Obedience to Me in every thing is what I am
looking for.
I am looking for those that will do what I tell them,
when I tell them and in the way that I give
instruction for it to be accomplished.
You have had a taste and I will give you more
as you are willing to come deeper.
Leave the shore and swim.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Blessed Are The Peacemakers


God has called you as one that will make peace
among the brethren.
You are a peacemaker in the Kingdom of God.
This does not mean that you do not speak truth
in love but you endeavor to keep the unity of
the spirit in the bond of peace.
Pray daily for peace and and pray for
those that are coming against you. See peace
and pursue it.
Great will your reward be in heaven.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Let My Word Wash You


You are clean through the Word that I have
spoken to you.
You are in need of a spiritual bath daily.
Many of you precious ones are not reading
My Word.
You need to not only read it but meditate on
it and claim those exceeding great and precious
promises as yours.
The promises of God were paid for by the blood
of Jesus.
They were paid for so that by them you might
be a partaker of My divine nature.
Take My promises and eat them. Taste them
and see that they are good.

Monday, January 14, 2008

I Am Gathering My Children Close


Hear Me when I call you.
Come close to Me and stay awhile.
Do not run off to play.
It is not the time to go astray, but time
to stay close to the Father.
I am drawing you as a hen draws her
Come, come, come close to Me.
Hide under My wings till the calamities
pass by.
I am your shield and buckler
your strong tower.
Run to Me and be safe.
Stay close to Me.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Stand Against the Spirit of Antichrist


Be alert and stand for Christ against the
spirit of antichrist.
It is is operating and entangling it's web in
the world today against all that is for Christ
and is here to take over the world.
Resist and stand against it.
Speak the truth in love.
Speak My truth against all the lies of the enemy.
Slowly your freedoms are being removed one at
a time until you are under its rule.
Rise up and fight the battle against the enemy.
Prepare yourself in the Word of God and
fellowship with others of like precious faith.

Pray and give no place to this seducing spirit.
Rise up and stand against the enemy.
You have not yet resisted unto death.
Be of good courage I am the author and
finisher of your faith.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Cry Out to Me

FROM GOD'S HEART TO YOURS - by Patricia Hamel - Cry Out to Me
January10, 2008

Let Me hear you cry out.
Let Me hear the cry of your heart.
Call out to Me in repentance for your nation.
Call out to Me in repentance for the sins of your land.
Pray without ceasing for those in authority.
Pray in the night hours.
Cry to Me day and night and see if you find
mercy for your land.
Difficult times are coming and now is the time to
cry out to Me in repentance.
See if I do not change you and your nation in the process.
Cry out to Me or the rocks will cry out.
I need to hear My intercessors busy about their work for Me.
Minister to Me in the prayer closet.
Cry out while I am to be found.
I the Lord am calling My intercessors to rise in the
night hours and seek Me. Then I will be found.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Shout it Out

FROM GOD'S HEART TO YOURS - by Patricia Hamel - Shout it Out!
January 8, 2008

Shout people. Shout people. Shout to the Lord Most High.
Shout His praises. Shout His praises.
Lift up your voice and sing.
Make a joyful noise to the Lord.
Make a joyful noise to the Lord.
He hears you. He hears you. Do not doubt it.
The Lord hears you.
When you cry out He answers. His still small voice
speaks today. He says "my people you are loved and
you are mine. I am acquainted with all your ways.
I love you. I love you. Do not despair but rejoice in
your days. Behold I come quickly and the battle will
be won".
A new day will begin in the light of God's Son.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Count the Cost in Following Jesus

We need to count the cost church. The time is
short and the day is coming whenno man can
work. There is serious stuff. It is not time to
fool around. It is not time to have one foot in
the world and one in the church. It is time to
decide now whom you are going to serve and
then serve Him with all your heart and soul
and mind and strength and your neighbor as

Days are coming upon this earth and they are
coming soon that are going to test your faith like
never before. It is time for you to wake up and
open your eyes to what is going on about you
and not hide your head in the sand.

Wake up time is here. The alarm clock is ringing
and time is ticking by.Are you going to be one of
those that Jesus found asleep on the watch or are
you going to be one of those that is going to stand
up and be counted as a servant of the
Lord Jesus Christ.

We need to quit playing church. The time is her
for the church to grow up and get out
off its diet of milk and on the meat of the word.

Meat, strong meat is for those that are of age.
You are being challenged by the Lord to be all He
desires you to be.You are not called to walk in fear
but to walk with a sound mind.
God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power
and of love and of a sound mind.

A sound mind in this hour is needed as everything
is in turmoil except life build on the Rock. That
Rock is Christ. Are you truly built on the Rock
or have you build your life on otherthings?
Things that do not satisfy.

Wake up you that sleep and the Lord will give you
light. The call is going out and the Lord is looking for
those end time warriors that have counted the cost
and are willing to fight to the end for their faith in
the Lord Jesus Christ.

He paid the price for you. Are you willing to pay
the price for Him? Are you willing to sacrifice your
life if need be and gain a better resurrection.

There indeed is a cost. This is not to make you fear
but to make you fearless warrior who knows his
or her purpose and is willing to go on to perfection.
You are not one that is to flip flop in times of trouble
but to call on the name of the Lord and know that
He is speaking to you.

Do you know that the hour is late? It is late and time
for you to put all your resources into His Kingdom.
This means that Christ is to be number one in your
life and all other things are to follow this.

Beloved the Lord is calling and knocking at the door
of your heart. He is saying to you. It is time. It is time
to get off the fence that you have been sitting on and
come out from among them and be separate and touch
not the unclean thing and He will receive you.

The hour is late. The day of the Lords return is at hand.
Are you ready to meet Jesus? Are you ready to count
the cost and follow Him?

It is His love that is speaking in firmness and not
watering down the Word of God. It is His love that
is saying to you to prepare yourself. Prepare yourself.
Take the sleep out of your eyes and get your self
ready for the Lord is coming back for a bride without
spot or wrinkle.

You have many tests and trials yet to go through
and are going to need to be totally sold out to Him.
One hundred percent for the Lord and nothing
interfering. Root out all that is not of Him and come
to Him now.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Read My Word Daily


Do not just read My Word but ponder it and hide
it in your heart. You will not sin against Me when
My Word is able to come back to your remembrance.
Many of you do not have enough Word in you to make
it through the tough times ahead. Fill up now daily
and do not take My Word for granted. You are blessed
to be able to read My Word freely. Freely you have
received and you can freely give My Word away.

But exhort one another daily, while
it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened
through the deceitfulness of sin.
Hebrews 3:13

Have You Surrendered All

My precious ones, I am calling you into a walk of absolute surrender.
Surrender all to Me.
You can trust Me to be all that you need.
I am your Father and I will never leave or forsake you.

Surrender all that you are and all that you have.
You can trust Me fully with your life.
Will you trust Me?

You say, Lord.
Am I truly Lord of every area of your life?
Are you withholding anything from Me?
Surrender all to Me.
Lay your life on the altar.

Abraham offered up Isaac on the altar.
Will you surrender the Isaac's in your life to Me?
I can be fully trusted to be all that you need.

My Word is all that you need in this hour to sustain you.
Know My Word.
Put new trust in the Word of God.

I am your Father in whom you can totally trust.
Many of you are withholding from Me, in fear of what
I will touch in your life.
Trust Me beloved.

