
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Little Foxes


The Little Foxes

Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. Sol. 2:15

We live in a surveillance society, and the enemy of our soul also surveys and takes note of what is going on in our lives.  We are told that in scripture it is the little foxes that spoil the vine.  The meaning of this is that the little foxes would come into the vineyard and steal the yet immature fruit off of the vine so that it could not come to maturity.  When fruit begins to flower and bloom it looks very inviting to this furry creature.  On first look the fox can appear so cute but they are very cunning indeed.  They are also a relative of the wolf family which brings understanding to relating to its attack as an attack of the enemy.

We all have a vineyard to take care of even if it is small one.  It may be your home and family that Father has entrusted to you.  It may also be a budding ministry.  I hear the Lord saying, it is the little foxes that spoil the vine.  We need to be on guard, and discern all that comes into our garden (territory) and that beyond.  We need to keep our eyes and ears open.  Have you been battling little things in your life.  Do they often get blown out of proportion by the enemy and seem so much bigger than they really are.  We need to discern these little foxes for sometimes they are visible but often are not what they seem. 

Let Father God show you the little foxes in your life.  You need to throw them out of your garden.  We need to tend our garden and keep our heart clean uprooting all that is not of the Lord.  Plainly we need to do spiritual housecleaning even more often than we do natural cleaning.  It is so easy to tend our physical home and yet leave our spiritual house which is the temple of Holy Spirit neglected.  Should we not instead first get our spiritual home in good condition, and repair that which needs repairing.

Take time to come to Father today and ask Him about the little foxes.  He will reveal to you what He wants you to deal with and He may also help you to pray for someone else that is also battling the little foxes. Where two or three are gathered He is there in the midst.  We are also to bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Let Father reveal to you the little foxes that are spoiling your vine.  Jesus is the true vine and we are the branches so let us come to Him believing that nothing will come near our dwelling that is not of Him. Let us pray Psalm 91 for protection against all works of the enemy knowing that it is His Word that will destroy the little foxes that spoil the vine.