Yes, beloved. I spoke of the last days and the end of
times and you are living in the end time. Many are
in deep denial but you are living in the last days.
Be alert, be prayerful, and interceeding and do not
back down. Stand firm in what you believe and know
that I am coming soon. You have much work to do
and most of that is in the prayer closet as My intercessor
and speaking My Words to My people. They are
in deep need of hearing truth. The pure truth of
My word needs to be flowing through My prophets
without fear of man. You must be willing to speak
My truth at all times and not fear for it will bring
a snare. Root out any fear that may be laying there
and stand fearless before Me and before the people.
Do not worry about their faces but speak it forth
exactly as I give it to you. My love will cover you
and in the end the price paid will be little compared
to what is reaped for My Kingdom.