The surrendered life is a life of peace.
Complete peace will come to your hearts as you surrender.
You are living in perilous times beloved.

You need to live one day at a time.
Do not look to tomorrow.
Live today only and live for Jesus.

I am your shepherd and my guidance will be there
when you need it.
I gave My life for you.
Will you take up your cross and follow Me?

Take up your cross and follow Me.
Forsake the ways of the world and follow Me.
I am calling you and I am reaching deep into
Come and follow Me.

Absolute surrender, unconditional surrender
is the word I am saying unto you.
Come to Me and give all to Me.
I have given all for you.

My People are too Burdened

Beloved, many of your hearts are burdened as you hear
the Words of the prophets coming forth.
Many of you are in inner turmoil and worried.

My beloved children did I not tell you not to worry
but that these things were first to come to pass.
Did I not say be of good cheer for I have overcome
the world?

I overcame the world my precious ones and you too
shall overcome the world.
Give the burden of your hearts over to me.
Many of you fret and worry and it adds not one more
day to your life.

Be of good cheer for I overcame the world.
Lift up your eyes unto the hills from whence your
help comes from.
I am a very present help in your time of trouble.

You are being shaken beloved but it is only unto
death of all that is not of me.
Should you not be rejoicing in that you are becoming
more like Me.
You were made in the image of God and are now
being restored to My image.
What the fall of man caused, I am redeeming.

I died for a purpose and that purpose was to bring
life forever.
In Me you shall never die.
Beloved do not look at your temporal body which
is made of dust
but look unto Me and see that who you are will
live forever.
You have the hope of eternal life and that life is
in the Son.

He who has the Son has life and he who does not
have the Son does not have life.

Beloved, you are clean through the word I have
spoken to you.
Look into the mirror of My Word and you will
see much and I will shake off that which is not
Holy as you spend time with Me in My Word
and before Me.

Draw closer to Me, My beloved Bride.
Draw closer to Me.
Come to Me all of you that are carrying those
heavy burdens and lay them at My feet.

The foot of the cross is where you need to leave
those heavy loads.
They are too cumbersome for you to carry.
Why do you carry them when you know that
I will carry them for you?

Give over all your cares of this life and carry
only the burden of the Lord that I will put on
your heart.
The blessing of the Lord adds no hardship
with it.

Come unto Me, My precious ones and call
upon Me and I will answer you.
Yes, I will answer you in ways that you will
not comprehend. Beloved I am your Father,
your high priest and soon coming King.

I live to make intercession for you.
How can you not be victorious with Me
interceding for you. My Father hears the
intercession of the Son.
I hear your intercession as it comes up
before Me.

Intercede beloved, intercede.
Do not look to others and be examining their walk.
Examining your own walk with Me.
Come before Me in intercession not feeling that you
have to but because of your love for Me.

I love it when My beloved comes before Me.
I would that My beloved would awaken for I have
much to give her and
I will use her mightily as she stands with Me.

Stand with Me.
Fellowship with Me.
I long for more fellowship with you Beloved.
Will you come to Me.
Even in the night hours I wait to hear your cry.
You sleep but I wait to hear the heart of the
intercessor cry out and call upon Me for the souls
of men.

I long to hear you say Father.
I long to hear you call Me by My name.
The name of Jesus should be on your lips and My
name has been given to you.

I am your advocate and so you always have
someone to defend you.
I am your advocate.
This means that I stand there in the circumstances
of your life with you.
I am working on your behalf.
Yes, know that I am working on your behalf.

Do not be discouraged.
Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.

Guard your joy.
It is a fruit of My Spirit.
If the enemy can come and rob you of your joy then
he has taken your strength to fight the battle.
Beloved, the joy of the Lord is your strength to stand
and walk and live in Me.

Maintain your garden.
Water it and keep it free from the weeds of everyday
To tend a garden you need to care for it daily.
Watering your garden with My Word will keep it well

Beloved it is the little foxes that come into the vineyard
to spoil the precious fruit while it is yet immature.
Guard the precious fruit in your garden and chase
the foxes out in My name.

Use My name Beloved.
You forget to use the keys of the kingdom and the
name of Jesus is the first and foremost Key.
I Jesus am the door and the key to eternal life.
Use the keys of the Kingdom that I have given you.

Realize that those keys have been given to you and it
is you who must open the doors that should be open
and shut the doors that should be shut.
I left the keys of My Kingdom for you to use.
Use them.
Today if you hear My voice act upon what I am
saying to you and begin to use the keys of the
Kingdom to open the doors you desire to be open.
There are keys in My Word.
There are answers to the doors in My Word.
Glean from the Word and I will teach you.

I will teach you My Word as you spend time with Me.
Allow Me to teach you.
Be teachable and do not think that you know
everything because I teach those that are teachable.
Be teachable.
Be ever willing to learn for you will always be a
student of My Word you will never have arrived
until you leave this life and enter into Eternal life.

Remember what I am saying to you.
Do not just disregard My Words but hear the voice
of My Spirit and what the Spirit of the Lord is saying
unto the body of Christ.
Prepare yourself and get ready for I am about to do
a new thing.

Get ready for those things that are unexpected and
do not live in the earthy and mundane world but live
in the heavenly realm.
You are not in this world and you are not seated here
but you are seated in heavenly places with Me.
I will say it to you again beloved.
You are seated in heavenly places with Me.

It takes awhile for some of mine to get this into
their hearts.
Open your heart and receive the Word of the Lord
for I am saying I am there for you in all
circumstances and I am your victory and your
shield. I will be all that you need.
Remember I am all that you need.

Desire Me.
Need Me.
Call out to Me.
I am there for you.
Beloved, I Jesus am with you.
I am with you always.

The Burden on Your Heart

When I place a burden on your heart it is time to pray.
It is time to come to Me and come without delay.
It is time to come to Me and intercede for the things
that I lay upon your heart.

It is time to carry the burden of the Lord and intercede
for the souls of men.
Are you interceding for the souls of men.
Are you crying out to Me in intercession.

Are you waiting or are you praying?
Are you weeping unto Me for the souls of men?
Are you praying?

I am asking you My children these soul searching
Many of you are intercessors.
Are you interceding?

I am calling out to My intercessors.
I am calling you into the pray closet.
I have called and you have not answered.

I have called you with My still small voice.
You have not heard with your heart.
You have put off your calling and you need to
make your calling and election sure.

It is an honor to serve Me in this way.
It is an unseen ministry.
Man does not see.

I see those that go into their prayer closets.
I hear the cry's that come with tears for the
lost. They are bottled up in heaven.

I see when your heart breaks for that one.
My heart is broken for that one.
That is why I am placing this burden on you.
One soul is of such value to Me.

I paid a price for that one soul as I paid the
price for yours.
They need to be brought into My Kingdom as
you were brought into My Kingdom by
someone praying for you.
Intercede My children, intercede. Call upon
Me and seek My face for I the Lord am calling.

I am calling you into a place of prayer that is
deliberate and unceasing. I am calling you into
the chambers of intercession.
I have been calling and I am again calling to all
of you that are my Bride.

O My Bride you slumber.
My Bride you slumber and sleep.
Awake My Beloved for I am calling you.

You have work to do My Beloved.
You have much work to do and little time to do it.
Why do you slumber when I am calling you.
Awake, Beloved, awake.

The time is coming when I shall have to awaken
you. Gentle nudges are not working. The little
touches that I give you are to no avail for I am
calling you and you do not take the time to
answer Me.

