
Monday, April 14, 2008

Do Not Keep Silent

They will not listen nor will they hear.
Though I use you to warn them their hearts are
hardened through the deceitfulness of their sin.
The ramifications are great.
Storm clouds are on the horizon.
The darkness is at the door.
Yet eyes do not want to open and remove the
slumber from their eyes.
Open your eyes you silent ones.
Do not keep silent but speak and say what the Lord
is saying.
Do not keep silent but speak.
The time is near so much nearer than you realize
and hearts are hardened and wandering away.
The enemy is working to snatch away all that he
can for he knows his time is short.
No longer will you keep silent but speak the truth
in love.
No longer will you come out with those words that
will minister to the heart but not totally transform
lives. I will give you words that prick the conscience
and words that will turn man to Me. He will make
the decision to follow Me. It will be a sharp word
and a cutting word but it is time that man heard the
truth about their plight.
The day is here and the truth needs to be revealed.
Eternal life and eternal death are being faced by many
and choices made now will affect man for all eternity.
Men and women need to get off the fence.
Either they are in the world or in the Kingdom.
You can no longer keep silent as you see men walking
like fools to their demise. Speak the word of the Lord
and let My Words fall where they will fall. Pray for the
soil to be prepared and pray for those that come into the
Kingdom that their roots will grow deep in Me. Then teach
them to go and do likewise. Man has been coddled for too
long with a prosperity gospel. It is a gospel, the gospel of
Christ that will cost everything to follow Me. If that is
preached then pocketbooks would not be filled to the same
extent and so man is conscious of how he preaches. It is
time that the truth is preached and that it preached in an
uncompromising way. The truth of My Word is that the
gospel will cost you everything if you are fervent for Me.
Are you prepared to pay the price? Is My church prepared
to pay the price to walk the walk of obedience. Obedience
is what I am looking for. Total obedience. Partial obedience
is not obedience for how can you be partially listening to your
parent and have praise. No, it is not the praise of men that
will satisfy but the praise of your Father in Heaven. Seek for
My praise alone. The just will live by faith and I will renew your
faith so that you soar like the eagles. Rejoice in Me. You are
free to speak and be all I would have you to be. Spread your
wings and fly for from this day your food shall be food that is
meat that shall sustain and satisfy.