
Saturday, February 2, 2008

Keep Your Eyes on Me

Much change is taking place right now
and your eyes need to be planted firmly on Me.
See Me and see Me alone, for if you take your
eyes off of Me and put them on your situation for
more than a moment you will fall.

The time has come for you to walk totally by
faith and not to look to the left or to the right
but to look straight ahead at the Lord your God.
I will lead you and guide you by the right hand
of My righteousness.

Much perfecting is being done to each one of Mine
in this hour for it is indeed late and so you are going
through one trial after another getting ready for
the battle.
In this battle says the Lord all the forces are being
The forces of light are gathering together and as
My forces are being gathered together so are the
powers of darkness.

You know who wins the battle beloved.
I have won this battle and every other one and
you too have won because you are Mine.
Keep pressing on and move forward little by little
and do not break ranks but move forward a bit at a
time and as you move forward you shall take
Move forward slowly and steadily and do only
what I have called you to do.

Do not fear but walk steadily.
Walk with extreme caution yielding all to Me.

Faith is a mighty weapon and by it men will
win as it pleases Me to see men and women
walk in faith not seeing where they are going.
It is a walk that is alive and as you put one foot
and then the other forward you shall see just
enough to take the next step.

It is a walk that is not for the faint of heart
but it is for you.
My warriors are not faint hearted men and
women but are warriors that are full of courage
and the zeal of the Lord.

I am not raising up children but I am raising
up Sons of God who will lift up the weak and
carry them in prayer and take them and lend
them your support.

Do not be faint hearted but walk with hearts
that are filled to overflowing in faith.
Yes, I said overflowing in faith.

This walk will require fingers that are leafing
through the pages of the Word of God daily
and taking in My wisdom and understanding.
What I say to you today will differ tomorrow.
You will need fresh marching orders daily.

One day you may be told to press on going
forward, as has been said, but then on another
day, I may say to you stop and gain the needed
strength for the battle.
You will learn to rest in the battle.
Rest in the perfect peace of God.

You will learn to rest in Me, says the Lord.
You learn this slowly through many years of
trials and testings and it is not a lesson that you
learn over night but one you learn little by little,
here a little there a little line upon line will I
teach you My ways.

My ways at times are past finding out.
This is why I said to keep your eyes on Me.
Yes, I do reveal things to My servants the
prophets but there are those moments that
you are also required to walk by faith as I
am going to speak to you and tell you alone
what steps to take and you will not always
have a Word from another in your walk
with Me.

You must learn to hear from Me and learn
to be directed by Me for the day may come
when you and I are alone together and then
you will need to know Me.
Knowing My voice is imperative in this battle
otherwise how will you know where to move.

Positions change and can change quickly
when at war and one is not always in the
same place. I move My soldiers and things
can change at My command and in a
moment. I am giving My marching orders
in split second timing and there will be
moments that you need to be ready to
move and go where I send you.

This is exciting and you need to rejoice at
a life that is far from mundane but full of
the life of your Lord.
Rejoice also that you are a partaker of
Christ's sufferings.

This is not something My children are
fond of hearing as it is not a part of the
gospel that My children like to hear.
It is part of the gospel to also suffer for
My sake.
Rejoicing in the fellowship of My sufferings
is given grace when grace is needed.

You will all need a fresh grace to ahead
daily and you need to ask Me for My grace,
wisdom and a fresh infilling of the Holy
Spirit to go forward.
Take the shield of faith and hold it and learn
to take the shield and know that faith is
ever moving as it is faith in Me. One
moment you will move your shield one way
and then another time another as it is then
that you will quench all the fiery darts of
the enemy.

He is indeed sending out those fiery darts
and aiming to hit but know that they cannot
hit if there is not an opening in your armor.
Check your armor.
Check for flaws and examine it as you go
into battle.
What do you see?
What do you need to prepare before the
next battle.

Do you need take in fresh food for strength?
Do you need to prepare you weapons for war?
Do you need sleep for strength?
Read your manual which is the Word of God
and you will see directions and instructions.

You need those instructions as you cannot
just move out without them.
You need to hear from Me clearly through the
Word and by My Spirit in prayer.

Prayer and intercession will pave the way
that you will go in faith.
There are yet rivers to cross and as the
Israelites had to cross dangerous territory
know that there are still many ites in your
path that need to be defeated.

They do not all look the same so you must
see with your spiritual eyes and not your
natural ones.
Do not be deceived by what you see in the
natural for man may say one thing, and I
the Lord your God another.
Test and try all things.
Be wise like the ants as they prepare for
Prepare and be wise.

I placed knowledge of them in My Word
for a reason.
Have you see how they move and get
along together every one going about
their own business.

O that My children would do likewise.
Yes, My children you do learn from the
smallest of creatures the wisdom of God.

Beloved of Mine.
Go forward in faith and do not look back
but look to Me the author and finisher
of your faith.
You see it started with Me and it ends
with Me.
I must carry you.

Will you let Me carry you?
Faith in Me will carry you.
Hope in Me will give you grace to go on.
You cannot quit now and many are growing
weary of the battle.
Stop and refresh and regroup and then I
will pour in fresh oil and you will move

Test the Spirit before moving forward.
Try all things.
Believe in Me. Try all things.
No one can declare Jesus Christ Lord who
is not Mine.
Again, try all things.
Did I not say that even the very elect could
be fooled if possible.

Did I not say that the wheat and the tares
would grow together in the same place until
the harvest?
Be wise and discerning but not suspicious.
The wheat will bend and the tears at the
end will be left upright.
Humble yourselves under My might hand
and walk softly before Me and you will
know I am your God.

I will not leave you and will lead you and
guide you to your Heavenly home.
Meanwhile occupy, overcome and walk as
overcomer's in this hour.
Overcome by the blood of the Lamb and
the Word of your testimony.
Testify of Me.
Tell of Me to others and speak to yourself
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
Make melody in your hearts to Me.
Worship and praise Me for who I am and
what I will do through you and in you.
As a caterpillar changes into a beautiful
butterfly so you too will be change.
Do not despise the changes but know the
beauty that will come forth in you
as you go through the changes and pass
through the fire and see the end result.

You are exceedingly precious in My sight.
Yes beloved you are loved and precious in
My sight.
Know My love for you in all that you go
through, and know that I am with you each
step of the way and you are not walking alone.

Faith acts so go forward in the power of My
Spirit and My Word will lead and guide you
to the end.