Hear the call of My Spirit. Hear Me as I call you
to intercession.
Deep calls to deep and I am calling you to come
to Me now.
Come to Me and cry out to Me.
Cry out with your whole heart.
I am entreating you and calling you.
You are hearing that call in your inner most
Deep is calling to deep.
Let Me stir within you and do not resist the
stirring of My Spirit.
I am stirring you in the depths of your soul.
You know that the days are short.
You know that the times are becoming more
You know that it is a season of war and that
all of Mine must be sharpening their weapons.
You must know what weapon to use and
when to use it.
On a given day one will be correct and at
another time you must use another strategy
to overcome.
I will give you divine strategies straight
from My Spirit that speaks within you.
Divine strategies straight from the heart of God.
Yield to Me.
Listen to Me.
Take hold of Me and do not let go.
I am speaking and drawing all of My children
closer and I am drawing you.
Drawing you and saying come into the prayer
The door is open and I am knocking ever
knocking and looking to and fro in the earth
that I will find even one that will stand in the
I am looking for the persistent intercessor
the one that will give their life in intercession
for Me.
I am looking for the prophet that will speak
My words without fear of man.
This will be the greatest snare in the last days.
The fear of man always brings a snare and
goes contrary to My Spirit.
You must delete all fear and put total faith in
My love.
My love never fails.
Prophecy's will come to an end but My love
will never end.
I am God. I am love.
O beloved you do not yet know what I have
in store for you for you are a woman of
destiny and are called for My purposes.
You are a called out one and know that you
are called out for divine business in this hour.
I am pruning. I am working. I am drawing you.
I am moving by My Spirit digging and digging
all that is not of Me so that you will be pure
The gem in My hand that will sparkle and be
used. You are a gem in My hand and I will use
you to dazzle the world with My love.
You will sparkle and your face will glow with
My love. You shall shine and the bright and
morning star will arise in you and His light
shall be shed abroad in your heart and light
the path of men.
Child of Mine draw nearer.
Come nearer to Me.
Come child, come closer for you have much
yet that I would teach you.
You have much yet to share with others.
There is fresh food at the Saviour's feet.
Tasty food that will feed the multitudes.
Tasty food from living Word that will ignite
The fire of My Spirit is burning in you this
night and I have ignited the fire of My love.
Let My love burn in you for it will kindle a
fire that will not go out.
Let the fire of My love burn to others.
Take the fire of My love and let it shine and
let it burn and let it move where I would take
Yes, beloved you are called of Me even to take
the spoken word and speak to those that I
have called you.
You shall speak to those in authority.
Yo shall speak to those in places that you would
not dare to go in the natural. You are a voice
that will speak for Me.
Do not fear. Do not hold back but turn it all
over to Me.
Great and Mighty is the Lord and praise My
Holy Name.