Will you awaken now while there is time?
Do not wait My Beloved. Awake.
Time is of the essence.
Time is being wasted.
The harvest is ripe Beloved.
The fields are ripe unto harvest.
Laborer's are few.

You are the laborers.
Think not that I have called another.
I have called you My Beloved.

You have work to do.
You need to get up and to to where I have
called you.
You need to minister unto those that I
send you to.

Beloved of mine it is time.
Do not put off until tomorrow what you can
do today.

Did I not say "the hour is coming when no man
can work". Does My Word not say" work while
there is time".

Beloved, many of My children are lazy and
many of you do not want to go to the trouble
to bring in My harvest.
You have come into covenant with Me.
You have taken on My name.
You are called by My name.
You are to go in My name.

Did I not say that I would send you out two by
two and that you were to go trusting Me to be
your provision.
Will I not provide for those that I equip for
You have been equipped for My service.

You have been trained to do the work of the
What are you waiting for my Beloved ones.
I have trained you.
Many of you have had more than enough training.

You have been equipped for the Masters service.
You have seen Me in My Word doing what My
Father did?
Go and do likewise.

The day and hour is coming when there will be
great calamity on the face of the earth and the hour
is coming and you have been told this many times,
that no man will be able to work.

It is time to put your hand to the plough and not look
Do not look back.
Look directly at Me.
Put your eyes on Me, My Beloved.

Do not look back.
Many of you are disheartened by your trials and
your tribulations.
Many of you walk in discouragement continually.

It is a spirit and you can shake it off in My name.
The enemy will come at you My children.
Use My name and he shall flee.

Take your authority and use it and he shall flee.
I have given you My authority over all power of
the enemy.
My children you would think that you are walking
in your authority for you do not have the victory
that you should have by this late hour.

You have yet need to be taught the basic things
again and again and you should now be taking the
meat of My Word and chewing it, digesting it and
as it settles into your heart you should be giving
out that milk and meat to others.

Do not horde what I have given you.
The anointing will increase as you are faithful in
the little things and that anointing that abides in
you will teach you all things.
I am truth.
I am the life.
I am the only way.
Teach these things Beloved.
Go and tell. Go and tell. Go and tell.

Eternity is forever and it is time that you lived in
light of eternity.
Mans souls hang in the balance.
Souls are entering eternity each minute of every day.
Ponder this Beloved.

Right now there are souls entering into eternity,
some to eternal damnation and some to eternal life.

Beloved it time that you win souls.
He that wins souls is wise.
Win souls. Love souls. Love that one and I will send
you to the ten and the hundreds.
Pray for those that need Me.
Allow Me to place the burden of intercession
on your heart.

Beloved it is time to pray.
Pray for Israel. Pray for My Beloved Israel. Do not
stop but make intercession for her night and day.
Do not slumber and sleep but travail and call upon
Me for her salvation.

The hour is late Beloved.
All of My prophets are saying the same thing.
Remember the Words that you have heard.
The Spirit and the Word agree.
My voice is one voice.
My prophets are saying that it is time to pray and
intercede and to do My work.

Many of My prophets are warning of pending
Many speak of My grace and undeserved favor
trying to bring My Bride to a place of action and

O Beloved arise while there is time.
You can come unto Me and I will hold you
when you fear.
I will remove the fear with the authority I have
given you.
I have trained you but you still forget to use the
How can I increase your authority when you do
not use that which is given to you.

Speak in My name.
Use My name.
My name is the name above all names.
Use it to overcome in this hour.

The enemy is on the rampage and will not stop
unless you stop him.
I have given you the keys of My Kingdom.
They are in My Word.
Use My Keys.
There are many keys.
There is a key available for every situation.
My name is the key that you can use to overcome.
The name of Jesus is above every name, named in
heaven and earth.
Above every name.
You are the head and not the tail.
Walk as the redeemed of the Lord and say that
you have been redeemed by My blood that was
shed for you.

There are those of you that are awakening and those
that are bright eyed and awake.
There are those of you that are alert.
There are those of you that wear your armor and
carry the torch and walk with it held high.
There are those of you that are pulling others up
and helping them to stand.
There are those of you that walk in victory.
There are those of you that walk in the power of
My Spirit.

I speak to you now Beloved.
Help those that are weak.
Bear one another's burdens.
Carry them in intercession. Pull them out of the fire.
Bring them back to Me.
Go and bring them in.
Those that once served Me are being wooed back
unto Me.
Let your light shine and go and get them.

Go Beloved Go.
Tell Beloved tell.
Teach all men and
bring all men to My Word
It is truth and It is life.
I Jesus am the truth and the life.
Tell them that I am coming and that I am coming
I, Jesus the King of Kings am coming soon.
Be ready.


I am the Lord and I am calling my people to arise.
I say unto you it is time that my people arise and
as you arise I shall be with you and I shall be all that you
need to stand in this day and having done all to stand.
Stand my people. Stand. Arise my people arise. I
am your light and your salvation.

I am the Lord your God and I will give you wisdom
to fight this battle and win the battle. I am your
wisdom. I am your light. I am the God that healeth
thee. I am the one that will prosper and make the
crooked paths straight.

Arise and I will be your light upon the path. I will
lead you into the battle by My Spirit and My Spirit
shall arise in you and shall be your rear guard. I am
the power and it is my anointing that will break the
yoke. The yoke that has been upon my people will
be broken by the spirit of intercession that shall arise,
yes it shall arise in you and you shall be my battle
axe and weapon of war. You shall do battle and you
shall win for I am the Lord.

Take my sword and begin to fight my children.
Begin to do warfare even in the quiet place and
then you shall take the battle into higher places.
Wage this war wisely together and you shall win.

I am the victory that overcame the world.
I am the victory and you have the victory because
you have me. You have me and I will help you to
contend for the faith. Contend and win. Contend
and win.
Contend and win.

I am the Lord that will lead you into the
battle. Do not go ahead of me but wait on Me.
Wait on Me. I will lead, guide and direct you even
unto death. I hold the keys of the Kingdom and I
will show you how to open doors and shut doors.
I will show you which keys to use and when to
use them. I am all power. I am God Almighty. I
strike and the enemy falls. I am God.

The foe is defeated. Remember this. The enemy
has been defeated. Appropriate this by faith in Me.
He is a defeated foe that will run as you go after
him in the power of the Lord your God. Go on the
offensive at my leading and do not always be on
the defensive. This war must be fought on both
fronts. Wage this war with My skill. I have given
you the skill to fight and as you get into my Word
and saturate yourself with My Word you shall have
the authority and victory that overcomes all
It will overcome the world.

Walk as overcomer's. Be overcomer's. Arise and
overcome all the works of darkness. At My name
the enemy must flee. He must flee. He must flee.
Do not doubt. He has to flee at the power in My
Name. I am God Almighty, King of Kings
and Lord of Glory.
At My Name the name of Jesus. He will flee.

Be victorious. Walk as overcomer's and those
that are overcomers will walk with Me in white.
Overcome beloved, overcome.

God Will Use You

I am going to take you and use you as one that will
stand in the gap, says the Lord. You will stand in the
gap for My people. Pray for My people for My people
are going through great difficulties and I would have
you to stand in the gap for them.

I will lay them upon your heart, says the Lord. Yes,
I will put individuals upon your heart andyou will
stand there on behalf of My Bride and on behalf of

Moses stood in the gap on behalf of the children of
Israel and I honored his faith. I say unto you as
Moses stood in the gap, so I would have you to stand
there on behalf of the children of God.

