
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Prayer and Intercession for Your Nation

My beloved it is time to pray fervently for your
Pray for those that are in authority over you.
My Word says to pray for those in authority
that you may live a quiet, peaceful and Godly life.

Do you want to live a Godly peaceful life?
Then it is time to pray and intercede for your
I am moving by My Spirit and calling you to

It is time as a Nation that you draw close to the
one and only true God.
I am the living God and it is time that you draw
close to Me. I am the Lord Jesus Christ and I
am calling you now and saying come unto Me
while there is time.

I am calling you forth as a Nation to pray and
intercede for those that are in authority.
It is time to pray for your leaders for they are
found wanting.
It is time to enter into the prayer closets of the
nation and bend your knee and your hearts
before Me and it time to call upon me with your
whole heart. I will not longer honor half hearted
praying that comes up before me.
I shake my head at some of the prayer that
comes up before Me and I am expecting better
of those that are called by My Name because
I know that you know that you are capable
of much better.

Those of you who have been called to be
intercessors. You know your calling.
Fulfill your calling.
Those of you that have been called by My
Name have been called to certain ministries
and I am expecting you to double your efforts
to fulfill them.
It is time that I am going to fulfill you call in
you and will give you a double portion for what
I am asking you to do.
I equip my children for the call that they have
upon their lives.
I equip the saints for the working of ministry.
I will equip you with all that you need to fulfill
your destiny.

I have filled you with My Holy Spirit and given
you the ability to speak in tongues for a purpose.
Do not leave this power unused.
It is the power of My Spirit that will make the
difference in the success or failure of the mission
I have given you.
It is time my beloved to apply yourselves to the
work I have given you.

It is time now where man can work.
I say that the day and the hour is coming when
no man can work and so it is time to pray and
ask me each step of the way what I would have
you to do to fulfill your ministry.

Whatever I ask you to do.
I would have you to walk in obedience and
fulfill your calling.
If you are called to build up the body of
Christ then do so.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous
man avails much.

My children are busy about so very much.
Be busy about Me.
Be busy with Me.
Spend time with Me.
Yield to Me.
Draw near to me and I will draw near to
you my beloved.
It is time to come closer to Me.

It is also time for you to draw closer to
those in my body of like precious faith and
stay in the sheepfold.
The enemy is walking around like a roaring
lion seeking whom he may devour.
Stay in the fold.
Stay close to one another.
Listen to one another.
Build one another up in the faith.
Iron sharpens iron.
You have been called to sharpen one
Know you not that you are the temple of
the Holy Ghost and that My Spirit dwells
in you.
You are Mine.
You were bought with a price.
I paid the price.
You no longer belong to yourself.
You are mine says the Lord.
It is time to act as if you are mine.

Draw close to me and walk in the integrity
of my heart.
I am calling you to a holy calling.
It is time to walk with me and walk in the
anointing I have called you to walk in.
My power is not dead.
My power is living and I am not a dead God
but a living God.
Arise and walk in the power of My Spirit as
one that serves the living God.

Walk as those that you see in My Word.
Walk as the Daniels and Elijah's and the
Paul's of today.
Walk in the power of my spirit and you will
walk with the Spirit of Elijah and the power
that Daniel had in dealing with the King. It is
time beloved that you began to move in faith
and move in the power of the Holy Ghost for
I have given you the power of My Spirit.
It is time that you walk in it.
Walk in it.

Begin to pray for your nation and the nation
of Israel.
Israel, the apple of My eye needs your
Pray day and night as the watchman on the
Call upon Me for Israel as it you mean it.
Call upon Me for your Nation as if you expect
me to do something.

I hear the prayer that comes before me and it
is the prayer according to My will that I
Pray in the Holy Ghost and you will receive

Pray for My will to be done on earth as in
Bring My will to this earth.
Bring My Kingdom forth in Your life.
Freely you have received and it is time for
you to freely give.

Give of yourself as the intercessor that you
are called to be. Do not leave all the work
to those few in leadership but join in and
allow the spirit of intercession to take hold
of your heart and allow Me to melt your
heart. Allow me to melt your heart so that
My Spirit can flow through you at will.
Allow me to melt you so that you will become
one with Me and My will.

