
Monday, March 17, 2008

Jesus is Lord

I am Lord of your mountain tops and Lord of your
valleys. You have a mixture in your life. One day you
will need to climb and the other day you will need to
learn to rest even in the valley. It is there that you
grow. If you had your choice you would live on the
mountain top but you would not grow there. That is
why you are going through tests that make you dig
deeper into the luscious fertile valley and find Me.
Dig into My Word and find Me there even in the
difficult season of your life. I am Lord of your
mountain top experiences and Lord of the valleys
that you go through. I will bring you through all
of these experiences and not one is without great
value in the school of learning. Daily you are
learning new things. Though they are simple
there are new lessons to be learned from each
experience. Rejoice in the Lord always and again
I say rejoice for I Jesus am Lord of your mountain
tops and Lord of your valleys. I am there in each
one and will never forsake or leave you.