Their sins are many but as you stand there and one
by one they are prayed for, their sins shall be white
as snow. I would move in you and My Spirit is even
now stirring to move you to prayer and you do not
always know what to do with that moving of My
Spirit but I would have you to yield and to pray
for My children are needy.

You have been blessed by me, says the Lord,
beyond many and as one that has been blessed
by Me I would have you to stand in for those
that have been less fortunate than yourself and
intercede for their deepest needs.

Do not look to your needs in any way but as you
intercede for others I will take care of your needs,
says the Lord.

You do not pray for yourself but I have made it so
and as you stand in for others your prayers for
them will bring divine blessing on your household,
says the Lord.

Yes, I am taking you and raising you up as an
instrument in My hand, one that will stand and
speak My Words without fear of criticism, for I
am building in you a thickness in the Spirit so that
those words that have been spoken against you
will fall to the ground.
They shall be as dust under your feet.

I am raising you up as one that shall minister the
Word of the Lord unto My people and their
hearts shall be touched, their hearts will hear My
Words under the anointing of My Holy Spirit and
they shall be set free to be all I would have them to
be in Christ.

Yes, I am taking you and making you a sharp
threshing instrument in My hand and I will make
you a gazing stock in My Kingdom that will bring
glory to My name because you will be willing to be
a fool for My sake.

You will be one that will love the unlovely and take
care of those that others do not care about.
The fear of man shall be gone and you shall minister
the Word under the power of My Spirit. It shall be
an anointed Word. Claim that what I have spoken,
I shall do, says the Lord.
I am God and I will have the last say in whom I will
use in these days and I am looking for yielded
vessels, those that I can fill with My Words and ones
that will obey Me without question but will do what
I say and will honor Me.

You have gone through much to be brought to this
place, says the Lord and the testings of My Spirit
are not finished. I have not finished with any of My
children. I am honoring you and those that would
not honor you will now honor you.
I am making you an instrument that will bring glory
to the body of Christ as My body is in desperate
need of building. Build My Body with My Words
and uphold My holy name.

True Beauty is My Holiness

I am pure and holy.
I desire your heart to be pure and holy.
I am holy and I would have my children to be holy
in all manner of conversation.

Words spoken need to be tempered by My Spirit.
It is time for my children to put a watch at the door
of their hearts and their mouth will then line up with
My Word.
Guard your heart for out of it flow the issues of life.

I the Lord am the Holy One.
You have been separated unto Me and that separation
is a Holy calling.
I walked a holy life while I was upon the earth and was
and am without sin.

You say in your heart, how can I walk holy and
blameless before God for I am human.
You can do so by the power of My Holy Spirit.
My Spirit is Holy.

The Spirit of Holiness will work in those of My children
that desire to be like Me.
Without holiness no man shall see the Lord.
Does the word holiness make you uncomfortable?
It should not.
Holiness is a part of My character.

Be ye holy for I am holy, says the Lord.
Draw nigh to Me and I will draw nigh to you.
Come into My presence and you will become like Me.

Learn of Me
for I am meek and lowly in heart.
Learn from my Word that I Am a holy God.
My blood that was shed for you cleanses you from all
Repent of your sin and I will forgive you your sins.
I will forgive you from all unrighteousness.
I will cleanse you.

Heaven is a place for the pure and holy.
There is no sin in heaven.
You cannot perfect yourself.
Allow Me to perfect you.

The more you spend time in my presence the more
you will become like Me.
Do not rationalize sin.
Put away sin.
Choose to walk in holiness before Me.

I am looking for those that will walk a holy walk.
Purity is a quality in My bride.
Love for Me will produce holiness.

True beauty is My holiness within your heart.
My Father is looking for holiness.
When I took upon myself the sin of the world
My Father could no longer look upon Me.
Sin separated us.
I became sin who knew no sin.
I became sin for you that you would have a life
free of sin.
I came to set you free from the power of sin.
I came to break the hold of the devil, the power
of sin and death that he was holding.
I broke that power for you.

You will die naturally one day but if you serve
Me you will not die spiritually.
That was broken by My work on the cross.
I am your advocate with the Father.
I live to make intercession for you.

My bride will be without spot or wrinkle.
She shall overcome by the blood of the Lamb
and the Word of her testimony.

My bride will want her life hid in mine.
She will desire for Me to be glorified.
Glory brought to Me will bring My bride
great joy.

It brings Me great joy when I see My children
walking in holiness.
Stay close to the cross and walk with me
intimately if you desire to be holy.
Desire to be holy.

You need to be cleansed often.

My angels say, holy, holy, holy Lord God
Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

Allow Me to begin a cleansing of sin in your
Pray for the mind of Christ.
Let the mind of Christ be in you.
Renew your mind.
Renew your mind in My Word.
Be ye transformed by the renewing of your

Sanctify yourself wholly.
Line your hearts up with the Word of God.
I am the Word of God.
I am the way, the truth and the life.
My heavenly Kingdom is an kingdom where
holiness dwells.
My angels are holy.
They serve a holy God.
They dispatch My commands and My
commands are always holy.
My commandments are holy.

I never speak contrary to the Word.
How can I speak contrary to what I am.
I am a holy and righteous God.
Wash your garments.
Prepare your hearts.

I am looking for hungry hearts that will
desire my holiness.
Make yourself ready my beloved.
I am returning for My bride
Be ye holy.

Come into my presence and sing of my
Rejoice in My holiness.
Love My Holiness.
Praise My Holy name.
Magnify the name of the Lord for I am holy
Holy is the Lamb that was slain.

Holy is the Lord God Almighty,
Praise My holy name.

Do Not Fear Me, Believe

Why do you allow your soul to be disturbed at what is going
on in this world?
You are in this world my child but not a part of it.
You are seated in heavenly places with Me.
You are in Christ far above all principalities and powers
and need to live there.
You are the temple of the Holy Spirit and need to walk as one
that is My temple.
You are My dwelling place and My dwelling place needs to be
filled with power each and every day.
You are the dwelling place of the Spirit of God.
My disciples were filled with my Spirit and look at the power
that flowed from their lives.
Is this power flowing from your life?
If not it is time to seek My face and draw from the well.

It is My Spirit that quickens and gives life.
I will quicken your mortal body.
I will empower you to be all that you should be.
I will give you My power and you shall walk in the authority
and anointing of Jesus Christ if you are willing to pay the

The price is staying on your face before Me.
Not many are willing to do so and that is why you look
at the power and the gifts flowing in others lives and say
why is my walk with you not like this Lord.
Spend time with Me and this will change.

I give my power to those that can be entrusted with it.
The anointing has been bought and paid for but you need
to obey me and spend time with Me to allow that anointing
to arise.
The true anointing is something too few of my children walk
They read about it.
They talk about it.
They want it but they are not willing to take the time with Me
to walk in that high level anointing which is My presence.

I will supply all that you need in this hour to walk with Me in
the power of the Holy Ghost.
Desire my power.
Desire the gifts of the Spirit to be manifested in your life.
Hunger for Me.
Covet to prophecy.
Covet the best gift.
Come to Me my beloved and shake off all that is off the world
and move with Me in this hour.
Take upon yourself my burdens alone.
Man will place upon you many burdens that are not of Me.

Take upon yourself only those things that I have laid on your
My yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Cast off all that is not of me and run the race set before you.