Call upon Me and I shall answer.
Nations are rising against nation.
Kingdoms are rising against kingdoms and
it is time for my Kingdom to come in you
that My Kingdom might be manifested
before the world.

I would have My will be done on earth as
it is in heaven.
How I would desire to move in your midst.
I would do so much for you if you would
go into your prayer closet.

The abundant life that some have.
You could have that life if you would serve
with the integrity of your heart.
I am changing hearts.
I am changing men and women.

I am looking for the integrity of your heart
to be the heart of the Father manifested to a
lost world.

I am calling forth those that will be willing to
walk forward in the Power of My Spirit and
walk together in unison together in the army
of God.
I am the Lord of Hosts the leader of this army
and I am calling you forth to follow Me.
Follow Me.
I am raising up those that will walk and not
veer to the left or the right but will look
straight at Me and the call they will answer
at a moments notice.

There are only a few that will do so.
This is why My Word says, many are called
but few are chosen.

I have chosen you.
It is time my beloved bride.
I have chosen you and it is time to prepare
yourself for war.
War must come and then there will be peace.
Prepare for war.
Get ready my beloved to fight the daily
battles for as the battles increase you will
be prepared.

Preparation is in learning of Me by spending
time at My feet.
Draw from the strength that I will pour into
you and walk in the integrity of your heart
wherever I send you.

Get ready beloved to go to high places of
government and low places where the lost
and dying are together waiting for you.
Get ready to minister to Kings and at the
same time minister to the drunk in the gutter.
I am leading you to all those that are hurting
and they are from all walks of life.
There are those that are in government that
feel alone and there are those that are solitary
that need to be set into families.

There are those that are in the military that
need your prayers and those at home.
Pray for divine solutions to natural problems.
Pray for divine outcomes to things that look

I am a God of the impossible. I am the God
that took those out of the fiery furnace
and I can help you who are in the furnace
of affliction to come out untouched.

You who work in government places, I would
use you there.
You who work in schools I would use you
there to pray for the authorities and the children
for they are tomorrows church.
I would have you to call them into my Kingdom.

Divine opportunities. I am giving you divine
opportunities. Take them.

You will reap what you sow.
Sow my Word and reap a harvest of souls.

Think not because there are those that are in
corporate places in high positions that they
cannot come. They are the lonely places.
Those that have much in the ways of this world
are very lonely.
Pray for divine transfers.
Pray for transfers of funds to the work of my
Pray for money to come from unusual sources.

Pray for My work to be financed.
I finance My Work.
Support those in the work of Ministry.
I will tell you where to place your funds.

Think Kingdom. Think Kingdom. It is time to
think as one that builds my Kingdom.
Be a Kingdom builder.
Rule and reign here.
Change your thinking. You have thought small.
Think big.
Think as I think.

I can do much in one day as you think as
Kingdom minded servants and I can do much
with one that will think, rule and reign in my

Reign here. Walk in authority here. Move in
My power now.
Reign with Me now.
Expect from Me now.

I will bring divine release of the gold and the
wealth of the Kingdoms of the World into
hands that I can trust to do my work and
perform my Word.

Allow Me to move you and do mighty things
through you.

Pray for the gifts to flow through you. Pray
for the fruit to be manifested in your life.
Honor those in authority over you for in
doing so you will walk in divine authority.

Walk as one that serves and see what I
will do.

I Jesus come quickly. Pray without ceasing
in the Holy Ghost and yo shall have divine
Expect Scriptural moves of God as in the
book of Acts.

Expect to walk in New Testament power
and you will walk on water. Expect.

Expect. Expect.

I am the God of the Divine Miracle.

Ask and you shall receive.

Ask and expect impossible things from my

I put in Kings and remove them. I do so
Expect as you tear down strongholds that
I will move and fill them with my power.

I am in control and I am a loving God who
longs to do abundantly above all you ask
or hope for.
Expect from Me.

I will move and bless you as you obey Me.

Obey me for it is the key to your happiness
in My Kingdom.