
Saturday, March 8, 2008

I Will Have the Last Say in the Earth

The Word of God is yea and amen. The Word
of God is going to have His way in the earth.
The name of the Lord is going to be glorified,
and all that is not of Him will come down. The
name of the Lord is higher than any other.
The name of the Lord is to be praised and He
will not be defeated. Praise Him My People
for the Lord will have His way. The enemy
will not triumph and the Lord will have His
way in the Nations of the earth. Either they
will bend to the Lord or they will break for
everything that has breath will praise the
Lord. Rejoice people over what I am doing
in the earth. Though the earth shake and
roar do not be troubled but pray. Though
all shake and shake and shake donot be
afraid at what I am doing. Am I not the Lord
and doing a just thing. Out of judgment
will always come those that turn their hearts
to Me. I am calling out a people that will serve
me wherever I call them. My Bride wears
army boots and I am calling you forth to do
battle and win. Do not think defeat. Think
victory. Praise Me through all of your trials.
Put on the garment of praise for the spirit
of heaviness. All shall know that I am the Lord
from the least to the greatest. All shall know
that I am the God of Heaven and earth and
the soon coming King. Do not back up. Do not
retreat. In the good timesturn to Me. In the
difficult times praise Me. In those tough times
press into Me for you have been called to do
battle and it is an honor to serve Me. Rejoice
that you have been called in this hour to serve
Me. Serve Me with gladness and let a song arise
in your heart today.