The enemy seeks to make my children fearful.
Are you fearful?
Are you afraid of Me?
The enemy tries to make My precious children full of fear
a fear that is not of Me.
He wants you to fear the things that are coming to pass on
this earth and he wants you to be paralyzed because of that

He knows his time is short and that fear will bind you up and
make it impossible for you to fulfill your destiny.
Your destiny does not include fear.
He wants you to fear My judgments.
You do not have to fear My judgments.
They are a part of a holy and righteous God.
You are only to fear Me with a Godly fear that makes
you obey Me out of love.
Perfect love for Me will remove all fear of Me.

I am your Father a Father that you can come close to
and draw your strength from.
I am a Father that you can tell your deepest secrets to
and I will keep them.
I am Father to you and want you to come closer little
one and tell me all your hopes and all your fears.
Every detail of your life interests Me.

You are my treasure.
Yes, my treasure.
You are treasured by Me and because of this
I want you to share all with Me.

It will bring you freedom and you will walk in new
freedom as you remove the wall you have placed
around your heart. Let Me take that wall down
that you have placed there. I will take those
walls down and heal the hurts of your past
and I will seal your future in Me.

I will take you and use you as one that will stand
for the Lord and walk with me and as you are
healed I will use you with others
that have needs.

It is out of your needs that have been met by Me
that you can touch the lives of others.

Come unto me you that are fearful and talk to me
about it.
Come unto me all you that are discouraged and I will
relieve you
of that discouragement.

I will teach you how to walk in the power of My Spirit
and take the Word of God and speak it out of your
mouth and as you speak it the enemy will flee.

Use the authority given to you in My Name. My Name
is powerful and is a name above all names in heaven
and in earth. My name is the name that destroys the
works of the enemy and makes him flee.
He will flee as you use My name and command Him to go.

The day is coming says the Lord when My children are
going to arise and do battle.
Prepare for the way of the Lord.
Plan and spend time in My Word. Saturate yourself
with My Word.
Drink from it until you can drink no more.
Give it out and living water will flow from your inner
most being.
Unblock the wells and fill up those that have run dry.
Fill them again and dip into them and give out of the
living water your neighbors are thirsty.
Give out of the living water for in drinking it they will
thirst no more.
Quench the thirst of all that come to you.
Give it out. Give it out. Give it out.
I am saying to you give out what I have given you.
Allow the river of life to flow through you to touch and
heal and deliver and set free those around you.
Do not be surprised?

Expect healing to happen?
Expect the demons to come out in My name?
Expect to see people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus.
Expect them to be filled with My Holy Spirit.
Expect. Expect. Expect.
Believe. Believe. Believe.

Give and it shall be given to you pressed down shaken
together and running over.
Give. Give. Give.

Love your neighbor as yourself.
You can love in My name.
Believe you can do these things and all things are possible?
Believe and you shall see My works manifested in your life.
Believe. Believe. Believe.

Children put your trust in Me and believe.
All things are possible to you who will truly believe
in the name of the Son of God.
Believe me Jesus, that you can do these things.
Only believe.

Total Trust in Jesus

My children you must seek Me in your situation. If
you do not seek Me, you will sink.
I am with you in your circumstances.
I am the only one that can uphold you.

Lo, I am with you alway even unto the end.
I am with you.
I see your tears.
I see your heartaches.
I see your heavy burdens.
I am not a hard taskmaster.

Give Me your burdens.
Give Me your cares for I care for you.
I will be Lord of your circumstances.
I am Lord of all.

Do you need My help and refreshing today?
Come unto me and I will help you.

I will uphold you with My right arm.
Rely on Me.
Trust in Me.
Build on Me, the Rock.

You are troubled.
You are concerned about so much My children.
Trust Me.
Put all trust in Me.

The world is shaky.
The world system is shaking.
I am the solid rock in the storm.

Trust Me my precious ones.
Bring all your concerns to Me.
Concerns about loved ones.
Concerns about finances.
Concern about you making it.

Bring it all to Me.
It is too overwhelming for you to try and figure
it out.
Outside are wars.
Inside is turmoil and you must bring all to Me.

I am your Father and I care so very much for you.
My love will cover you.
Come unto Me and bring all to Me.

I will abundantly pardon all your transgressions.
Rebuke all guilt, shame and condemnation of the
enemy and it shall flee.

All have come short of My glory.
I am here My precious one.
I am here for you and you will fine Me very close.
I am very close to the brokenhearted.
I see your broken heart and I would pour in my
balm and heal the deep recesses of your heart.

Allow Me to touch you.
Allow Me to bear your burdens.
Surrender all.
Surrender all.

You are righteous in Me.
Come unto Me today and trust Me to do all in you,
and through you.
Without Me you can do nothing.

Rely on My strength each step of the way.
Step by step, I will lead and guide you even unto
the end of your journey.

Put your trust in Me.
I am worthy.
I am the Lamb of God.
Fear not but put all trust in Me,
the author and finisher of your faith.

Let faith arise in your heart today.
Be of good courage and I will strengthen
your heart.
The just live by faith.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by my Word.
Read my Word today.
Fill your heart with My Word.
It will lift you up and encourage you.
It will refresh your soul and give you
fresh determination.
Keep My Word before you and in your heart
at all times.
Let my Word dwell in you richly.
Fill yourself with thoughts of Me.
Think on the Word of God.

Think on those things that are good and
pure and lovely.
Think on these things and the God of peace
will sanctify you wholly.

I am peace in the storm.
I am peace in your circumstances.
I am peace where there is no peace.
I am the peace that overcame the world.
I am the Prince of Peace.
Seek peace and pursue it.
In pursuing the peace of God you are
pursuing me.
Peace is a fruit of My Spirit.
Rest in My peace today
Knowing I do all things well and am
in control of all things.

Nothing can happen except I first allow it to
No circumstance can take place unless I permit it.
Total trust in Me will bring total peace to your
troubled hearts.
Trust in Me, the Prince of Peace.
I am the God of all comfort and will bring you peace.
Rest in Me this day beloved.
Rest in Me.

Prepare for I Am Coming Soon

Prophecy-Prepare for I am Coming Soon
by Patricia Hamel

The Spirit of the Lord would say unto you,
that as you walk softly before Me,
I will elevate you to that position.
It is the Lord God alone that can elevate you.
Walk softly before Me and put your trust in Me
that as you are obedient unto Me I will place
you in that position of honor and trust.

I am the one that places my children where I
would have them.
It is not man that will place you but I will place
you says the Lord.
Now is the time of your preparation,
Now is the time to seek my face
for the day shall come says the Lord, when you
will be too busy and look back and say, "I would
like to have spent more time with my God".

Seek me now.
Prepare now.
Know my presence now.
The day is coming says the Lord,
that my children will be very busy caring for those
that I bring into my Kingdom and the day is coming
when the days of preparation will be over and the
day of harvest shall be upon you.

Come unto me now and prepare your hearts in the
quietness of my presence for the day is coming says
the Lord when there shall be a quick work done and
you shall say I never expected God to move this fast.

I say when I move I will move quickly and so quickly that
you shall be astonished at the moving of my Spirit.
I am moving quickly now but the day is coming says the
Lord when you had best be ready for the move of
My Spirit.

I am moving in each one of you and doing a quick work
in your hearts.
Do not be in a hurry for anything except to run into my
open arms and jump into them and say Jesus I am here
and ready to get my marching orders.

They are being prepared even as we speak together and
as you are being prepared others are also being prepared
and then my great and mighty army shall go forward together
as one in ranks and they shall not break rank from the least
to the greatest they shall march as one.
You shall march as one body, my body and with one mind and
one spirit together says the Lord and you shall march against
the powers of darkness and defeat them.

The day and the hour of great travail is coming when my
children, my bride shall bend their knee before me as one and
come into the spirit of unity and when that day comes says
the Lord it shall be a mighty day. The angels in heaven shall
march with you says the Lord into the battle and you shall take
out the strongholds that the enemy has placed there to hold
you back.
There shall be no holding you back but you shall go forward,
marching, treading, treading, praising and praising your Saviour and
and you shall go forth praising with the two edged sword
in your mouth and the word shall come out of you as a sharp sword
with sweetness and honey but with great deliberation shall my
Word be poured forth from you.

Get prepared to do my works. Get prepared to do
the Works of the Lord your God.
Did I not say you would do the greater works?
Get ready, expect miracles and you shall have miracles.
Expect, expect, expect and it shall happen as you walk in the faith
and power of the Lord your God.

I have given you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and all power
of the enemy and as you pray and apply my blood to your lives, nothing
shall hurt you but you shall walk as overcomer's in the body of the Lord
your God and you shall know victories you never thought possible.

I say unto you expect the dead to be raised, expect great and mighty
miracles. Expect healing, genuine healing that take place instantly.
Expect the moving of my Holy Spirit and I shall move..

I am the God of the impossible.
I am great my wonders to perform.
I have been limited, but my power is unlimited.
Only you limit me.
I am the God where you can take the limits off and see me work.
You defeat yourselves,
Take off the limits and see what I will do.

The world will look and they shall believe when they see the great
and mighty things I will do.

Darkness will increase and gross darkness but you my bride will
get brighter and brighter.
Arise my beautiful one arise in all of your glory and splendor
for I am calling you to prepare.

My beautiful bride prepare for the day of the Lord is at hand
and I have work to do with you to bring in the harvest.

I work together with my Bride. You do not work alone but I Jesus
will work together with you for you are becoming more like me each
day and the day is coming when the harvest will be complete and
you will have made yourself ready.

Then my beloved we shall go to the Marriage supper I have prepared.

Be patient unto the coming of the Lord but prepare and get ready
for the day and the hour will come as a thief in the night.

Oil your lamps, prepare your hearts, be ready to meet, me for I
am coming soon.
Beloved, get ready.

An Invitation

The Word of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous
can run into it and be safe.
Come my children come and draw from My Word.
It is a strong and safe place to dwell in this hour.

Dwell in the Word of the Lord. The righteous can run
into My Word and be safe.
It is a place of richness to dwell in and is full of milk and
My Word is sweet.
Taste My Word and see that it is good.
It is good and will not fail you.

It is the sustainer of your life and as you reach out to Me
I shall sustain you even in the most difficult of circumstances.
Choose to come to me for I am drawing you into living water.

My Word is alive and as the babe leaped in Elizabeth's womb
so shall my Word leap in your hearts.

My Word is alive. It is so alive that it will do what I would
have it to do in you and in others.
Allow my Word to live in your hearts by faith.

Faith in My Word will take you to heaven.
Faith in My Word shall keep you now.

Make choices that are according to my Word.
Wisdom in my Word shall keep you and as you seek wisdom
you shall be blessed by Me, says the Lord.

Seek the wisdom and consul of my Word for in it are the
answers for your life.
I am the Word of God and I shall live forevermore.

I am the bright and morning star.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,
the first and the last and the one that is to come.

Come unto Me, the living Word.
Spend time with Me.
I Jesus am the living Word.
As you abide in Me, you shall find joy and you shall find
There is safety in Me.

I shall honor you as you honor Me, in my Word.
Ask Me for a new love for My Word.
It is a tasty morsel for those that are hungry.
Come and taste the bread of life and you shall hunger
no more.

Come and see that the Lord is good and there is no want
to those that put their trust in Me.
I am a place of quiet rest where you can place your
confidence in this hour of deception.

I am the Lord that will give you answers and the Lord that
shall heal thy diseases.
I will heal your sicknesses.

Come unto me and walk into the pool of living water.
It never runs dry and you can drink from the well of living
It is so good that it will quench your thirst and you will not
thirst again.
Trust in the living bread and you shall be as one that is full.
You will be full in your heart and in your spirit.

Come unto me, the living bread and be satisfied.
Won't you come unto Me, for I am the living bread
and the only one that satisfies.
Come and thirst no more.

The Spirit of Intercession

Prophecy-The Spirit of Intercession
by Patricia Hamel

I am calling you forth as one who will stand in the gap for many.
You shall stand in their place and pray and call upon me for mercy.
You shall stand and call upon me for their transgressions and I shall

Call upon My name.
Intercede for those that I lay upon your heart.
As you are obedient to the spirit of intercession I will increase that
burden and you shall be as one that shall travail, says the Lord,
even for your Nation.

Call upon me and do not doubt that I hear you for I hear you when
you call upon Me and am quick to answer the call of a broken and
contrite heart.

You have a broken and contrite heart and this is a heart that I do
not despise.
You have a heart that is open to the moving of My Spirit and you
have a heart that is open to worship, says the Lord.

You love to worship and praise My name.
It gives you great pleasure to worship My name.
As you worship Me, even in that intimacy with Me I shall lift you
into heavenly places with Me.

You shall be lifted up and soar as the eagles sore as you worship
My holy name.
I am holy and you are aware of my holiness.
This sets you apart from many.
You are aware of my holy Name and
you are also quick to repent of your sins.

Though they are as scarlet, they are made white as snow.
Call upon Me, go into your prayer closet and call upon Me for
your loved ones, your neighbors and friends.

The spirit of intercession is coming upon you and you are aware
of this.
Yield to the spirit of intercession within and go with My flow and
your walk with me will deepen even further as you go into the
prayer closet and intercede with Me.

I will fellowship with you in the prayer closet.
Worship Me and praise Me for whom I am.
Worship and magnify Me for I am with you.

The enemy shall not have opportunity for as you seek me, I
shall rebuke the devourer for your sake and I shall raise you up
even further in My Kingdom.
You shall be known as one that stands in the gap.

It is a silent place and a place of humility and holiness but I am
preparing your heart for this service to Me.

You are being prepared for deep intercession. I am breaking
your heart continually for my purposes.
You cry for My purposes, and I see a heart that is tender.

Your tender heart can get you hurt but you are willing to take
that place.
Many are not.
I see your heart and your desire to walk perfectly before Me.

I will honor you and I will sustain you in the difficult times for in
honoring me, I will honor you, says the Lord.
Do not be discouraged with your circumstances, for I am here.
I will never forsake you and never leave you.
You are mine.

Be of good courage and I shall strengthen your heart.
I will pour in My fresh oil into your wounds and bind them up
and heal them.
You are mine and I bind up the brokenhearted.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
I have given you a heart that is tempered with mercy.
Thank Me for a heart that is merciful.
Many will see this as you walk closely with Me and continue to
reach out in love and mercy.

Look only to Me and only put your trust in the one you love.
I Jesus am the author and the finisher of your faith.
Ask me for a deeper spirit of intercession and I will give you
your hearts desire.
I will give you my heart for My people and I will be your
buckler and shield.

Trust in Me.
I am faithful and will never leave you or forsake you.
Again I say, you are mine.
Put your trust in Me.
Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.

Let the spirit of intercession arise again and I shall fill you
with faith filled words that shall touch My heart, says the Lord.
Ask and you shall receive the wisdom to stand in the gap for
You are willing to pay the price, and as you are, I shall use
Again I say, be of good courage and I will strengthen your
heart as an intercessor in the Kingdom of God.

I will lay burdens upon your heart that are heavy to carry but
as you are willing, I will bring increase in ministry to Me.
Increase will be your reward and you shall have the reward of
souls that will come to me.

Intercede and they shall come.

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars:
see that ye be not troubled: for all of these things must come
to pass; but the end is not yet.
Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom
against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences,
and earthquakes, in divers places.

My Word says that there shall be wars and rumors of wars.
Do not allow your heart to be troubled my children.
Many of my children are troubled and walking in fear.
When you are troubled, you are not trusting in Me.

I can keep you in the palm of My hand.
Do you not know that you belong to Me.
Your life is in My hands.
Do not be troubled and do not fear but put your trust in Me

There are many voices in this hour and many words being
spoken and many are valid.
Many are not.
This can lead to confusion if your eyes are not upon me
Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith.
Put your trust in Me.

I am the Lord and there is no other place where you should
put you trust.
Trust in Me.
Have no other gods before Me.

I will use prophets to speak my words but you must learn
to take the prophetic word and test it with scripture.
Pray for wisdom.
Try all things.
Learn to hear from Me.

Many of my children do not know My voice and this
is where the confusion is coming in.
You need to know My voice.
Know my voice.
Learn to know My voice by sitting at my feet.
Take time to be still.
Open your Word and sit before Me and soak in My
Be still before Me and you will know that I am God.

I desire to talk with you.
Come aside and talk with Me.
Come before Me with a holy heart and I will talk to you.

My sheep need to know My voice.
Hear My voice.
You will not follow another when you know Me.
My sheep know My voice.

I am the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Hear Me.
Try all things.
Test the spirit to know whether it is of God.
The spirit and the Word will always agree.

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Does a word draw you closer to Me.
Fear not.
Fear not.
Fear not.
Children do not fear anyone but fear the Lord.
Perfect love casts out all fear because fear has
The enemy loves to torment.
I lead and guide by My Holy Spirit and I am peace.
I will lead and guide you into all truth.
You need truth in this hour.

I will lead you and as you wait on Me, I shall answer
You shall know what to do and the decisions you
must make.

Spend time with Me.
I am calling all of my children into the prayer closet.
Open the door and enter my beloved,
for I would spend time with you.
I would calm your heart and touch your ruffled
soul and bring you peace in the time of storm.
I would take you into my arms and love you and
wrap my everlasting arms around you and you shall
know that I am your Father and the comfort of my
spirit will be with you. As you spend time with Me
my Holy Spirit will begin to arise within you and you
shall know that your dwelling place is in Me.
All other ground is going to sink and come to nothing
but you are being held in the arms of God.
Let me take you and hold you in My arms.
I am the Lord.
Put your trust in Me.
I am your God.
Love Me.
Get all things right with me.
Know that I desire your best and you will have my
best for your life.
I bring joy not confusion.
I am not, I repeat, not the author of confusion.
Seek peace and pursue it.
Love it and you shall have peace.
In this world you shall have tribulation but be
of good cheer, I have over come the world.
I overcame and you too will overcome.
Your will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb
and the Word of your Testimony.
Love not your lives unto death, but love Me.
I Jesus will see you through.
Trust Me.

Come aside with Me my beloved.
Allow the storm to pass.
I am here and want to put my arms of compassion
around you and love you.
You are mine and were bought with a price.
Come into My presence.
My presence is real.
Fellowship with Me.

Lay aside all the cares of this life, what you shall eat,
what you shall drink and what you will wear tomorrow.
These are the concerns of the world.
Know that I am your provision.
You are in this world but not of it.

The world fears.
Perfect love casts out all fear.
Walk in faith.
Do not waver.
Have faith in Me.
Faith in Jesus the Son of God who died and gave
himself for you.

Come close to Me.
Come closer.
I am drawing you.
Come closer to Me.
I am here.
I am calling.
Come against the fear and rebuke it.
It shall leave.
Come close to me.
Faith is the opposite of fear.

Learn my Word
Fill your heart with faith filled words.
Words from my Spirit.
Words from the Word of God.
Keep my Word in your hearts
and dwell in them.
Watch and guard your heart for out of it
come the issues of life.
Guard your heart against fear.
Fear not.
I am saying this to you often because
I know the tendency of man to fear.
It began in the garden of eden and
man has been troubled with this spirit
ever since he first sinned.
Walk in newness of life for I died to set
you free from the spirit of death and to
give you life. I broke the power over the
enemy when I died for you and rose again.
I fought for you.
Now stand and fight for Me.
Arise and shine for this shall be your finest
I will sustain you.
O you of little faith.
Be prepared for what is coming upon this earth
but turn your eyes my beloved and look into
mine for you shall see my passion and love
for you my beloved.
Arise and shine forth as a bright light in this dark
I have given you the victory. Take that victory and
overcome in My Name.
There is power and authority in the name of Jesus
over all power of the enemy.
Take it and use it.
Fight for the good against the evil.
Do not fight people.
You are waring not against flesh and blood but against
the principalities and powers of this world, spiritual
wickedness in high places.
Fear is in high places and must be brought down.
Come together as a body and remove the fear from
the heavenlies for it is a spirit that hovers over the land
because of sin.
Repent of fear.
Trust in Me and you will have no fear.
Pray also for your children and be careful not to transfer
fear to your little ones in your conversation.
Children have listening ears and they are the church of
tomorrow and need to have their hearts guarded.

Above all, children put you total trust in me for I Jesus will
shortly bring things to pass that must come but be of good
cheer for I overcame the world, the flesh and the devil
and used the word and overcame.

You too shall walk as overcomer's as
you trust in me.

The Refiner's Fire

But who may abide the day of his coming and who shall
stand when he appeareth? For he is like a refiner's fire,
and like a fuller's soap: Malachi 3:2

I am refining my people.
I am removing all that is a mixture in their lives..
I am like a refiner fire and a fullers soap.
I am refining your life.

I am moving you from your past and into your present.
I am working so that you would be able to deal with
your past and put it behind you.
I would have your past cleansed and have the
sin of your past put behind you.

The generational curses need to be broken in your
Get set free from the things you need to be delivered
from and move on.

This is a new day and I would have you to move into
present day living.
Now is the day you need to live in the present
and live today to the fullest for Me.

I would build you up and have you to live in My Word.
It is your dwelling place.
You are in this world but not of it.
The world is your past and as Israel came out of
Egypt after forty years so I am bringing you out of
your past and into the promised land.

I say that there are many giants between the wilderness
and the promised land and as you deal with those
giants they shall be seen as grasshoppers.

Your vision of Me will depend on how you see your
trials and and the things you are now facing.
Your goliath can be slain as you learn to take the Rock
and hit the target.
Hit the enemy in the head and slay him.
It is in tearing down those high ranking spirits in the
heavenlies that the opposition will come down.

David went for the head and the rest came down.
I would have your life to be consumed by My Word
as nothing else matters but what you have done for

All mens plans shall come to nothing and only My
plans bear fruit.
Live today and live in My Word.
Dwell there.
Do not look at the situation in the world except to
pray and intercede for them.

Do not camp there.
The Israelites looked at their situation, rebelled and
dwelt in the desert for forty years and only two came
out with those twenty years and younger into the
promised land.

The rest died in their wilderness.
Sin will cause you to rebel and die in the wilderness.
You need to learn the lessons I have given to you
during your time in the wilderness, grow from them
and only look back to remember, so that you will not
go there again.

He who looks back is not worthy of My Kingdom, but
put your hand to the plow and go forward.
It may seem difficult and as you plow new territory it
is never easy.
Breaking up new ground will always bring new need
of Me.

You cannot work and build in your own strength. You
need fresh oil to do My work.
I remind you that you are not building your kingdom
but mine.
This can only be done through the power of the Holy
I said "Holy Spirit".
I am holy and so what is done for Me must be done
in holiness to bring holy results for My Kingdom.

Be reminded that only what is done for Me will last.
All that is built on wood, hay and stubble will fall to
the ground.
It has been tested and found faulty.

Solid Rock is the only place to build.
A sure foundation is what you need to build on.
I am the solid Rock that Rock of offense but that
Rock is the only place of safety.

Build on Me the Rock, for I Jesus Christ am that
solid Rock.
Spend time building your foundation.
It will be worth time spent when building to make
sure that I am the chief cornerstone.

I am the Rock of offense that shall be your defense
against the enemy.
I am that Rock that you can hurl at the enemy and
It is in My Name that he will flee.
Do not be fearful of the foe but learn to turn My
Word on him and as you do so you will become
more confident in your moving against him.

Move toward Me and against the enemy.
Sharpen your sword until it is sharp.
Put on the full armor of God that you can stand in
the evil day and having done all to stand.

Make sure that you have checked your armor and
put on the breastplate of righteousness and the
hope of salvation. Put on the full armor of God.
There are many parts to the armor of God and
you will need the shield of faith where you will be
able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy.

Quench the fire of the enemy with the fire of My
Holy Spirit.
My Spirit will show you how to defeat the darts.
Remember to stay covered in My blood and to keep
your lives free of sin.

When you do sin, come to Me immediately and
repent and you will be cleansed from all unrighteous-
The key is to come and come quickly.
You are not under the law but grace.
You do not go to hell because you fail once but it
blocks your walk with Me.

I turn my face from sin and as you sense the
withdrawal of My presence it is either because of
sin or because I am wanting you to come and run
after Me, your Bridegroom and seek Me out.

You will find Me when you seek Me with your whole
Seek Me and you will find Me.
I, Jesus Christ am Lord.
Make Me Lord of your life.

There is no good thing that I withhold from him who
walks uprightly.
No good thing that is needed for My Kingdom.
Trust Me for I will be your provision.
Man is not your provision nor is this world system.
I am your provision.

Did I not provide for My children in the wilderness.
They were provided manna daily and instructed how
to collect the manna.
Would I not show you where to find food, O you of
little faith.

It is not in storing up for tomorrow that you will have
more faith in Me, if your trust is not in Me.
Trust Me.
Trust Me.
I will see you through.

Did I not divide the red sea and did not my people
cross over, and was the enemy not defeated?
The horse and the rider fell into the sea.

The enemy was defeated.

Did not Deborah and Barak sin that song of victory
and you too shall have victory in My name. You
shall have victory as Jael did and slew the enemy
Sisera and you shall know how to drive the peg
into the enemy and defeat him.

I am teaching you to put your hands to war and to
fight and win.
Learning warfare takes time and you will always
be learning.

Do not go on what you think you learned yesterday.
Ask for fresh insight, wisdom and discernment on
waging this war.

A new day brings new insight and wisdom.
Pray for wisdom for all of My body.
My children need wisdom.
I watch them flounder and sink and am just waiting
for them to cry out to Me.
Cry out to Me, Jesus and I will come to your rescue.

I walked on water and rescued Peter. Can I not
rescue you.
Let me rescue you.

Now put your future into my hands and live one day
at a time.
If you worry about tomorrow, you will live in fear.
Live today in my presence.
Live for today and do not look to tomorrow for
sufficient today is the evil.

Tomorrow is in my hands.
Allow Me to rescue you from your troubles and to
see you through.

I am the way through.
I am the path and I am the light at the end of the
I am the light and I am the only light on your path.
Look and see the light for I am ever walking you
as you trust Me and I am ever leading you forward
step by step.

As you walk in My steps it shall be easier if walk
where I walk.
Follow the path of My Word.
It shall lead you Home.

I Will Set You Free

I am holy. I am holy.
I am the Lamb of God that takes away the sin
of the world.
Holy is My Name.

I am worthy for I am the Lamb of God that
takes away the sin of the world.

Open up your heart unto Me.
I would take away your sin.
I would deliver you from the sin in your life.
I know how to deliver man from the most
horrible sins.

I am the Lord that delivers.
I am the great deliverer.
Did I not deliver My people out of Egypt.
Can I not deliver you.
Can I not set you free from your bondage.

Call upon Me.
Call upon My Name.
Cry out to Me and I will set you free.

I will open your prison doors.
You are in a prison that has no doors on
the outside but inside yourself you are in
a prison.
I would deliver you from your prison.

I would deliver you from alcohol. I would
deliver from drugs.
I would deliver you from the sin that so
easily ensnares you.

Do you want to be free?
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

Call upon the Name of Jesus. There is
power in My Name over all power of the
My Name has delivering power.

Did I not deliver the gaderene?
Can I not set you free to be what you
are called to be?
Trust in Me.

Call upon Me and I will answer you.
I am a loving God that longs to set the
captives free and open the prison doors
to those that are bound.

There is deliverance from the demonic
bondage that you are in.
You are feeling alone in your sin.
You are not alone.

I am here to help you.
Cry out to Me.
Cry out to me and I will deliver you.

You shall not remember the sins of your
I am a covenant keeping God and I do not
break covenant with My people.
Make a commitment to Me.

Ask Me into your heart and as you do this
it will be the beginning.
If you repent of your sin I am faithful and
just to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

Do you think I am a man that I should lie?
I do not lie.
I am truth and in Me there is no lie.

I will bring freedom and life and the power of
My Spirit shall flow through you and you shall
know the freedom of God.

You shall know the truth and the truth shall
set you free.
The truth is that you need Me.

You need to make a decision that you have
been putting off.
Make the decision today for you do not know
what tomorrow holds.

Come to Me today for now is the day of your
Now is the day of your deliverance.
Call upon Me and I will answer you.
I will answer you in your distress.

I see your loneliness.
I see your despair and I long to come to you.
You have held back saying "there is no help".

I am telling you the things that you have said.
You have said "I have done too many bad things".
You have not gone too far.
I can set you free.

I am calling you to come unto me now.
Do not delay.
Put all your trust in Me.

I Jesus can set you free.
I can open your prison door.
I Jesus can deliver you for there is power in my
Name to deliver you.

Come and come now.
My Spirit is calling and saying to you "come".

Now is the day of your salvation.
Now is the day of deliverance.
Let this enter your heart.

Do not receive this word with your head but
hear with your heart.
Open your ears and hear what the Spirit of God
is saying unto you.

Prepare yourself for the day of the Lord is at
hand and I shall return as a thief in the night.
Be ready for My returning.

You have an eternity to gain and a hell to shun.
Do not delay.